How often is the Olympics held?
We play tennis ........
We skate..........
Ukraine ..............with Italy 3-3.
We ..............running, cycling, racing etc..
We ..........before training.
Fill in:
Do you want to _____ fit? Then take up running.
Participate in
Перемогти у змаганні
In football the player who can touch the ball with his hands is the ...
... is a game in which two teams try to kick a ball between two posts at either end of a field.
The game in which two or four people use rackets to hit a ball to each other over a net is...
It's a pitty. Our team has ... the match.
.. is a water sport you do in the sea.
The people who watch a sport.
What is the English for "забити гол"?
What is the Ukrainian for "to achieve"?
What is the Ukrainian for "a participant"?
Skiing is ....
out of doors
Match the words with their definitions
athletics track
She ___________________ be the first woman to win that competition.
Which sport would you like to ... karate or judo?
You wear goggles when you go...
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