The Passive voice: different tense forms

Додано: 15 травня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Копія з тесту: The Passive Voice
Тест виконано: 219 разів
13 запитань
Запитання 1

You can't go for a walk until your hometask ... .

варіанти відповідей

will be done

was done

is done


Запитання 2

If you wait for a while, I'll treat you. The cake .... now.

варіанти відповідей

was being cooked

is being cooked

will be cooked

will cook

Запитання 3

I ... with panic when I saw that creature.

варіанти відповідей


was shocked

will shock

will be shocked

Запитання 4

The house ....... before we returned from the trip.

варіанти відповідей

was burgled

will be burgled

could be burgled

had been burgled

Запитання 5

Mr. Johnson's house ... by flood last year.

варіанти відповідей

were destroyed

was destroyed

has been destroyed

will be destroyed

Запитання 6

French ... in France, Belgium and Switzerland.

варіанти відповідей


is spoken


is speaking

Запитання 7

The train schedule ... in a week.

варіанти відповідей

will change

will be changing

will be changed

is changing

Запитання 8

He will do his best if only such an opportunity ... to him.

варіанти відповідей

will be given

is given

will give


Запитання 9

The door ..., and she came in.

варіанти відповідей

didn't lock

isn't locked

wasn't locked

was locked

Запитання 10

The wagon ... by a tall Englishman two days ago.

варіанти відповідей

were borrowed

was borrowed

has been borrowed


Запитання 11

What ... to satisfy people's needs in water so far?

варіанти відповідей

is done

is being done

has been done

is doing

Запитання 12

All new kinds of plants ... in a special book at our laboratory.

варіанти відповідей



is registered

are registered

Запитання 13

This equipment ... to many countries soon.

варіанти відповідей

will be exported

will export

is exported

is being exported

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