Present of the verb to be, question words. My family and friends. (Повторення)
Choose the correct word:
My friend......... at school.
Choose the correct word:
Our cousins ..... from America. They are from England.
Choose the correct word:
Emma's mother ..... an architect.
Choose the correct word:
I ..... 11 years old.
Choose the correct word:
Where ..... you from?
Complete the questions with the question words:
- ..... do you usually get up? - At seven o'clock.
Complete the questions with the question words:
- ..... is this woman? - She is my aunt.
Complete the questions with the question words:
- ..... brothers do you have? - I have no brothers.
Complete the questions with the question words:
- ..... musical instrument can you play? - I can play the guitar.
Complete the questions with the question words:
- ..... do you go there? - Because I want to see her.
Choose the correct translation of the words:
Бабуся, тітка, брат
My father's father is my...
My mother and my father are my ..... .
My father's brother is my..... .
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