Ukraine is situated .....
What is the national language of Ukraine?
Where is Kyiv situated?
What is the main street of the capital?
It is famous for its beautiful mozaics and frescos
It is the main square in Kyiv, the place of natinal celebrations and important events
Odessa is situated on _________
The Potemkin Stairs and Monument to Catherine ll are in ______
Kanev is on the river ______
There is a museum to ________ in the village not far from Kanev.
Dickanka and Sorochintsy are in the ________ Region.
Ukrainian Cossacks` Organization was born on the island of __________
The famous park in Uman is ______
In Chernihiv`s Cathedral there are originals of frescos of the ______ century.
The Carpatians are in the ______ Ukraine.
The Heart of the Western Ukraine is ______ .
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