Some interesting facts about the UK

Додано: 7 травня
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
20 запитань
Запитання 1

  How many constituent countries make up the United Kingdom according to the video?

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Запитання 2

What flags does the Union Jack flag combine?

варіанти відповідей

The flag has the aspect of one national flag: the red cross of St George for the Kingdom of England.

The flag combines aspects of four older national flags: the red cross of St George for the Kingdom of England, the white saltire of St Andrew for the Kingdom of Scotland and the red saltire of St Patrick to represent Ireland and the Flag of Wales.

The flag combines aspects of two older national flags: the red cross of St George for the Kingdom of England and the white saltire of St Andrew for the Kingdom of Scotland

The flag combines aspects of three older national flags: the red cross of St George for the Kingdom of England, the white saltire of St Andrew for the Kingdom of Scotland and the red saltire of St Patrick to represent Ireland.

Запитання 3

What is the territory of the United Kingdom ?

варіанти відповідей

The United Kingdom covers close to 85,000 square miles.

The United Kingdom covers close to 95,000 square miles.

The United Kingdom covers close to 105,000 square miles.

The United Kingdom covers close to 75,000 square miles.

Запитання 4

Which Castle is considered to be the largest royal residence in Britain and the oldest continually inhabited royal residence?

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Buckhingam Palace is considered the largest royal residence in Britain and the oldest continually inhabited royal residence.

 Windsor Castle is considered the largest royal residence in Britain and the oldest continually inhabited royal residence.

Westminster Abbey is considered the largest royal residence in Britain and the oldest continually inhabited royal residence.

Запитання 5

 How many Prime Ministers has the United Kingdom had?

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Запитання 6

Besides English, what are the other official languages spoken in the United Kingdom,

варіанти відповідей

Besides English, the other official languages spoken in the United Kingdom include Welsh, Scots, and Gaelic.

Besides English, the other official languages spoken in the United Kingdom include Welsh, Scots, Irish and Gaelic.

Besides English, the other official languages spoken in the United Kingdom include Welsh and Scots.

Запитання 7

What inspired the appearance of the code name "007" for James Bond ?

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The code name "007" for James Bond was inspired by the author Ian Fleming's bus route from Canterbury to London.

The code name "007" for James Bond was inspired by the author Ian Fleming's number of the car plate.

The code name "007" for James Bond was inspired by the author Ian Fleming's number in the school football team.

The code name "007" for James Bond was inspired by the author Ian Fleming's love for numerology where number 007 is considered to bring happiness.l

Запитання 8

What is the official title of the head of state in the United Kingdom?

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The official title of the head of state in the United Kingdom is the Constitutional Monarch and the King of England.

The official title of the head of state in the United Kingdom is his Majesty the King of England.

The official title of the head of state in the United Kingdom is his Greatness the King of England.

Запитання 9

Who is credited with defending his kingdom against the Vikings and is mentioned as being right at the top of the British royal family?

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King Arther is credited with defending his kingdom against the Vikings and is mentioned as being right at the top of the British royal family tree 

Oliver Cromwell credited with defending his kingdom against the Vikings and is mentioned as being right at the top of the British royal family tree 

Alfred the Great is credited with defending his kingdom against the Vikings and is mentioned as being right at the top of the British royal family tree 

Запитання 10

What is the name of popular national food of Scotland?

варіанти відповідей

Fish and chips is mentioned as a popular national food of Scotland.

Haggis is mentioned as a popular national food of Scotland.

Shepherd's pie is mentioned as a popular national food of Scotland.

Запитання 11

How many times have the Olympic Games been hosted in England?

варіанти відповідей

The Olympic Games have been hosted in London twice, in 1908 and in 1948.

The Olympic Games have been hosted in London three times, in 1908, 1948, and 2012.

The Olympic Games have been hosted in London five times, in 1908, 1918, 1948, 2012 and 2020

Запитання 12

What tunnel lies in connecting England and France, being the world's second-longest underground tunnel?

варіанти відповідей

  The Channel Tunnel's significance lies in connecting England and France, being the world's second-longest underground tunnel.

