
Додано: 27 квітня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 132 рази
31 запитання
Запитання 1

Which sport is not considered as an extreme one?

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rock climbing

rock lifting

sky diving

cave diving

Запитання 2

Which activity isn't a sport?

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synchronized swimming

ballroom dancing



Запитання 3

The Present Perfect Tense is used when ... .

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we talk about situations that are unlikely or unreal.

we are certain that something happened in the past.

we talk about past events that are connected with the present.

we talk about something that happened in the past but with no result in the present.

Запитання 4

The most popular sport in Britain is...

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Table tennis

Запитання 5

What is the national sport of Great Britain?

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Запитання 6

Which sport isn't typically British?

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Запитання 7

Which sport isn't individual?

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Запитання 8

The synonym to the word " a coach" is ..... .

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a trainer



Запитання 9

Баскетбол має багато переваг для здоров'я, оскільки вимагає великої фізичної роботи.

варіанти відповідей

Basketball has many health benefits as it demands lot of hard work.

Basketball has many health benefits as it demands lot of physical work.

 Basketball has many health benefits as it demands lot of difficult work.

Basketball has many health benefits as it demands lot of intense work.

Запитання 10

This game is played by two teams. There are six players in each team. They play game on an ice field

варіанти відповідей

Figure skating




Запитання 11

The Olympic Games are one of the most spectacular competitions came from ancient Greece. The original Olympic Games were held every four years in honour of Zeus, the supreme God of Greek religion. The first record of the games dates from 776 BC. They were held for one more thousand years until they were abolished in the reign of King Theodosius about 392 AD. The important sports in the original Olympic Games were running, jumping, wrestling, and throwing the discs. Only men competed and they wore no clothes in order to have more freedom of movement. Each competitor had to take the Olympic Oath – a promise to behave in a sportsman – like fashion.

варіанти відповідей

Greece was the country to create the Olympic Games.

The aim of these games was to honour the supreme God of Greek religion at first.

The Olympic Games were abolished in the reign of King Zeus.

Men and women competed and they wore no clothes then. 

The competitors had to wear no clothes in order to have more freedom of movement.

Запитання 12

  The Olympic Games are one of the most spectacular competitions came from ancient Greece. The original Olympic Games were held every four years in honour of Zeus, the supreme God of Greek religion. The first record of the games dates from 776 BC. They were held for one more thousand years until they were abolished in the reign of King Theodosius about 392 AD. The important sports in the original Olympic Games were running, jumping, wrestling, and throwing the discs. Only men competed and they wore no clothes in order to have more freedom of movement. Each competitor had to take the Olympic Oath – a promise to behave in a sportsman – like fashion.

The original Olympic Games were held every … …. in honour of Zeus.

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4 years

5 years

every year

3 years

Запитання 13

  The Olympic Games are one of the most spectacular competitions came from ancient Greece. The original Olympic Games were held every four years in honour of Zeus, the supreme God of Greek religion. The first record of the games dates from 776 BC. They were held for one more thousand years until they were abolished in the reign of King Theodosius about 392 AD. The important sports in the original Olympic Games were running, jumping, wrestling, and throwing the discs. Only men competed and they wore no clothes in order to have more freedom of movement. Each competitor had to take the Olympic Oath – a promise to behave in a sportsman – like fashion.

…, …, … were the important sports in the original Olympic Games.

варіанти відповідей

Wrestling, boxing, throwing the discs

Wrestling, jumping, running

Running, jumping, tennis

Wrestling, throwing the discs, cricket

Запитання 14

The Olympic Games are one of the most spectacular competitions came from ancient Greece. The original Olympic Games were held every four years in honour of Zeus, the supreme God of Greek religion. The first record of the games dates from 776 BC. Only men competed and they wore no clothes in order to have more freedom of movement. Each competitor had to take the Olympic Oath – a promise to behave in a sportsman – like fashion.

Each competitor took the Olympic Oath, it was …  to behave in a sportsman – like fashion.

варіанти відповідей

a desire

a promise

a wish

a goal

Запитання 15

The modern Olympic era began in 1894 when Frenchman Baron Pierre de Coubertin decided to revive (відродити) the ancient Greek tradition of celebrating health, youth and peace with a sports festival. He created the International Olympic Committee and the first modern Olympiad took place in Athens in 1896. Since then the Olympic Games have been held every four years with only two exceptions because of the two world wars.

