Семестрова контрольна робота з читання. 2 семестр.9 клас

Додано: 16 грудня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 130 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Music in Our Life

People can not live without music. They listen to music, dance to music or learn to play musical instruments. There is music everywhere: at home, in a concert hall, in the park, at the seaside, in the forest and even in the street. We often sing when we fell happy, or when we celebrate different holidays. 

Music is not only a combination of pleasant sounds. It is an art which reflects life. Music reflects people's ideas and emotions. In this world of ours, filled with conflicts, tragedies, joys and hopes, music strives to speak to people of what is most important, urgent and poignant.

Music in the lives of different people is different: some compose music, others play music, and others only listen to it. A lot of people who can not play any musical instrument love to listen to music either at home or at a concert. Different people like different kinds of music. You may prefer pop or rock music, country or folk music, classical music or jazz, but you certainly can not think of a day without music.

Most people also like to produce music – to play different musical instruments. Very often girls prefer to play the piano, or the violin, and boys usually play the guitar or the accordion. Some boys choose the drums as their favourite musical instrument.

When many musical instruments play in band, we call this band an orchestra. Of course, the music of the orchestra sounds the best.

You can hear the tunes of music everywhere, even in the streets.


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Запитання 2

People can not live without music. They listen to music, dance to music or learn to play musical instruments. There is music everywhere: at home, in a concert hall, in the park, at the seaside, in the forest and even in the street. We often sing when we fell happy, or when we celebrate different holidays. 

Music is not only a combination of pleasant sounds. It is an art which reflects life. Music reflects people's ideas and emotions. In this world of ours, filled with conflicts, tragedies, joys and hopes, music strives to speak to people of what is most important, urgent and poignant.

Music in the lives of different people is different: some compose music, others play music, and others only listen to it. A lot of people who can not play any musical instrument love to listen to music either at home or at a concert. Different people like different kinds of music. You may prefer pop or rock music, country or folk music, classical music or jazz, but you certainly can not think of a day without music.

Most people also like to produce music – to play different musical instruments. Very often girls prefer to play the piano, or the violin, and boys usually play the guitar or the accordion. Some boys choose the drums as their favourite musical instrument.

When many musical instruments play in band, we call this band an orchestra. Of course, the music of the orchestra sounds the best.

Music is just a combination of nice impressive sounds.

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Запитання 3

People can not live without music. They listen to music, dance to music or learn to play musical instruments. There is music everywhere: at home, in a concert hall, in the park, at the seaside, in the forest and even in the street. We often sing when we fell happy, or when we celebrate different holidays. 

Music is not only a combination of pleasant sounds. It is an art which reflects life. Music reflects people's ideas and emotions. In this world of ours, filled with conflicts, tragedies, joys and hopes, music strives to speak to people of what is most important, urgent and poignant.

Music in the lives of different people is different: some compose music, others play music, and others only listen to it. A lot of people who can not play any musical instrument love to listen to music either at home or at a concert. Different people like different kinds of music. You may prefer pop or rock music, country or folk music, classical music or jazz, but you certainly can not think of a day without music.

Most people also like to produce music – to play different musical instruments. Very often girls prefer to play the piano, or the violin, and boys usually play the guitar or the accordion. Some boys choose the drums as their favourite musical instrument.

When many musical instruments play in band, we call this band an orchestra. Of course, the music of the orchestra sounds the best.

Boys usually play the guitar or the accordion.

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Запитання 4

Things Used to Be Different Many Years Ago

My name is Mary Baker. I’m a writer. I have written ten books in the past fifteen years and now I’m working on the eleventh. I began writing as a girl and I used to write poems and short stories about birds and animals, and I used to write a lot while I was at the medical college.

Then I got married and started my work at the hospital in London. I used to be a nurse and I worked at a women’s hospital in London. So, as you can see I used to live and work in the capital city, one of the busiest cities of England and now I have this quiet life in a small village in the country, where I write my stories and create my characters.

I can’t tell you I miss my city life. I used to find it very interesting but now I prefer the piece of the country where I can read a lot, think a lot and write my history book. I write historical novels now. I have always been curious about the past and I have always tried to learn as much as possible about those who lived before us. Life used to be really different in those times. People didn’t use to travel in cars and planes. They used to tell the time by the Sun. They didn’t use to buy so much food but grew most of it themselves. Yes, life used to be different many years ago.

Her first poems and short stories were about ...


