Семестровий контроль читання для 9 класу. Частина 2. Computer games are here to stay

Додано: 29 квітня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 326 разів
4 запитання
Запитання 1

Read the text and answer the questions. Choose a, b or c.

There was a time when computer games were only played by adolescents. However, today they appeal to all age groups. Educational games are played by three-year-olds and there are even exercise workouts for people in their seventies and eighties. Computer games are easy to use, have excellent visual effects, and Internet users can play games with people from the other side of the globe. It is not surprising to discover that in the entertainment world, computer games are overtaking the popularity and financial success of music and films.

The work and money that go into computer games can compete with any film production. It takes thousands of hours of work by artists, animators, musicians, actors, writers, directors, etc. Not to mention computer technicians and programmers who have to create virtual worlds for the characters of the game to exist in. Some online games have virtual worlds for millions of gamers, which means a massive complicated project.

Despite their success, computer games are still not considered to be quality entertainment. It is common to hear people complaining about action-packed films with no storyline as being like ‘computer games’, but this isn’t really fair. Many top film directors, such as Steven Spielberg with his Medal of Honor, are now turning their creative efforts to computer games. Not to mention the amount of games that feature the voices of famous actors, and the soundtracks of many games that are written by famous musicians or bands.

Technology has played a huge part in the success of computer games. The capabilities of games consoles are incredible, compared to just a decade ago. They are fast becoming the only entertainment device that you need in your house, as they can play DVDs, music, use TV services and even offer social networking services. In the future they might even make coffee for you!

There was a time when young people wanted to become astronauts or film stars when they grew up. But a recent survey among teenagers in the USA revealed that the most popular occupation was ‘computer game designer’. The most amazing thing about computer games is that they have only been around for about 50 years. Therefore, as a means of entertainment they are still very young and how they will develop is still to be seen.

Which statement is true about computer games?

варіанти відповідей

Nowadays, all types of computer games appeal to all ages.

They are as difficult to make as films.

Most of the work has to be done by technicians and programmers.

Запитання 2

Read the text and answer the questions. Choose a, b or c.

There was a time when computer games were only played by adolescents. However, today they appeal to all age groups. Educational games are played by three-year-olds and there are even exercise workouts for people in their seventies and eighties. Computer games are easy to use, have excellent visual effects, and Internet users can play games with people from the other side of the globe. It is not surprising to discover that in the entertainment world, computer games are overtaking the popularity and financial success of music and films.

The work and money that go into computer games can compete with any film production. It takes thousands of hours of work by artists, animators, musicians, actors, writers, directors, etc. Not to mention computer technicians and programmers who have to create virtual worlds for the characters of the game to exist in. Some online games have virtual worlds for millions of gamers, which means a massive complicated project.

Despite their success, computer games are still not considered to be quality entertainment. It is common to hear people complaining about action-packed films with no storyline as being like ‘computer games’, but this isn’t really fair. Many top film directors, such as Steven Spielberg with his Medal of Honor, are now turning their creative efforts to computer games. Not to mention the amount of games that feature the voices of famous actors, and the soundtracks of many games that are written by famous musicians or bands.

Technology has played a huge part in the success of computer games. The capabilities of games consoles are incredible, compared to just a decade ago. They are fast becoming the only entertainment device that you need in your house, as they can play DVDs, music, use TV services and even offer social networking services. In the future they might even make coffee for you!

There was a time when young people wanted to become astronauts or film stars when they grew up. But a recent survey among teenagers in the USA revealed that the most popular occupation was ‘computer game designer’. The most amazing thing about computer games is that they have only been around for about 50 years. Therefore, as a means of entertainment they are still very young and how they will develop is still to be seen.

What has Steven Spielberg done?

варіанти відповідей

He has complained about computer games.

He has helped to design a computer game.

He has been a voice actor on a computer game..

Запитання 3

Read the text and answer the questions. Choose a, b or c.

There was a time when computer games were only played by adolescents. However, today they appeal to all age groups. Educational games are played by three-year-olds and there are even exercise workouts for people in their seventies and eighties. Computer games are easy to use, have excellent visual effects, and Internet users can play games with people from the other side of the globe. It is not surprising to discover that in the entertainment world, computer games are overtaking the popularity and financial success of music and films.

The work and money that go into computer games can compete with any film production. It takes thousands of hours of work by artists, animators, musicians, actors, writers, directors, etc. Not to mention computer technicians and programmers who have to create virtual worlds for the characters of the game to exist in. Some online games have virtual worlds for millions of gamers, which means a massive complicated project.

Despite their success, computer games are still not considered to be quality entertainment. It is common to hear people complaining about action-packed films with no storyline as being like ‘computer games’, but this isn’t really fair. Many top film directors, such as Steven Spielberg with his Medal of Honor, are now turning their creative efforts to computer games. Not to mention the amount of games that feature the voices of famous actors, and the soundtracks of many games that are written by famous musicians or bands.

Technology has played a huge part in the success of computer games. The capabilities of games consoles are incredible, compared to just a decade ago. They are fast becoming the only entertainment device that you need in your house, as they can play DVDs, music, use TV services and even offer social networking services. In the future they might even make coffee for you!

There was a time when young people wanted to become astronauts or film stars when they grew up. But a recent survey among teenagers in the USA revealed that the most popular occupation was ‘computer game designer’. The most amazing thing about computer games is that they have only been around for about 50 years. Therefore, as a means of entertainment they are still very young and how they will develop is still to be seen.

What is true about games consoles?

варіанти відповідей

You won’t need one in the future.

The only thing you can’t do is connect to the Internet.

They can be used for a variety of activities.

Запитання 4

Read the text and answer the questions. Choose a, b or c.

There was a time when computer games were only played by adolescents. However, today they appeal to all age groups. Educational games are played by three-year-olds and there are even exercise workouts for people in their seventies and eighties. Computer games are easy to use, have excellent visual effects, and Internet users can play games with people from the other side of the globe. It is not surprising to discover that in the entertainment world, computer games are overtaking the popularity and financial success of music and films.

The work and money that go into computer games can compete with any film production. It takes thousands of hours of work by artists, animators, musicians, actors, writers, directors, etc. Not to mention computer technicians and programmers who have to create virtual worlds for the characters of the game to exist in. Some online games have virtual worlds for millions of gamers, which means a massive complicated project.

Despite their success, computer games are still not considered to be quality entertainment. It is common to hear people complaining about action-packed films with no storyline as being like ‘computer games’, but this isn’t really fair. Many top film directors, such as Steven Spielberg with his Medal of Honor, are now turning their creative efforts to computer games. Not to mention the amount of games that feature the voices of famous actors, and the soundtracks of many games that are written by famous musicians or bands.

Technology has played a huge part in the success of computer games. The capabilities of games consoles are incredible, compared to just a decade ago. They are fast becoming the only entertainment device that you need in your house, as they can play DVDs, music, use TV services and even offer social networking services. In the future they might even make coffee for you!

There was a time when young people wanted to become astronauts or film stars when they grew up. But a recent survey among teenagers in the USA revealed that the most popular occupation was ‘computer game designer’. The most amazing thing about computer games is that they have only been around for about 50 years. Therefore, as a means of entertainment they are still very young and how they will develop is still to be seen.

What do most American teenagers want to do?

варіанти відповідей

Design computer games.

Become actors.

Find out how computer games will develop.

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