Семестровий контроль читання для 10 класу. Частина 2.

Додано: 28 квітня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 224 рази
6 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text and answer the questions 1-6. Choose a, b, c or d.

In 2006 the organisers of the yearly Madrid Fashion Week banned all models with a body mass index of less than 18. This happened after a Uruguayan model died because of complications owing to extreme weight loss caused by the eating disorder anorexia.

    This brought many young women’s and even young men’s obsession with being thin very much back into the public eye. What is body mass index, or BMI as it is known for short? Well, one’s BMI is worked out by dividing your weight in kilograms by your height in metres squared. Anyone can work out their BMI using a simple calculator: BMI = Kilograms


The result you get is then classified into the following groups.

Recommended BMI chart:

 Underweight                           BMI less than 18.5

Ideal                                      BMI 18.5 - 25

Overweight                             BMI 25 - 30

Obese – should lose weight    BMI 30 - 40

Very obese – lose weight now BMI greater than 40

However, a BMI measurement is not as accurate if you are an athlete or a very muscular person,

as muscle is heavier than fat and can put one in a higher BMI.

    Obesity, however, was not the concern of the Spanish authorities. They asked fashion store owners, some of which are international names, to fatten up their window dummies to a size 10 or more. This is one of a series of actions taken to put pressure on the fashion industry to put an overall ban on the so-called size zero catwalk models. This seems to be essential as there is no doubt that these models have a great influence on young people.

    Most UK shop window dummies are a size 10 with a 34 inch chest, 24 inch waist and 34 inch hips and are 5 ft 10 inches tall, while an average woman in the UK is a size 16 and is only 5 ft 4 inches tall. Health experts are demanding that High Street shops stop using unrealistically thin mannequins in their shop windows.

     Stick thin has been a problem for many years now. Even in the sixties, Twiggy, the super-thin top model, was a huge star, and it looks like young women are going to be starving themselves in the foreseeable future unless action is taken.

What is the main message of the text?

варіанти відповідей

Thin is beautiful.

Too thin is not recommended.

Heavier is healthier.

Thin means healthy.

Запитання 2

Read the text and answer the questions 1-6. Choose a, b, c or d.

In 2006 the organisers of the yearly Madrid Fashion Week banned all models with a body mass index of less than 18. This happened after a Uruguayan model died because of complications owing to extreme weight loss caused by the eating disorder anorexia.

    This brought many young women’s and even young men’s obsession with being thin very much back into the public eye. What is body mass index, or BMI as it is known for short? Well, one’s BMI is worked out by dividing your weight in kilograms by your height in metres squared. Anyone can work out their BMI using a simple calculator: BMI = Kilograms


The result you get is then classified into the following groups.

Recommended BMI chart:

 Underweight                          BMI less than 18.5

Ideal                                     BMI 18.5 - 25

Overweight                            BMI 25 - 30

Obese – should lose weight   BMI 30 - 40

Very obese – lose weight now BMI greater than 40

However, a BMI measurement is not as accurate if you are an athlete or a very muscular person,

as muscle is heavier than fat and can put one in a higher BMI.

    Obesity, however, was not the concern of the Spanish authorities. They asked fashion store owners, some of which are international names, to fatten up their window dummies to a size 10 or more. This is one of a series of actions taken to put pressure on the fashion industry to put an overall ban on the so-called size zero catwalk models. This seems to be essential as there is no doubt that these models have a great influence on young people.

    Most UK shop window dummies are a size 10 with a 34 inch chest, 24 inch waist and 34 inch hips and are 5 ft 10 inches tall, while an average woman in the UK is a size 16 and is only 5 ft 4 inches tall. Health experts are demanding that High Street shops stop using unrealistically thin mannequins in their shop windows.

     Stick thin has been a problem for many years now. Even in the sixties, Twiggy, the super-thin top model, was a huge star, and it looks like young women are going to be starving themselves in the foreseeable future unless action is taken.

What made the Spanish authorities ban certain models from the catwalk?

