Test "Definite article "The"

Додано: 7 квітня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Тест виконано: 63 рази
24 запитання
Запитання 1

__ Everest was first climbed in 1953.

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Запитання 2

Milan and Turin are cities in__north of Italy.

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Запитання 3

___Africa is much larger than___ Italy.

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The, the



___, the

Запитання 4

__Thailand and __Cambodia are in ___southeast Asia.

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The, the, the.


The,__, the.

Запитання 5

__RiverVolga flows into__ Caspian Sea.

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The, the.




Запитання 6

I've never been to __South Africa.

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Запитання 7

__UK consists of __Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

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The, the, the.

__, the,__.

The, __,the.

Запитання 8

Last year I visited __Mexico and__United States.

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__, the.


Запитання 9

In__United States,__President is elected for 4 years.

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The, the.

-, the.


Запитання 10

Many tourists in__ London visit__ St Paul’s Cathedral .

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The, the.



Запитання 11

 ‘Which cinema are we going to this evening?’

Choose the correct option.

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  ‘Classic '

'The Classic.’

Запитання 12

_____ is situated about 12 kilometres from the city centre.

Choose the correct option.

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Dublin Airport

The Dublin Airport

Запитання 13

 ‘Which newspaper do you want?’

Choose the correct option.

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‘Morning News'

'The Morning News.’

Запитання 14

The building across the street is _______.

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College of Art

the College of Art.

Запитання 15

 I was ill. ____ told me to rest for a few days.

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The doctor

Запитання 16

 __ is an expert on heart disease.

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Doctor Thomas

The Doctor Thomas

Запитання 17

__Southern England is warmer than___ north.

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The, the.

__, the.


Запитання 18

Do you know ______? They’re a very nice couple.

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the Wilsons

Запитання 19

 ___ has a population of about 66 million.

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The France

Запитання 20

 Next year we’re going skiing in ___.

варіанти відповідей

Swiss Alps.

the Swiss Alps.

Запитання 21

If you’re looking for a department store, I would recommend If you’re looking for a department store, I would recommend ______. 

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Harrison’s . 

the Harrison’s. 

Запитання 22

_______ is at the entrance to _____. 

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Statue of Liberty,New York Harbor

The Statue of Liberty, the New York Harbor. 

The Statue of Liberty, New York Harbor

Запитання 23

___ Imperial Hotel is in ____Baker Street / the Baker Street.

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___, the.

The, the.

Запитання 24

You should go ____. It’s very interesting. 

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National Museum

the National Museum.

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