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Запитання 5

Things Used to Be Different Many Years Ago

My name is Mary Baker. I’m a writer. I have written ten books in the past fifteen years and now I’m working on the eleventh. I began writing as a girl and I used to write poems and short stories about birds

and animals, and I used to write a lot while I was at the medical college.

Then I got married and started my work at the hospital in London. I used to be a nurse and I worked at a women’s hospital in London. So, as you can see I used to live and work in the capital city, one of the busiest cities of England and now I have this quiet life in a small village in the country, where I write my stories and create my characters.

I can’t tell you I miss my city life. I used to find it very interesting but now I prefer the piece of the country where I can read a lot, think a lot and write my history book. I write historical novels now. I have always

been curious about the past and I have always tried to learn as much as possible about those who lived before us. Life used to be really different in those times. People didn’t use to travel in cars and planes. They used to tell the time by the Sun. They didn’t use to buy so much food but grew most of it themselves. Yes, life used to be different many years ago.

1. Mary Baker has written --- books.



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Запитання 6

Things Used to Be Different Many Years Ago

My name is Mary Baker. I’m a writer. I have written ten books in the past fifteen years and now I’m working on the eleventh. I began writing as a girl and I used to write poems and short stories about birds and animals, and I used to write a lot while I was at the medical college.

Then I got married and started my work at the hospital in London. I used to be a nurse and I worked at a women’s hospital in London. So, as you can see I used to live and work in the capital city, one of the busiest cities of England and now I have this quiet life in a small village in the country, where I write my stories and create my characters.

I can’t tell you I miss my city life. I used to find it very interesting but now I prefer the piece of the country where I can read a lot, think a lot and write my history book. I write historical novels now. I have always been curious about the past and I have always tried to learn as much as possible about those who lived before us. Life used to be really different in those times. People didn’t use to travel in cars and planes. They used to tell the time by the Sun. They didn’t use to buy so much food but grew most of it themselves. Yes, life used to be different many years ago.

Mary Baker used to live and work in the capital city of the USA.

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Запитання 7


            People want to use the places where wild animals live for farming or to build bigger cities and factories, so they sometimes kill animals. When one kind of animal cannot be found anywhere any more, we say that it has become extinct, which means that all animals of that kind have died. Other animals are called «endangered» because they are in danger of becoming extinct. One of these animals is the tiger.

             About 100 years ago, over 100,000 tigers could be found in different areas

of Asia, from the Caspian Sea to Indonesia. Today there are fewer than 3,000 tigers left in India, and most of them live in tiger reserves – special parks where the animals are looked after. Only 500 Siberian tigers live in the wild, while the Caspian and Bali tigers have already become extinct.

               Most people think they are not safe from tigers, but the truth is that tigers are not safe from humans, because they take away the tigers' home and kill the small animals that tigers eat. Farmers in Asia kill tigers in order to keep their farm animals safe or to use the beautiful hair that covers their body.

               The good news is that now many people are members of organizations, like the WWF (World Wildlife Fund), which try to stop the tiger and other endangered animals from becoming extinct. In some areas, the number of tigers has actually grown because of the work which is done by these organizations and special tiger reserves. However, it is difficult to stop people from killing tigers, as they can get more than $50,000 just for one tiger. It is very important that we all work together to keep animals safe, because the world needs all kinds of animals.

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People are friendly to all animals on our planet.

 People often kill different animals.

Запитання 8


            People want to use the places where wild animals live for farming or to build bigger cities and factories, so they sometimes kill animals. When one kind of animal cannot be found anywhere any more, we say that it has become extinct, which means that all animals of that kind have died. Other animals are called «endangered» because they are in danger of becoming extinct. One of these animals is the tiger.

             About 100 years ago, over 100,000 tigers could be found in different areas

of Asia, from the Caspian Sea to Indonesia. Today there are fewer than 3,000 tigers left in India, and most of them live in tiger reserves – special parks where the animals are looked after. Only 500 Siberian tigers live in the wild, while the Caspian and Bali tigers have already become extinct.

               Most people think they are not safe from tigers, but the truth is that tigers are not safe from humans, because they take away the tigers' home and kill the small animals that tigers eat. Farmers in Asia kill tigers in order to keep their farm animals safe or to use the beautiful hair that covers their body.

               The good news is that now many people are members of organizations, like the WWF (World Wildlife Fund), which try to stop the tiger and other endangered animals from becoming extinct. In some areas, the number of tigers has actually grown because of the work which is done by these organizations and special tiger reserves. However, it is difficult to stop people from killing tigers, as they can get more than $50,000 just for one tiger. It is very important that we all work together to keep animals safe, because the world needs all kinds of animals.