варіанти відповідей

The modern Olympic Games are a sport festival that celebrates health, youth and peace.

The first modern Olympiad took part in Athens in 1896.

The two world wars were the only two exceptions when there were no Olympic Games.

Запитання 16

The modern Olympic era began in 1894 when Frenchman Baron Pierre de Coubertin decided to revive (відродити) the ancient Greek tradition of celebrating health, youth and peace with a sports festival. He created the International Olympic Committee and the first modern Olympiad took place in Athens in 1896. Since then the Olympic Games have been held every four years with only two exceptions because of the two world wars.

The modern Olympic era began in … thanks to Frenchman Baron Pierre de Coubertin.

варіанти відповідей

eighteen ninety-floor

eighteen eighty-four

eighteen ninety-four

eighteen ninety-foor

Запитання 17

The modern Olympic era began in 1894 when Frenchman Baron Pierre de Coubertin decided to revive (відродити) the ancient Greek tradition. He created the International Olympic Committee and the first modern Olympiad took place in Athens in 1896. Since then the Olympic Games have been held every four years with only two exceptions because of the two world wars.

The first modern Olympiad took place in Athens in 1896, it was in …

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Запитання 18

The modern Olympic era began in 1894 when Frenchman Baron Pierre de Coubertin decided to revive (відродити) the ancient Greek tradition of celebrating health, youth and peace with a sports festival. He created the International Olympic Committee and the first modern Olympiad took place in Athens in 1896. Since then the Olympic Games have been held every four years with only two exceptions because of the two world wars.

Baron Pierre de Coubertin wanted to celebrate health, youth and peace with a … holiday. 

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Запитання 19

The modern Olympic Games have strong connection with Greece. A lighted torch is brought all the way from Greece, carried by a relay of runners, in order to light the Olympic Flame which burns all through the Games. As in ancient Greek times, the competitors still take the Olympic Oath. The long – distance race is still called Marathon. Marathon was a village about 25 miles from Athens. 

The modern International Olympic Committee consists of members from all the participating countries. The famous flag of the IOC shows five rings of different colours linked together, which represent five continents.

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As in ancient Greek times, the competitors still get the Olympic Oath and run their Marathon.

Five rings linked together on the flag of the IOC represent five continents.

Запитання 20

The modern Olympic Games have strong connection with Greece. A lighted torch is brought all the way from Greece, carried by a relay of runners, in order to light the Olympic Flame which burns all through the Games. As in ancient Greek times, the competitors still take the Olympic Oath. The long – distance race is still called Marathon. Marathon was a village about 25 miles from Athens. 

The Olympic …  burns all through the Games.

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Запитання 21

One important rule of the Olympic Games is that the competitors must be amateurs. This rule has been under a lot of pressure in recent years because modern sport is so professional and competitive. Athletes train for years to take part in the Olympics and some countries spend much more than others on equipment and facilities.

All the competitors must run for a long distance, that is still called …

варіанти відповідей

the Olympic Flame

the Olympic Oath

the Olympic Torch

the Olympic Marathon

Запитання 22

One important rule of the Olympic Games is that the competitors must be amateurs. This rule has been under a lot of pressure in recent years because modern sport is so professional and competitive. Athletes train for years to take part in the Olympics and some countries spend much more than others on equipment and facilities.

 According to (згідно до) the rule all the competitors must be …, but now they all are professionals.

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Запитання 23

The modern International Olympic Committee consists of members from all the participating countries. The famous flag of the IOC shows five rings of different colours linked together, which represent five continents.

The modern International Olympic Committee consists of members from all the …  whose sportsmen take part in the Olympic Games. 

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Запитання 24

Most popular tournament of tennis in UK?

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USA Open

Australian open

Запитання 25

Top 4 sports UK

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Запитання 26

A contest in which animals, people or machines compete individually or as teams for the purpose of winning a race, game, contests, or other competition.

