Green and _______
Black and ________
Brown and ______
How old are you?
What's the number?
What's the number?
Choose the correct word/phrase. Обери правильне слово/фразу.
Choose the correct word/phrase. Обери правильне слово/фразу.
Choose the correct word/phrase. Обери правильне слово/фразу.
He __________ brown eyes.
She ________ fair hair.
They _______ brown eyes.
They ______ dance.
He ______ swim.
He ______ fly.
She ______ paint.
Can he do karate?
Can she play basketball?
Can they swim?
Choose the correct sentence. Обери правильне речення.
Choose the correct sentence. Обери правильне речення.
Choose the correct sentence. Обери правильне речення.
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