Тема: Подорожування

Додано: 23 лютого 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Тест виконано: 213 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

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Last summer we went to Odessa. We didn't go by car, because there is too much traffic in the big city. We travelled there by train. It is very comfortable to travel by train, besides we bought return tickets for the dates we needed.

I made a list of thinds I was going to take with me. I didn't take much luggage because it was summer and the days were nice and warm.

We packed our suitcases, of course mum did the most of the job, and went for the journey.

We visited a lot of interesting places, bought souvenirs and, of course, swam in the sea and sunbathed. It was the best trip ever!

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Ivan was in Odessa in summer.

Ivan went abroad last summer

Запитання 2

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He trevelled there by car.

He travelled there by bus.

He travelled there by train.

He travelled there by plane.

Запитання 3

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He packed a lot of clothes

He didn't pack much luggage.

He packed a coat and an umbrella.

Mum packed his luggage.

Запитання 4

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Mum did most of the job.

Mum packed everyones luggage.

Mum cooked dinner and went to bed.

Запитання 5

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They sunbathed and swam in the sea.

They visited interesting places.

They bought souvenirs.

They went to the park and flied the kite.

Запитання 6

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He ....already... his luggage.

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have ... packed



Запитання 7

We ... to Berdyansk last summer.

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have gone

Запитання 8

Kelly ... ... a teacher since 2012.

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have been


has been


Запитання 9

My parents ... me a dog 2 years ago.

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have brought

Запитання 10

... Kirill...his homework yet?

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did .... do

did ... done

Запитання 11

... Varya ... her aunt last month?

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Запитання 12

The train ... ... on time yesterday.

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hasn't come

haven't come

didn't come

didn't came

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