Test            The World of Nature ________________________________

Додано: 4 квітня 2024
4 запитання
Запитання 1

Unscramble and write. / Розшифруй і запиши слова. 

1 isk              2. katse            3. bllaswosn       4. lsegde     5. nsownam 

варіанти відповідей

1. Ski 2. Skate 3. Snowballs 4. Sledge 5 Snowman

1. Sky 2. Skae 3. Snowballs 4. Sledge 5 Snoman

1. Ski 2. Skat 3. Snowball 4. Sledg 5 Snowman

Запитання 2



Write words. / Напиши слова за зразком                                                                                                                              warm- warmer- the warmest





варіанти відповідей

short -more short - the shortest

nice- nicer - more nicer

wet-wetter-the wettest

interesting-interestinger- more interesting

short -shorter than - the shortest

nice- nicer than - the nicest

wet-wetter-the wettest

interesting- more interesting -the most interesting

short -shorer than - the shortest

nice- nicr than - the nicest

wet-wetter-the wetest

interesting- more interesing -the most interesting

Запитання 3

                                                                                                    6 /                          

3.Read and match. / Прочитай та підбери

1)    old …..                      a. clean

2)    dirty …..                    b. new

3)    beautiful…..              c.  happy

4)    sad…..                        d. ugly

5)  cold…..                     e. warm

6) easy…..                     f.  difficult   

варіанти відповідей

old-dirty/dirty -clean/ beautiful-happy/ sad-difficult   /easy-difficult

old -new / dirty -clean / beautiful-ugly/ sad-happy/cold- warm/ easy-difficult   

old -new / dirty -clean / beautiful-ugly/ sad-difficult   /easy-difficult

Запитання 4

. Make negative and a question sentences. /   Утвори заперечне та питальне речення за зразком. 

    + I played basketball yesterday.

-        I didn`t play basketball yesterday .

?    Did you play basketball yesterday? 

+ We played snwoballs in winter



варіанти відповідей

We didn't played snwoballs in winter. Did we played snwoballs in winter?

We didn't playe snwoballs in winter. Did we played snwoballs in winter?

We didn't play snwoballs in winter. Did we play snwoballs in winter?

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