варіанти відповідей

a doctor’s recommendation

insurance complications

the models’ eating disorders

the death of a model

Запитання 3

Read the text and answer the questions 1-6. Choose a, b, c or d.

In 2006 the organisers of the yearly Madrid Fashion Week banned all models with a body mass index of less than 18. This happened after a Uruguayan model died because of complications owing to extreme weight loss caused by the eating disorder anorexia.

    This brought many young women’s and even young men’s obsession with being thin very much back into the public eye. What is body mass index, or BMI as it is known for short? Well, one’s BMI is worked out by dividing your weight in kilograms by your height in metres squared. Anyone can work out their BMI using a simple calculator: BMI = Kilograms


The result you get is then classified into the following groups.

Recommended BMI chart:

 Underweight                          BMI less than 18.5

Ideal                                     BMI 18.5 - 25

Overweight                            BMI 25 - 30

Obese – should lose weight   BMI 30 - 40

Very obese – lose weight now BMI greater than 40

However, a BMI measurement is not as accurate if you are an athlete or a very muscular person,

as muscle is heavier than fat and can put one in a higher BMI.

    Obesity, however, was not the concern of the Spanish authorities. They asked fashion store owners, some of which are international names, to fatten up their window dummies to a size 10 or more. This is one of a series of actions taken to put pressure on the fashion industry to put an overall ban on the so-called size zero catwalk models. This seems to be essential as there is no doubt that these models have a great influence on young people.

    Most UK shop window dummies are a size 10 with a 34 inch chest, 24 inch waist and 34 inch hips and are 5 ft 10 inches tall, while an average woman in the UK is a size 16 and is only 5 ft 4 inches tall. Health experts are demanding that High Street shops stop using unrealistically thin mannequins in their shop windows.

     Stick thin has been a problem for many years now. Even in the sixties, Twiggy, the super-thin top model, was a huge star, and it looks like young women are going to be starving themselves in the foreseeable future unless action is taken.

What should someone with a BMI of 32 do?

варіанти відповідей

go on a diet

try to gain weight

stop worrying about his/her weight

see a doctor immediately

Запитання 4

Read the text and answer the questions 1-6. Choose a, b, c or d.

In 2006 the organisers of the yearly Madrid Fashion Week banned all models with a body mass index of less than 18. This happened after a Uruguayan model died because of complications owing to extreme weight loss caused by the eating disorder anorexia.

    This brought many young women’s and even young men’s obsession with being thin very much back into the public eye. What is body mass index, or BMI as it is known for short? Well, one’s BMI is worked out by dividing your weight in kilograms by your height in metres squared. Anyone can work out their BMI using a simple calculator: BMI = Kilograms


The result you get is then classified into the following groups.

Recommended BMI chart:

 Underweight                          BMI less than 18.5

Ideal                                     BMI 18.5 - 25

Overweight                            BMI 25 - 30

Obese – should lose weight   BMI 30 - 40

Very obese – lose weight now BMI greater than 40

However, a BMI measurement is not as accurate if you are an athlete or a very muscular person,

as muscle is heavier than fat and can put one in a higher BMI.

    Obesity, however, was not the concern of the Spanish authorities. They asked fashion store owners, some of which are international names, to fatten up their window dummies to a size 10 or more. This is one of a series of actions taken to put pressure on the fashion industry to put an overall ban on the so-called size zero catwalk models. This seems to be essential as there is no doubt that these models have a great influence on young people.

    Most UK shop window dummies are a size 10 with a 34 inch chest, 24 inch waist and 34 inch hips and are 5 ft 10 inches tall, while an average woman in the UK is a size 16 and is only 5 ft 4 inches tall. Health experts are demanding that High Street shops stop using unrealistically thin mannequins in their shop windows.

     Stick thin has been a problem for many years now. Even in the sixties, Twiggy, the super-thin top model, was a huge star, and it looks like young women are going to be starving themselves in the foreseeable future unless action is taken.

Why could an athlete’s BMI be inaccurate?

варіанти відповідей

Because an athlete’s weight goes up and down.

Athletes don’t have any body fat.

Athletes are usually very tall.

