Find the correct question in direct speech which corresponds to this one in reported speech.
Nick asked Anna if she had used all the apps on her phone yet.
Find the correct question in direct speech which corresponds to this one in reported speech.
We asked the teacher where we were going on the school trip on Monday.
Find the correct question in direct speech which corresponds to this one in reported speech.
I asked Tom if Claire was having a good time in America.
Find the correct question in direct speech which corresponds to this one in reported speech.
Martha asked me what I had got Helen for her birthday.
Find the correct question in direct speech which corresponds to this one in reported speech.
Rick asked us if we had ever been skiing.
Find the correct question in reported speech which corresponds to this one in direct speech.
"Are Uncle Matt and his girlfriend getting married in July?" we asked our mum.
Find the correct question in reported speech which corresponds to this one in direct speech.
"What songs are your band performing at the concert on Friday?" I asked Darren.
Find the correct question in reported speech which corresponds to this one in direct speech.
" Did you buy anything in town?" Mandy asked me.
Find the correct question in reported speech which corresponds to this one in direct speech.
"Have you ever tried rock climbing?" the boys asked us.
Find the correct question in reported speech which corresponds to this one in direct speech.
"Who's won the school science competition?" we asked the teacher.
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