Семестрова к/р з читання 9 клас

Додано: 21 травня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 165 разів
5 запитань
Запитання 1

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How much food does your family buy every year? How much of that food do you throw out? Nearly one third of the food produced in the world every year is wasted - that's 1.3 billion tonnes! This is terrible because almost 800 million people in the world do not have enough to eat. Why do people waste food? One reason is the expiry date on food products. A lot of food is still  good for a long time after the expiry date. But when a food product reaches that date, we throw it out because we think it will make us  sick if we eat it. Supermarkets  throw out a lot of food too when it reaches the expiry date. Adam Smith, a British chef, decided to do something about the problem. He set up The Real Junk Food Project in December, 2013. His idea was very simple: find food before it is thrown out; check it to make sure it is safe to eat; cook it and sell it. The Project has its own cafes where customers pay whatever price they want for the meals. They call this "pay as you feel". There are lots of people who support this movement and visit the cafes. But that's not all Adam Smith does. He has also opened the first food waste "warehouse" in the UK, where customers can buy food that has been thrown out by supermarkets and other businesses. It's also "pay as you feel" and it has already helped many poor families to feed their children. This is a global problem, but you should act locally just like Adam, and start with your family and friends. Here are some tips to stop waste: 1) Go shopping only when you're full. When you're hungry, you tend to buy too much food. 2) Put unused food in the fridge to keep fresh. 3) If you've got some ingredients, but no idea what to cook, use the Internet to find a suitable recipe.  Remember, when food is wasted, the time, money and energy used to produce the food is also wasted. Don't add to the problem, be part of the solution!

How many people are starving in the world?*

варіанти відповідей

1.3 billion

800 million

2/3 of the population

1/3 of the population

Запитання 2

How much food does your family buy every year? How much of that food do you throw out? Nearly one third of the food produced in the world every year is wasted - that's 1.3 billion tonnes! This is terrible because almost 800 million people in the world do not have enough to eat. Why do people waste food? One reason is the expiry date on food products. A lot of food is still  good for a long time after the expiry date. But when a food product reaches that date, we throw it out because we think it will make us  sick if we eat it. Supermarkets  throw out a lot of food too when it reaches the expiry date. Adam Smith, a British chef, decided to do something about the problem. He set up The Real Junk Food Project in December, 2013. His idea was very simple: find food before it is thrown out; check it to make sure it is safe to eat; cook it and sell it. The Project has its own cafes where customers pay whatever price they want for the meals. They call this "pay as you feel". There are lots of people who support this movement and visit the cafes. But that's not all Adam Smith does. He has also opened the first food waste "warehouse" in the UK, where customers can buy food that has been thrown out by supermarkets and other businesses. It's also "pay as you feel" and it has already helped many poor families to feed their children. This is a global problem, but you should act locally just like Adam, and start with your family and friends. Here are some tips to stop waste: 1) Go shopping only when you're full. When you're hungry, you tend to buy too much food. 2) Put unused food in the fridge to keep fresh. 3) If you've got some ingredients, but no idea what to cook, use the Internet to find a suitable recipe.  Remember, when food is wasted, the time, money and energy used to produce the food is also wasted. Don't add to the problem, be part of the solution!

Why do people throw out food when it reaches its expiry date?*

варіанти відповідей

People think the food is bad

People like to waste food

it is still good

People are sick

Запитання 3

How much food does your family buy every year? How much of that food do you throw out? Nearly one third of the food produced in the world every year is wasted - that's 1.3 billion tonnes! This is terrible because almost 800 million people in the world do not have enough to eat. Why do people waste food? One reason is the expiry date on food products. A lot of food is still  good for a long time after the expiry date. But when a food product reaches that date, we throw it out because we think it will make us  sick if we eat it. Supermarkets  throw out a lot of food too when it reaches the expiry date. Adam Smith, a British chef, decided to do something about the problem. He set up The Real Junk Food Project in December, 2013. His idea was very simple: find food before it is thrown out; check it to make sure it is safe to eat; cook it and sell it. The Project has its own cafes where customers pay whatever price they want for the meals. They call this "pay as you feel". There are lots of people who support this movement and visit the cafes. But that's not all Adam Smith does. He has also opened the first food waste "warehouse" in the UK, where customers can buy food that has been thrown out by supermarkets and other businesses. It's also "pay as you feel" and it has already helped many poor families to feed their children. This is a global problem, but you should act locally just like Adam, and start with your family and friends. Here are some tips to stop waste: 1) Go shopping only when you're full. When you're hungry, you tend to buy too much food. 2) Put unused food in the fridge to keep fresh. 3) If you've got some ingredients, but no idea what to cook, use the Internet to find a suitable recipe.  Remember, when food is wasted, the time, money and energy used to produce the food is also wasted. Don't add to the problem, be part of the solution!

