Додано: 22 лютого 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 183 рази
24 запитання
Запитання 1

1/According to Dorian, Basil is

варіанти відповідей

a great romantic

afraid of life

heavily influenced by Lord Henry

not a gifted painter

Запитання 2

2/According to Lord Henry, unselfish people

варіанти відповідей

lose their individuality

do not make judgments

know themselves well

make conscious trade offs

Запитання 3

3/As Dorian grows older, he

варіанти відповідей

regrets his wish for eternal youth

remains unchanged in appearance

looks anything but innocent

becomes bloated ( набряклий) and wrinkled

Запитання 4

4/Basil’s reaction to the transformation in his portrait is to

варіанти відповідей

blame his poor vision

threaten to blackmail Dorian

ask Dorian to repent (покаятись)

tell the police

Запитання 5

5/Dorian decides to apologize to Sibyl because

варіанти відповідей

he wants to avoid cruelty in the future

he can convince her to continue acting

he realizes that she is more than her performances

he genuinely loves her

Запитання 6

6/Dorian wants to help Sibyl

варіанти відповідей

find her father

work at a different theatre

start a new career

stay young and beautiful

Запитання 7

7/James has heard rumors that his mother

варіанти відповідей

was a poor actress

worked as a theatre manager

inherited wealth from her grandfather

never married his father

Запитання 8

8/James seeks to avenge his sister’s death by

варіанти відповідей

marrying Dorian’s sister

exposing Dorian’s wish

seeing Dorian hanged for murder

beating and killing Dorian

Запитання 9

9//Lord Henry influences Dorian to

варіанти відповідей

never yield to temptation (ніколи не піддаватись спокусі)

value youth and beauty

reject future requests to sit for portraits

invest his money wisely

Запитання 10

10/Sibyl’s death drives Dorian

варіанти відповідей

feels like a play to Dorian

gets on Dorian’s nerves

to tears

makes Dorian realize that he loved her

Запитання 11

11/To hide evidence of Basil’s death, Dorian

варіанти відповідей

buries the body

writes to an old friend

cleans the entire attic

asks for another wish

Запитання 12

12/What is Lord Henry’s reaction to Dorian’s claim that he killed Basil?

варіанти відповідей

He quotes scripture.

He plays the piano.

He calls the police.

He doesn’t believe it.

Запитання 13

13/When Dorian is at his country estate, he faints because


варіанти відповідей

he needs medical help

he thinks Basil’s eyes are following him

his sins weigh heavily on his mind

he sees the face of James

Запитання 14

14/Why does Basil choose not to exhibit the portrait of Dorian Gray?


варіанти відповідей

He would be embarrassed because it is not his best work

His inner feelings would be revealed.

People would mock the unconventional painting.

Aestheticism is out of fashion.

Запитання 15

How does Dorian get the idea of having the portrait age instead of them?

варіанти відповідей

While sitting for the painting, Dorian listens to Lord Henry presenting his hedonistic worldview. He begins to think that beauty is the only aspect of life worth pursuing, prompting Dorian to wish that his portrait would age instead of himself.

While sitting for the painting, Dorian listens to Basil Halward presenting his hedonistic worldview. He begins to think that beauty is the only aspect of life worth pursuing, prompting Dorian to wish that his portrait would age instead of himself.

While sitting for the painting, Dorian listens to Lord Henry's aunt presenting her worldview of charity and the importance of beauty and its great power. He begins to think that beauty is the only aspect of life worth pursuing, prompting Dorian to wish that his portrait would age instead of himself.

Запитання 16

5/What is Mrs.Vane’s secret?

варіанти відповідей

 Vane's agony and secret--is that Sybyl is not her daughter, but a daughter of a gangster. She stole Sybyl in childhood. That is why she lives in poverty not to be revealed by the police.

 Vane's agony and secret--is that she is not married to Sybil's and James's father. This is why they live in poverty--he left without leaving them any money and provisions. Also, she fears the ostracism (вигнання із суспільства) and rejection that unwed mothers and their children suffer in their society.

 Vane's agony--and secret--is that she was married to a killer who was Sybyl's and Janes's father. He is in prison and Vane spends all her money supporting him there. Besides, she realizes that if her secret is revealed Sybyl and James will have no future. Besides, she is afraid of suffering from ostracism.

Запитання 17

6/ Why does Sibyl Vane perform poorly when Basil and Lord Henry see her?

варіанти відповідей

When Dorian brings Basil and Lord Henry to see Sibyl act, he is horrified when she puts on a terrible performance. She tells him that she can no longer pretend to be in love now that she has experienced true love with Dorian; as a result, she has decided to give up her career as an actress.

