Television and radio

Додано: 16 квітня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Копія з тесту: Television and radio
Тест виконано: 433 рази
14 запитань
Запитання 1

Choose the correct translation: Channel 

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Запитання 2

Choose the correct translation: broadcast

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Запитання 3

Choose the correct translation: advertisement

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Запитання 4

It is a show in which famous people answer questions about themselves.

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Talk show

Reality show

Запитання 5

It is a programme that gives detailed information about a definite subject.

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Chat show

Reality show


Запитання 6

It is a programme that shows normal people in their every-day life.

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Chat show

Reality show


Запитання 7

It is a report of the latest events.

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Game show

The news

Soap opera

Запитання 8

It is a short film made by photographing a series of drawings.

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Game show

The news

Soap opera

Запитання 9

It is a story about the daily lives and relationships of the same group of people, which is broadcast regularly.

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Game show

The news

Soap opera

Запитання 10

It is a programme in which people play games or answer questions to win prizes.

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Game show

The news

Soap opera

Запитання 11

Read the text. Choose the best answer to the question.

Some days ago I watched a very interesting TV program “World Inside Out”, a fascinating Ukrainian travel program. This program is a gripping and amusing travelling adventure. Each episode is set in a new country and the main characters are ordinary people from these countries. “The World Inside Out” shows non-touristy and little-studied regions of the planet.

 The presenter of the “World Inside Out” is Dmitry Komarov. The presenter and the shooting group always risk their lives to show people the unusual, interesting and breathtaking parts of each country. Dmitry is a very brave person who seems to have tried everything and he presents the information in a thrilling way.

The programme I watched was about Japan. It was of special interest for me because I’m crazy about Japanese culture. The main points of the plot were about rare moments of rest which hard-working Japanese enjoy so much.

 I like this program because it’s educational. You can see different countries and find out something new for yourself. It’s a useful program because it broadens your outlook. I strongly recommend it because it’s really worth watching.

Question 1

What kind of programme is "World Inside Out"?

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quiz show

the news

morning show

travel programme

Запитання 12

Read the text. Choose the best answer to the question.

Some days ago I watched a very interesting TV program “World Inside Out”, a fascinating Ukrainian travel program. This program is a gripping and amusing travelling adventure. Each episode is set in a new country and the main characters are ordinary people from these countries. “The World Inside Out” shows non-touristy and little-studied regions of the planet.

 The presenter of the “World Inside Out” is Dmitry Komarov. The presenter and the shooting group always risk their lives to show people the unusual, interesting and breathtaking parts of each country. Dmitry is a very brave person who seems to have tried everything and he presents the information in a thrilling way.

The programme I watched was about Japan. It was of special interest for me because I’m crazy about Japanese culture. The main points of the plot were about rare moments of rest which hard-working Japanese enjoy so much.

 I like this program because it’s educational. You can see different countries and find out something new for yourself. It’s a useful program because it broadens your outlook. I strongly recommend it because it’s really worth watching.

Question 2

Who is Dmitry Komarov?

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He is a cameraman.

He is a presenter.

He is a member of a shooting group.

He is the guest of the programme.

Запитання 13

Read the text. Choose the best answer to the question.

Some days ago I watched a very interesting TV program “World Inside Out”, a fascinating Ukrainian travel program. This program is a gripping and amusing travelling adventure. Each episode is set in a new country and the main characters are ordinary people from these countries. “The World Inside Out” shows non-touristy and little-studied regions of the planet.

 The presenter of the “World Inside Out” is Dmitry Komarov. The presenter and the shooting group always risk their lives to show people the unusual, interesting and breathtaking parts of each country. Dmitry is a very brave person who seems to have tried everything and he presents the information in a thrilling way.

The programme I watched was about Japan. It was of special interest for me because I’m crazy about Japanese culture. The main points of the plot were about rare moments of rest which hard-working Japanese enjoy so much.

 I like this program because it’s educational. You can see different countries and find out something new for yourself. It’s a useful program because it broadens your outlook. I strongly recommend it because it’s really worth watching.

Question 3

What is this programme about?

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It is about popular tourist destinations.

It is about unpopular tourist destinations and life there.

It is about Japan.

It is about the nature of our planet.

Запитання 14

Read the text. Choose the best answer to the question.

Some days ago I watched a very interesting TV program “World Inside Out”, a fascinating Ukrainian travel program. This program is a gripping and amusing travelling adventure. Each episode is set in a new country and the main characters are ordinary people from these countries. “The World Inside Out” shows non-touristy and little-studied regions of the planet.

 The presenter of the “World Inside Out” is Dmitry Komarov. The presenter and the shooting group always risk their lives to show people the unusual, interesting and breathtaking parts of each country. Dmitry is a very brave person who seems to have tried everything and he presents the information in a thrilling way.

The programme I watched was about Japan. It was of special interest for me because I’m crazy about Japanese culture. The main points of the plot were about rare moments of rest which hard-working Japanese enjoy so much.

 I like this program because it’s educational. You can see different countries and find out something new for yourself. It’s a useful program because it broadens your outlook. I strongly recommend it because it’s really worth watching.

Question 4

Why does the author like this programme?

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Because it is funny.

Because it is about life in Japan.

Because it is educational and entertaining.

Because the presenter is Dmitry Komarov.

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