How much do customers at The Real Junk Food Project cafes pay?*

варіанти відповідей

regular price


as much as they want

according to the bill

Запитання 4

How much food does your family buy every year? How much of that food do you throw out? Nearly one third of the food produced in the world every year is wasted - that's 1.3 billion tonnes! This is terrible because almost 800 million people in the world do not have enough to eat. Why do people waste food? One reason is the expiry date on food products. A lot of food is still  good for a long time after the expiry date. But when a food product reaches that date, we throw it out because we think it will make us  sick if we eat it. Supermarkets  throw out a lot of food too when it reaches the expiry date. Adam Smith, a British chef, decided to do something about the problem. He set up The Real Junk Food Project in December, 2013. His idea was very simple: find food before it is thrown out; check it to make sure it is safe to eat; cook it and sell it. The Project has its own cafes where customers pay whatever price they want for the meals. They call this "pay as you feel". There are lots of people who support this movement and visit the cafes. But that's not all Adam Smith does. He has also opened the first food waste "warehouse" in the UK, where customers can buy food that has been thrown out by supermarkets and other businesses. It's also "pay as you feel" and it has already helped many poor families to feed their children. This is a global problem, but you should act locally just like Adam, and start with your family and friends. Here are some tips to stop waste: 1) Go shopping only when you're full. When you're hungry, you tend to buy too much food. 2) Put unused food in the fridge to keep fresh. 3) If you've got some ingredients, but no idea what to cook, use the Internet to find a suitable recipe.  Remember, when food is wasted, the time, money and energy used to produce the food is also wasted. Don't add to the problem, be part of the solution!

What does the food waste "warehouse" do?*

варіанти відповідей

It feeds poor families

It helps supermarkets to throw out food

It sells food that has been thrown out

It gives food for free

Запитання 5

How much food does your family buy every year? How much of that food do you throw out? Nearly one third of the food produced in the world every year is wasted - that's 1.3 billion tonnes! This is terrible because almost 800 million people in the world do not have enough to eat. Why do people waste food? One reason is the expiry date on food products. A lot of food is still  good for a long time after the expiry date. But when a food product reaches that date, we throw it out because we think it will make us  sick if we eat it. Supermarkets  throw out a lot of food too when it reaches the expiry date. Adam Smith, a British chef, decided to do something about the problem. He set up The Real Junk Food Project in December, 2013. His idea was very simple: find food before it is thrown out; check it to make sure it is safe to eat; cook it and sell it. The Project has its own cafes where customers pay whatever price they want for the meals. They call this "pay as you feel". There are lots of people who support this movement and visit the cafes. But that's not all Adam Smith does. He has also opened the first food waste "warehouse" in the UK, where customers can buy food that has been thrown out by supermarkets and other businesses. It's also "pay as you feel" and it has already helped many poor families to feed their children. This is a global problem, but you should act locally just like Adam, and start with your family and friends. Here are some tips to stop waste: 1) Go shopping only when you're full. When you're hungry, you tend to buy too much food. 2) Put unused food in the fridge to keep fresh. 3) If you've got some ingredients, but no idea what to cook, use the Internet to find a suitable recipe.  Remember, when food is wasted, the time, money and energy used to produce the food is also wasted. Don't add to the problem, be part of the solution!

How can you help to stop waste?*

варіанти відповідей

buy food only at waste "warehouses"

do not buy more food than you need

work for The Real Junk Food Project

don't cook

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