The French Tunnel's significance lies in connecting England and France, being the world's second-longest underground tunnel.

The English Tunnel's significance lies in connecting England and France, being the world's second-longest underground tunnel.

Запитання 13

Who was the first female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, and how long did she serve?

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The first female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom was Theresa May, who served from 2016-2019.

The first female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom was Queen Elizabeth, who served from 2018-2022.

 The first female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom was Margaret Thatcher, who served from 1979 to 1990.

Запитання 14

During World War II, decolonization took place, and the British Commonwealth was formed, how many countries were included into Commonwealth, with Queen Lizzie at its head?

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During World War II, decolonisation took place, and the British Commonwealth was formed, which unified these countries into an intergovernmental group.) 44 nations were a part of the Commonwealth, with Queen Lizzie at its head. (18:47) 

During World War II, decolonisation took place, and the British Commonwealth was formed, which unified these countries into an intergovernmental group.) 104 nations were a part of the Commonwealth, with Queen Lizzie at its head. (18:47) 

During World War II, decolonisation took place, and the British Commonwealth was formed, which unified these countries into an intergovernmental group.) 34 nations were a part of the Commonwealth, with Queen Lizzie at its head. (18:47) 

During World War II, decolonisation took place, and the British Commonwealth was formed, which unified these countries into an intergovernmental group.) 54 nations were a part of the Commonwealth, with Queen Lizzie at its head. (18:47) 

Запитання 15

Before the UK had the pound sterling, the country had other monies that sound like the stuff you find in Gringotts. Which of these money did the country have ?

варіанти відповідей

We had farthings, shillings and pennies. 4 farthings equal a penny, 12 pence equal 1 shilling and 20 shillings equal a euro. 

We had farthings, shillings and pennies. 4 farthings equal a penny, 12 pence equal 1 shilling and 20 shillings equal a dollar. 

We had farthings, shillings and pennies. 4 farthings equal a penny, 12 pence equal 1 shilling and 20 shillings equal a pound. 

Запитання 16

What is true about William Shakespeare?

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With 37 plays, 154 sonnets, the plays that he collaborated on, and the lost plays,  Shakespeare wrote an average of 2 plays a year, since he first started in 1700.  

With 37 plays, 154 sonnets, the plays that he collaborated on, and the lost plays,  Shakespeare wrote an average of 5 plays a year, since he first started in 1489.  

With 37 plays, 154 sonnets, the plays that he collaborated on, and the lost plays,  Shakespeare wrote an average of 1.5 plays a year, since he first started in 1589.  

With 37 plays, 154 sonnets, the plays that he collaborated on, and the lost plays,  Shakespeare wrote an average of 10 plays a year, since he first started in 1616.  

Запитання 17

Which names did London have in the past?

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In its past, London has had some far flashier names, including Londinium, Ludenwick, and Linda.

In its past, London has had some far flashier names, including Londinium, Ludenwick, and Ludenburg.

In its past, London has had some far flashier names, including Londa, Ludovick, and Ludenburg.

In its past, London has had some far flashier names, including Liverpool, Londinium, Ludenwick, and Ludenburg.

Запитання 18

What kind of Library is the British Library in London?

варіанти відповідей

The British Library in London is the largest library in the UK. 

 It has more than 170 million items cataloged.  

The British Library in London is the largest library in the world. It has more than 170 million items cataloged.  

The British Library in London is the largest library in Europe. It has more than 170 million items cataloged.  

Запитання 19

This random assembly of stones is known as Stonehenge.

Hello, Stonehenge! Yes, thank you, Doctor. Stonehenge stands on

_________________________. Choose the correct answer.

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London Plain in Wiltshire, and is a very popular tourist spot to this day.  But nobody knows why it was built, or even how.

Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire, and is a very popular tourist spot to this day.

Windsor Plain in London, and is a very popular tourist spot to this day.

Запитання 20

What is unusual about the UK?

варіанти відповідей

The United Kingdom is one of the only countries in the world without a written Bill of Rights

The United Kingdom is one of the only countries in the world with the king.

The United Kingdom is one of the only countries in the world without a written constitution

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