Test (I semester)

Додано: 6 грудня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Тест виконано: 106 разів
20 запитань
Запитання 1

Choose the correct answer.

__________ fencing

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Запитання 2

___________ basketball

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Запитання 3

________ chess

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Запитання 4

_________ karate

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Запитання 5

It is very difficult to .... gymnastics.

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Запитання 6

We learn about past events at lessons of ...

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Запитання 7

We learn how to operate the computer at lessons of ...

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Запитання 8

_____ I go out?

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Запитання 9

______ you close the window?

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Запитання 10

______ Tom play football well?

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Запитання 11

They usually ________ to the gym on Sunday.

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is going

are going

Запитання 12

Look! Kate ________ in the sea.

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is swimming

are swimming

Запитання 13

I often ______ dinner in the restaurant.

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am having

are having

Запитання 14

Kate and Tom ______ to school by bus.

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don't goes

doesn't go

don't go

Запитання 15


Paris. What a fantastic city! We arrived at the railway station early on Saturday morning and we walked to our hotel. It was quite a long way but it was sunny and warm. The hotel owner was happy to see us and showed us our room. It was amazing. From our window we could see the River Seine and the famous cathedral, Notre Dame. We stayed at the hotel for one night and ordered real French food in the restaurant!

Later on Saturday morning we decided to take a boat trip down the Seine and we passed our hotel! Then we visited an art gallery and the Musee D’Orsay, which was once a railway station. There are a lot of Monet’s paintings there. I love his work.

On Sunday we walked in the park by the Eiffel Tower and, of course, we looked in some shops! The clothes weren’t very expensive but you can buy the same things at home, and anyway we couldn’t put any more clothes in our bags! In the afternoon we walked to the Sacre Coeur, a beautiful white church on a hill. Nearby there is a place with a lot of artists. One artist painted a picture of Army. It was lovely and it wasn’t expensive. In the evening, sadly it was time to come home. Paris was fantastic and we took some beautiful photos to remember it. Next time we want to stay for a week! 

Task. Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).

1. The writer travelled to Paris by car.

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Запитання 16

Paris. What a fantastic city! We arrived at the railway station early on Saturday morning and we walked to our hotel. It was quite a long way but it was sunny and warm. The hotel owner was happy to see us and showed us our room. It was amazing. From our window we could see the River Seine and the famous cathedral, Notre Dame. We stayed at the hotel for one night and ordered real French food in the restaurant!

Later on Saturday morning we decided to take a boat trip down the Seine and we passed our hotel! Then we visited an art gallery and the Musee D’Orsay, which was once a railway station. There are a lot of Monet’s paintings there. I love his work.

On Sunday we walked in the park by the Eiffel Tower and, of course, we looked in some shops! The clothes weren’t very expensive but you can buy the same things at home, and anyway we couldn’t put any more clothes in our bags! In the afternoon we walked to the Sacre Coeur, a beautiful white church on a hill. Nearby there is a place with a lot of artists. One artist painted a picture of Army. It was lovely and it wasn’t expensive. In the evening, sadly it was time to come home. Paris was fantastic and we took some beautiful photos to remember it. Next time we want to stay for a week! 

2. The weather was good when they arrived.

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Запитання 17

Paris. What a fantastic city! We arrived at the railway station early on Saturday morning and we walked to our hotel. It was quite a long way but it was sunny and warm. The hotel owner was happy to see us and showed us our room. It was amazing. From our window we could see the River Seine and the famous cathedral, Notre Dame. We stayed at the hotel for one night and ordered real French food in the restaurant!

Later on Saturday morning we decided to take a boat trip down the Seine and we passed our hotel! Then we visited an art gallery and the Musee D’Orsay, which was once a railway station. There are a lot of Monet’s paintings there. I love his work.

