Test in Reading(1)

Додано: 2 грудня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Тест виконано: 12 разів
3 запитання
Запитання 1

Read the information about three after school clubs (A-C) and the questions (1-4) below. For every question choose the club it refers to and write the appropriate letter in the box.

If you like relaxing when you go home after school, sign up for the Homework Club! Mr Jones and Mrs Ruggles are here to help with all your subjects every day in the library from 3 until 4. When you finish your homework, try some of Mrs Ruggles’ homemade cookies, and go home knowing that you’re all ready for school the next day!

Which after school club is best for someone who

варіанти відповідей

wants to have a chance to win an award?

likes being outside?

doesn’t like playing games?

wants to eat snacks?

Запитання 2

Do you enjoy games that test your brain? Then the Chess Club is for you! We meet every Wednesday at 3pm in the School Hall. There are free soft drinks, but no food is allowed in the Hall. We play timed chess, regular chess, and there is computer chess if you want a different kind of challenge! The winner of each game earns points and the person with the most points at the end of the year takes home the Chess Champion Cup.

Which after school club is best for someone who

варіанти відповідей

wants to have a chance to win an award?

likes being outside?

doesn’t like playing games?

wants to eat snacks?

Запитання 3

After spending all day in the classroom, why not come to the Sports Club after school? Mr Deakins and Ms Meyers, both winners of the Best Gym Teacher Award, run the club every Tuesday and Thursday from 3.30. We go jogging to warm up, and then we play football, tennis or rugby, or go to the school gym. Remember to wear sports shoes and bring a drink with you!

Which after school club is best for someone who

варіанти відповідей

wants to have a chance to win an award?

likes being outside?

doesn’t like playing games?

wants to eat snacks?

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