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a cricket

a sport event



Запитання 27

to kick

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to hit smth with the foot

to hit smth with the hand

Запитання 28

A sport game where two teams try to score points by hitting a ball

with a bat between two sets of wooden posts

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Запитання 29

Read the text below. Match choices (A-H) to (1-5). There are three choices you do not need to use.

Why Do You Enjoy Your Sport?

1.       Harry’s sport: mountain climbing.

I like a challenge, and getting away from the city, so a few years ago I started climbing. I go out with a club, because it’s safer than going alone. I’m getting much better at working out the best route up a mountain and I never thought I’d be able to do that! And I’ve made some new friends through the club, too.

2.       Mary’s sport: cycling.

You can go cycling on your own, but I prefer to go out with other people from my cycle club. It gives me a good reason to keep going, even when I’m starting to feel tired. Some people do a lot of speed cycling, so that they lose weight, but I prefer to go more slowly and enjoy myself at the same time.

3.       Trevor’s sport: snowboarding.

I love speed and excitement, so snowboarding is the perfect sport for me. It’s really demanding, but I love it. My goal is to take part in professional races. We don’t get much snow where I live, so every day I go on holiday to a winter sports resort, usually with a friend who also likes snowboarding, and we practice really hard.

Harry enjoys their sport because he _______________

A.   likes visiting other places.

B.    is motivated by doing the sport in a group.   

C.    has to practice daily.  

D.   can do it on their own way.

E.    wants to enter competitions.       

F.     has to concentrate on what’s happening.           

G.   is developing an unexpected skills.

H.   is losing weight.     

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Запитання 30

Read the text below. Match choices (A-H) to (1-5). There are three choices you do not need to use.

Why Do You Enjoy Your Sport?

1.       Harry’s sport: mountain climbing.

I like a challenge, and getting away from the city, so a few years ago I started climbing. I go out with a club, because it’s safer than going alone. I’m getting much better at working out the best route up a mountain and I never thought I’d be able to do that! And I’ve made some new friends through the club, too.

2.       Mary’s sport: cycling.

You can go cycling on your own, but I prefer to go out with other people from my cycle club. It gives me a good reason to keep going, even when I’m starting to feel tired. Some people do a lot of speed cycling, so that they lose weight, but I prefer to go more slowly and enjoy myself at the same time.

3.       Trevor’s sport: snowboarding.

I love speed and excitement, so snowboarding is the perfect sport for me. It’s really demanding, but I love it. My goal is to take part in professional races. We don’t get much snow where I live, so every day I go on holiday to a winter sports resort, usually with a friend who also likes snowboarding, and we practice really hard.

Mary enjoys their sport because she _______________

A.   likes visiting other places.

B.    is motivated by doing the sport in a group.   

C.    has to practice daily.  

D.   can do it on their own way.

E.    wants to enter competitions.       

F.     has to concentrate on what’s happening.           

G.   is developing an unexpected skills.

H.   is losing weight.                          

варіанти відповідей









Запитання 31

Read the text below. Match choices (A-H) to (1-5). There are three choices you do not need to use.

Why Do You Enjoy Your Sport?

1.       Harry’s sport: mountain climbing.

I like a challenge, and getting away from the city, so a few years ago I started climbing. I go out with a club, because it’s safer than going alone. I’m getting much better at working out the best route up a mountain and I never thought I’d be able to do that! And I’ve made some new friends through the club, too.

2.       Mary’s sport: cycling.

You can go cycling on your own, but I prefer to go out with other people from my cycle club. It gives me a good reason to keep going, even when I’m starting to feel tired. Some people do a lot of speed cycling, so that they lose weight, but I prefer to go more slowly and enjoy myself at the same time.

3.       Trevor’s sport: snowboarding.

I love speed and excitement, so snowboarding is the perfect sport for me. It’s really demanding, but I love it. My goal is to take part in professional races. We don’t get much snow where I live, so every day I go on holiday to a winter sports resort, usually with a friend who also likes snowboarding, and we practice really hard.

Trevor enjoys their sport because he _______________

A.   likes visiting other places.

B.    is motivated by doing the sport in a group.   

C.    has to practice daily.  

D.   can do it on their own way.

E.    wants to enter competitions.       

F.     has to concentrate on what’s happening.           

G.   is developing an unexpected skills.

H.   is losing weight.                                 

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