When Dorian brings Basil and Lord Henry to see Sibyl act, he is horrified when she puts on a terrible performance. She tells him that she f elt bad and couldn't

When Dorian brings Basil and Lord Henry to see Sibyl act, he is horrified when she puts on a terrible performance. She tells Dorian that she has never been in love and she even pretended to be in love with him. Thus, it was difficult for her to act out. As a result, Sibyl decided to give up her career as an actress.

Запитання 18

What or who do Francis, the coachman, and the footman find in the attic?

варіанти відповідей

 When they (the coachman, the footman and Mrs. Leaf ) entered, they found hanging upon the wall a splendid portrait of their master as they had last seen.

 When they (the coachman, the footman and Mrs. Leaf) entered, they found hanging upon the wall artist Basil.

 When they (the coachman, the footman and Mrs. Leaf) entered, they found hanging upon the wall Sibil's brother James.

Запитання 19

Briefly describe Hetty Merton and comment on her significance in the novel.

варіанти відповідей

Hetty Merton is the youngest daughter of Mrs. Vane has a brief relationship with before meeting her sister Sibyl. More significantly, Hetty represents to Dorian the beauty he appreciates so much. All he wishes is to be with her as long as they stay young.

Hetty Merton is the young girl that Dorian has a brief dalliance with at the end of the novel. More significantly, Hetty represents to Dorian the hope of redemption, that he can actually love, and that he can somehow escape the fate that the bargain he made so many years ago seems to be pointing him towards.

Hetty Merton is the youngest sister of his friend Lord Henry. More significantly, Hetty represents to Dorian the hope of easy life, that he can actually have/ Besides, with her he can lead his hedonistic life as she is very rich.

Запитання 20

Chose the proper set of characters

варіанти відповідей

1.      Names and surnames of 6 main characters:

•       1. Dorian Gray

•       2. Lord Henry Wotton

•       3. Basil Hallward

•       4. Sibyl Vane

•       5. Brian Willis

•       6. James Vane

1.      Names and surnames of 6 main characters:

•       1. Dorian Gray

•       2. Lord Henry Wotton

•       3. Basil Hallward

•       4. Sibyl Vane

•       5. Hetty Merton

•       6. James Vane

1.      Names and surnames of 6 main characters:

•       1. Dorian Gray

•       2. Lord Henry Wotton

•       3. Basil Hallward

•       4. Sibyl Vane

•       5. Hetty Merton

•       6. James Woncoover

Запитання 21

What is the reaction of Dorian to the words of Basil that only God can see Dorian's soul.

варіанти відповідей

   Dorian becomes furious and reveals to Basil that he has seen his soul, pointing to the portrait as evidence of his moral corruption.

  Dorian becomes uncontrollably hilarious and reveals to Basil that he has seen his soul, pointing to the portrait as evidence of his moral corruption.

  Dorian becomes dangerously calm and reveals to Basil that he has seen his soul, pointing to the portrait as evidence of his moral


Запитання 22

What is the name of another woman whom Dorian ruthlessly leaves?

варіанти відповідей

Joan Ramsay

Jane Bennet

Hetty Merton

Запитання 23

Who performs the favor of disposing of a dead body for Dorian?

варіанти відповідей

James Vane performs the favor of disposing of a dead body for Dorian, helping him cover up a murder.

 Allan Campbell performs the favor of disposing of a dead body for Dorian, helping him cover up a murder.

Lord Henry performs the favor of disposing of a dead body for Dorian, helping him cover up a murder.

Запитання 24

1.      Among the characters, Basil Hallward can be considered the most positive due to his genuine love and concern for Dorian's well-being. Despite witnessing Dorian's moral decline, Basil remains steadfast in his belief in Dorian's inner goodness and tries to guide him back to the right path, albeit unsuccessfully.

       Dorian's beauty serves as both a blessing and a curse. 

варіанти відповідей

 Among the characters, Hetty Merton can be considered the most positive due to his genuine love and concern for Dorian's well-being. Despite witnessing Dorian's moral decline, Hetty remains steadfast in her belief in Dorian's inner goodness and tries to guide him back to the right path, albeit unsuccessfully.

       Dorian's beauty serves as both a blessing and a curse. 

Among the characters, Jane Vane can be considered the most positive due to her genuine love and concern for Dorian's well-being. Despite witnessing Dorian's moral decline, Jane remains steadfast in her belief in Dorian's inner goodness and tries to guide him back to the right path, albeit unsuccessfully.

       Dorian's beauty serves as both a blessing and a curse. 

 Among the characters, Basil Hallward can be considered the most positive due to his genuine love and concern for Dorian's well-being. Despite witnessing Dorian's moral decline, Basil remains steadfast in his belief in Dorian's inner goodness and tries to guide him back to the right path, albeit unsuccessfully.

       Dorian's beauty serves as both a blessing and a curse. 

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