______ she _______ (go) to school on Sunday?
______ he _______ (catch) the bus to school?
______ Jack _______ (ride) his bike on Saturday?
______ your friends _______ (play) football on Saturday?
______ your parents _______ (go) for a picnic at the weekend?
______ you _______ (walk) to school?
______ Bill _______ (go) swimming on Mondays?
______ they _______ (get up) at 7 o'clock?
She ______________ (not / get up) at 6 o'clock.
Simon ______________ (not / go to bed) at 8 o'clock.
Kim ______________ (not / go) to school at 7 o'clock.
My mum ______________ (not / wash) her hair every day.
Children ______________ (not / go) to school at the weekend.
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