Tests "Travelling. At the bus station" (form 6). О. Карпюк

Додано: 26 квітня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Тест виконано: 92 рази
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Where are the verbs in the incorrect form?

варіанти відповідей

We shan't (shall not) catch a bus to the railway station.

Yesterday evening the doorman at the hotel took our suitcases and pointed the way to the desk-clerk.

Myroslav has just arrive.

We had a pleasant and enjoyable voyage on the Black Sea last summer.

Запитання 2

Where are the verbs in the correct forms? (декілька варіантів відповіді)

варіанти відповідей

She has been to already Spain .

Has she been to Spain yet?

She has not (hasn't) been to Spain yet.

She has been already to Spain .

Запитання 3

Where are the verbs in the incorrect forms?

варіанти відповідей

Mark has often travelled on business last year.

Her friends will take a taxi to the airport in twenty minutes.

Last summer Mary’s journey was through the South of Italy.

Her friends travelled by bus round Europe last year.

Запитання 4

Where are the verbs in the incorrect form?

варіанти відповідей

Susan has usually travelled by bus or train.

Liz travels by plane very often.

His parents enjoyed travelling by sea last July.

John travelled light last winter holidays.

Запитання 5

Mark the correct translation of the sentense

Пасажири щойно пристебнуті ременями безпеки.

варіанти відповідей

Passengers have just fastened by the safety belts.

Passengers fastened by the safety belts.

Passengers fasten by the safety belts.

Passengers have already fastened by the safety belts.

Запитання 6

Mark the correct question to the sentense

Oxana Emerykhivna usually arrives in Kharkiv at 5.00. (Who)

варіанти відповідей

Who does usually arrive in Kharkiv at 5.00 ?

Who usually arrives in Kharkiv at 5.00 ?

Who do usually arrive in Kharkiv at 5.00 ?

Who does usually arrives in Kharkiv at 5.00 ?

Запитання 7

Mark the correct question to the sentense.

We’ll have a longer stop in Mariupol. (Where) 

варіанти відповідей

Where shan't we have a longer stop?

Where shall we have a longer stop?

Where shall not we have a longer stop?

Where have we a longer stop?

Запитання 8

Mark the correct question to the sentense.

This train from Lviv always runs on time. (What train)

варіанти відповідей

What train does always run on time ?

What train do always runs on time ?

What train does always runs on time ?

What train always runs on time ?

Запитання 9

Mark the incorrect question to the sentense

варіанти відповідей

How will Mariia Emerykhivna go to the village Velyki Lazy?

Why hasn’t she write the place and date of her birth in the personal registration card at the hotel ?

Where shall we have a longer stop in two hours ?

When did their train arrive to London ?

Запитання 10

Mark the correct question to the sentense

варіанти відповідей

Where I haven’t taken a bus yet ?

Where haven’t I taken a bus yet ?

Where haven’t I yet taken a bus ?

Where haven’t yet I taken a bus ?

Запитання 11

Mark the correct answer: what marker words (слова-маркери) are used in the Present Perfect Tense?

варіанти відповідей

at 2.00 (о 2-й годині); just (щойно); never (ніколи); ever (колись); already (вже); yet (ще / вже); recently / lately (недавно)

yet (ще / вже); now (тепер); at the moment (у даний момент); already (вже)

by 2.00 (до 2-ї години); just (щойно); never (ніколи); ever (колись); already (вже); yet (ще / вже); recently / lately (недавно)

by 2.00 (до 2-ї години); usually (зазвичай); аlways (завжди); оften (часто); sometimes (інколи); already (вже); yet (ще / вже)

Запитання 12

Mark the correct translation.

клопіткий; радісний; зручний, комфортний; цікавий; корисний; небезпечний; безпечний; виснажливий.

варіанти відповідей

troublesome; tiring; enjoyable; comfortable; interesting; useful; dangerous; safe.

troublesome; dangerous; enjoyable; comfortable; interesting; useful; safe; tiring.

troublesome; useful; comfortable; enjoyable; interesting; dangerous; safe; tiring.

troublesome; enjoyable; comfortable; interesting; useful; dangerous; safe; tiring.

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