Speaking test the 2nd term

Додано: 21 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Копія з тесту: Speaking test the 2nd term
Тест виконано: 23 рази
18 запитань
Запитання 1

1 Choose the item to say correctly.

At lessons of … pupils learn about continents, countries, mountains and rivers.

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Запитання 2

2.Choose the item to say correctly

This car is very old and______

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Запитання 3

3. How to say correctly?

My cousin/never/to forget/about/my/birthday.

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My cousin's never forgotten about my birthday

My bithday my cousin never forget about

My cousin never forgets about my birthday

My cousin does never forget about my birthday

Запитання 4

4. How to say correctly?

We/to prepare/for/the competition/at the moment.

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We prepared for the competiton at the moment

At the moment we prepare for the compatition

To prepare to the compatition we are at the moment

We're preparing for the compatition at the moment

Запитання 5

5. Choose the correct item to complete the sentence

The woman __________________closed the door to the room, because she did not want to see anyone.

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Запитання 6

6. Ask your friend about the school subjects he/she is good at

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Do you doog at school subjects?

What school subjects are you good at?

Is she/he good at school subjects?

Were you good at school?

Запитання 7

9. Ask your friend about his/her best friend, what he/she looks like

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What does your best friend look like?

What is your best friend like?

What is she/he looks?

What does she/he like?

Запитання 8

10. How to ask correctly?

How___________ money do you need for traveling?

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a lot of

Запитання 9

11. You're in a cafe. How to answer the question correctly?

— Are you ready to order?

— Yes, I ___________some nut ice cream.

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would like

will like

Запитання 10

12. You're in the shop. How to answer correctly?

— Can I help you?

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I need some medicine for a headache, please

Yes, I need a kilo of potatoes and a kilo of bananas.

Sixty pence.

A kilo of sausages, please.

Запитання 11

13. You're on your way to somewhere. How to discribe the situation?

I gave money to the driver and got _______________ the taxi.

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out of



away of

Запитання 12

14. How to tell correctly about your friend?

Fred ____________ the bus and couldn’t get to the railway station in


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got into

took out

Запитання 13

15. How to tell about your friend correctly?

My friend prefers _______________ a tram to get to school.

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Запитання 14

16. Tick the correct sentence

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They took a lot of lovely photos during their vacation last summer

They taken a lot of lovely photos during their vacation last summer

They're to take a lot of lovely photos during their vacation last summer

They've taken a lot of lovely photos during their vacation

last summer

Запитання 15

17. You're talking about your last trip. What sentence is correct?

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Our last trip wasn't pleasant.

Our last trip is not be pleasant.

Our last trip will not be pleasant.

Our last trip does not be pleasant.

Запитання 16

18. Put the parts of the story in the right order.

A While he was running toward the fence, his shoe came off.

B My friend Albert said to me, ‘Watch me jump over this fence.’

C I have a very funny story to tell you about something that happened last week.

D He ended up falling into the fence and landing on the ground!

E I was at school with my friends playing outside

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1E 2A 3B 4C 5D

1A 2C 3D 4B 5E

1B 2C 3A 4B 5D

1C 2E 3B 4A 5D

Запитання 17

19. Choose the correct word.

We loved our____________ on the London Eye.

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Запитання 18

20. Choose the correct word.

I don’t want to go inside the museum. Let’s just walk ___________ it.

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away from

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