Some tigers are killed for _____


варіанти відповідей

their fur

their teeth

Запитання 9


            People want to use the places where wild animals live for farming or to build bigger cities and factories, so they sometimes kill animals. When one kind of animal cannot be found anywhere any more, we say that it has become extinct, which means that all animals of that kind have died. Other animals are called «endangered» because they are in danger of becoming extinct. One of these animals is the tiger.

             About 100 years ago, over 100,000 tigers could be found in different areas

of Asia, from the Caspian Sea to Indonesia. Today there are fewer than 3,000 tigers left in India, and most of them live in tiger reserves – special parks where the animals are looked after. Only 500 Siberian tigers live in the wild, while the Caspian and Bali tigers have already become extinct.

               Most people think they are not safe from tigers, but the truth is that tigers are not safe from humans, because they take away the tigers' home and kill the small animals that tigers eat. Farmers in Asia kill tigers in order to keep their farm animals safe or to use the beautiful hair that covers their body.

               The good news is that now many people are members of organizations, like the WWF (World Wildlife Fund), which try to stop the tiger and other endangered animals from becoming extinct. In some areas, the number of tigers has actually grown because of the work which is done by these organizations and special tiger reserves. However, it is difficult to stop people from killing tigers, as they can get more than $50,000 just for one tiger. It is very important that we all work together to keep animals safe, because the world needs all kinds of animals.

Some people can pay over 50,000 dollars for a pet tiger.

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Запитання 10

If an animal is endangered, it cannot be found anywhere in the world.

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Запитання 11


            People want to use the places where wild animals live for farming or to build bigger cities and factories, so they sometimes kill animals. When one kind of animal cannot be found anywhere any more, we say that it has become extinct, which means that all animals of that kind have died. Other animals are called «endangered» because they are in danger of becoming extinct. One of these animals is the tiger.

             About 100 years ago, over 100,000 tigers could be found in different areas

of Asia, from the Caspian Sea to Indonesia. Today there are fewer than 3,000 tigers left in India, and most of them live in tiger reserves – special parks where the animals are looked after. Only 500 Siberian tigers live in the wild, while the Caspian and Bali tigers have already become extinct.

               Most people think they are not safe from tigers, but the truth is that tigers are not safe from humans, because they take away the tigers' home and kill the small animals that tigers eat. Farmers in Asia kill tigers in order to keep their farm animals safe or to use the beautiful hair that covers their body.

               The good news is that now many people are members of organizations, like the WWF (World Wildlife Fund), which try to stop the tiger and other endangered animals from becoming extinct. In some areas, the number of tigers has actually grown because of the work which is done by these organizations and special tiger reserves. However, it is difficult to stop people from killing tigers, as they can get more than $50,000 just for one tiger. It is very important that we all work together to keep animals safe, because the world needs all kinds of animals.

--------people are members of organizations defend tigers today

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Запитання 12


            People want to use the places where wild animals live for farming or to build bigger cities and factories, so they sometimes kill animals. When one kind of animal cannot be found anywhere any more, we say that it has become extinct, which means that all animals of that kind have died. Other animals are called «endangered» because they are in danger of becoming extinct. One of these animals is the tiger.

             About 100 years ago, over 100,000 tigers could be found in different areas

of Asia, from the Caspian Sea to Indonesia. Today there are fewer than 3,000 tigers left in India, and most of them live in tiger reserves – special parks where the animals are looked after. Only 500 Siberian tigers live in the wild, while the Caspian and Bali tigers have already become extinct.

               Most people think they are not safe from tigers, but the truth is that tigers are not safe from humans, because they take away the tigers' home and kill the small animals that tigers eat. Farmers in Asia kill tigers in order to keep their farm animals safe or to use the beautiful hair that covers their body.

               The good news is that now many people are members of organizations, like the WWF (World Wildlife Fund), which try to stop the tiger and other endangered animals from becoming extinct. In some areas, the number of tigers has actually grown because of the work which is done by these organizations and special tiger reserves. However, it is difficult to stop people from killing tigers, as they can get more than $50,000 just for one tiger. It is very important that we all work together to keep animals safe, because the world needs all kinds of animals.

Today Siberian tigers _____

варіанти відповідей

live in wild

live in tiger reserves

have already become extinct.

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