Muscle weighs more than fat does.

Запитання 5

Read the text and answer the questions 1-6. Choose a, b, c or d.

In 2006 the organisers of the yearly Madrid Fashion Week banned all models with a body mass index of less than 18. This happened after a Uruguayan model died because of complications owing to extreme weight loss caused by the eating disorder anorexia.

    This brought many young women’s and even young men’s obsession with being thin very much back into the public eye. What is body mass index, or BMI as it is known for short? Well, one’s BMI is worked out by dividing your weight in kilograms by your height in metres squared. Anyone can work out their BMI using a simple calculator: BMI = Kilograms


The result you get is then classified into the following groups.

Recommended BMI chart:

 Underweight                          BMI less than 18.5

Ideal                                     BMI 18.5 - 25

Overweight                            BMI 25 - 30

Obese – should lose weight   BMI 30 - 40

Very obese – lose weight now BMI greater than 40

However, a BMI measurement is not as accurate if you are an athlete or a very muscular person,

as muscle is heavier than fat and can put one in a higher BMI.

    Obesity, however, was not the concern of the Spanish authorities. They asked fashion store owners, some of which are international names, to fatten up their window dummies to a size 10 or more. This is one of a series of actions taken to put pressure on the fashion industry to put an overall ban on the so-called size zero catwalk models. This seems to be essential as there is no doubt that these models have a great influence on young people.

    Most UK shop window dummies are a size 10 with a 34 inch chest, 24 inch waist and 34 inch hips and are 5 ft 10 inches tall, while an average woman in the UK is a size 16 and is only 5 ft 4 inches tall. Health experts are demanding that High Street shops stop using unrealistically thin mannequins in their shop windows.

     Stick thin has been a problem for many years now. Even in the sixties, Twiggy, the super-thin top model, was a huge star, and it looks like young women are going to be starving themselves in the foreseeable future unless action is taken.

What were fashion stores asked to do by the Spanish authorities?

варіанти відповідей

make their models bigger

put pressure on their models

use larger dummies in their windows

use their influence on young people

Запитання 6

Read the text and answer the questions 1-6. Choose a, b, c or d.

In 2006 the organisers of the yearly Madrid Fashion Week banned all models with a body mass index of less than 18. This happened after a Uruguayan model died because of complications owing to extreme weight loss caused by the eating disorder anorexia.

    This brought many young women’s and even young men’s obsession with being thin very much back into the public eye. What is body mass index, or BMI as it is known for short? Well, one’s BMI is worked out by dividing your weight in kilograms by your height in metres squared. Anyone can work out their BMI using a simple calculator: BMI = Kilograms


The result you get is then classified into the following groups.

Recommended BMI chart:

 Underweight                          BMI less than 18.5

Ideal                                     BMI 18.5 - 25

Overweight                            BMI 25 - 30

Obese – should lose weight   BMI 30 - 40

Very obese – lose weight now BMI greater than 40

However, a BMI measurement is not as accurate if you are an athlete or a very muscular person,

as muscle is heavier than fat and can put one in a higher BMI.

    Obesity, however, was not the concern of the Spanish authorities. They asked fashion store owners, some of which are international names, to fatten up their window dummies to a size 10 or more. This is one of a series of actions taken to put pressure on the fashion industry to put an overall ban on the so-called size zero catwalk models. This seems to be essential as there is no doubt that these models have a great influence on young people.

    Most UK shop window dummies are a size 10 with a 34 inch chest, 24 inch waist and 34 inch hips and are 5 ft 10 inches tall, while an average woman in the UK is a size 16 and is only 5 ft 4 inches tall. Health experts are demanding that High Street shops stop using unrealistically thin mannequins in their shop windows.

     Stick thin has been a problem for many years now. Even in the sixties, Twiggy, the super-thin top model, was a huge star, and it looks like young women are going to be starving themselves in the foreseeable future unless action is taken.

How are shop window dummies different from the average woman in the UK? 

варіанти відповідей

They’re shorter and slimmer.

They’re taller and slimmer.

They’re much bigger.

There isn’t much difference.

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