On Sunday we walked in the park by the Eiffel Tower and, of course, we looked in some shops! The clothes weren’t very expensive but you can buy the same things at home, and anyway we couldn’t put any more clothes in our bags! In the afternoon we walked to the Sacre Coeur, a beautiful white church on a hill. Nearby there is a place with a lot of artists. One artist painted a picture of Army. It was lovely and it wasn’t expensive. In the evening, sadly it was time to come home. Paris was fantastic and we took some beautiful photos to remember it. Next time we want to stay for a week! 

3. Their hotel was near the River Seine.

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Запитання 18

Paris. What a fantastic city! We arrived at the railway station early on Saturday morning and we walked to our hotel. It was quite a long way but it was sunny and warm. The hotel owner was happy to see us and showed us our room. It was amazing. From our window we could see the River Seine and the famous cathedral, Notre Dame. We stayed at the hotel for one night and ordered real French food in the restaurant!

Later on Saturday morning we decided to take a boat trip down the Seine and we passed our hotel! Then we visited an art gallery and the Musee D’Orsay, which was once a railway station. There are a lot of Monet’s paintings there. I love his work.

On Sunday we walked in the park by the Eiffel Tower and, of course, we looked in some shops! The clothes weren’t very expensive but you can buy the same things at home, and anyway we couldn’t put any more clothes in our bags! In the afternoon we walked to the Sacre Coeur, a beautiful white church on a hill. Nearby there is a place with a lot of artists. One artist painted a picture of Army. It was lovely and it wasn’t expensive. In the evening, sadly it was time to come home. Paris was fantastic and we took some beautiful photos to remember it. Next time we want to stay for a week! 

4. They bought Monet’s paintings in Paris.

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Запитання 19

Paris. What a fantastic city! We arrived at the railway station early on Saturday morning and we walked to our hotel. It was quite a long way but it was sunny and warm. The hotel owner was happy to see us and showed us our room. It was amazing. From our window we could see the River Seine and the famous cathedral, Notre Dame. We stayed at the hotel for one night and ordered real French food in the restaurant!

Later on Saturday morning we decided to take a boat trip down the Seine and we passed our hotel! Then we visited an art gallery and the Musee D’Orsay, which was once a railway station. There are a lot of Monet’s paintings there. I love his work.

On Sunday we walked in the park by the Eiffel Tower and, of course, we looked in some shops! The clothes weren’t very expensive but you can buy the same things at home, and anyway we couldn’t put any more clothes in our bags! In the afternoon we walked to the Sacre Coeur, a beautiful white church on a hill. Nearby there is a place with a lot of artists. One artist painted a picture of Army. It was lovely and it wasn’t expensive. In the evening, sadly it was time to come home. Paris was fantastic and we took some beautiful photos to remember it. Next time we want to stay for a week! 

5. The Sacre Coeur is a beautiful hill near the church.

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Запитання 20

Paris. What a fantastic city! We arrived at the railway station early on Saturday morning and we walked to our hotel. It was quite a long way but it was sunny and warm. The hotel owner was happy to see us and showed us our room. It was amazing. From our window we could see the River Seine and the famous cathedral, Notre Dame. We stayed at the hotel for one night and ordered real French food in the restaurant!

Later on Saturday morning we decided to take a boat trip down the Seine and we passed our hotel! Then we visited an art gallery and the Musee D’Orsay, which was once a railway station. There are a lot of Monet’s paintings there. I love his work.

On Sunday we walked in the park by the Eiffel Tower and, of course, we looked in some shops! The clothes weren’t very expensive but you can buy the same things at home, and anyway we couldn’t put any more clothes in our bags! In the afternoon we walked to the Sacre Coeur, a beautiful white church on a hill. Nearby there is a place with a lot of artists. One artist painted a picture of Army. It was lovely and it wasn’t expensive. In the evening, sadly it was time to come home. Paris was fantastic and we took some beautiful photos to remember it. Next time we want to stay for a week! 

6. The writer stayed in Paris for a week.

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