State whether statements are true or false.
"Be like" describes personality.
State whether statements are true or false.
Порядок прикметників у реченні є саме такий: opinion - size - age - colour - shape - origin - purpose- material.
State whether statements are true or false.
Adverbs give information about verb and adjectives give information about nouns.
Choose the sentence with the best translation.
Nuclear family consists of more than two members and sometimes they might include even grandparents.
Choose the sentence with the best translation.
The girl I met yesterday was a complete knockout.
Choose the sentence with the best translation.
Rick is fashion victim and frequently he wear the most awful clothes.
Choose the sentence with the best translation.
Sometimes people do not want to confess that they are using outdated items.
Choose the right form of adjectives ending: -ed or -ing.
The students were ______ in examing the dead body in the mortuary. (interest)
Choose the right form of adjectives ending: -ed or -ing.
It is really _______ when the train is late and there is no explanation (annoy)
Complete the sentences with the necessary modal verb: should have, should, had better/had better not.
You missed a great party last night. You ______ come.
Complete the sentences with the necessary modal verb: should have, should, had better/had better not.
When people are driving they ____ keep their eyes on the road.
Choose the best linking phrase.
People nowadays are believing in different cults. ______ some of them worship does cheese(Бринза).
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