Додано: 15 березня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Тест виконано: 228 разів
20 запитань
Запитання 1

London is the capital of

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Запитання 2

The black ravens live in….

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 the Houses of Parliament 

 the Buckingham Palace

 the Tower of London 

Запитання 3

London Eye is….

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 a museum 

a wheel 

 a park

Запитання 4

The symbol of England is….

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a daffodil  

 a rose 

a tulip

Запитання 5

Open the brackets and use the verbs in Past Simple.

My friend and I_(1)____(to have) a great holiday in London. We (2)______(to arrive) at the airport late on Sunday evening, and we (3) _____(to  decide) to take a taxi, even though it(4)_____(to be) very expensive. The taxi(5)_____(to take) us to our hotel, which was very nice, although the rooms (6)_____(to be) quite small. The next day we (7)_____( to wake )up early and (8) ____________(to have) an enormous breakfast. After breakfast we (9)_____(to go) to the art gallery. We (10)_____(to see)a lot of famous paintings there and  my friend and I really(11)______(to enjoy) it. In the afternoon we (12)______(to ride)on the London Eye. 

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Запитання 6

Open the brackets and use the verbs in Past Simple.

My friend and I_(1)____(to have) a great holiday in London. We (2)______(to arrive) at the airport late on Sunday evening, and we (3) _____(to  decide) to take a taxi, even though it(4)_____(to be) very expensive. The taxi(5)_____(to take) us to our hotel, which was very nice, although the rooms (6)_____(to be) quite small. The next day we (7)_____( to wake )up early and (8) ____________(to have) an enormous breakfast. After breakfast we (9)_____(to go) to the art gallery. We (10)_____(to see)a lot of famous paintings there and  my friend and I really(11)______(to enjoy) it. In the afternoon we (12)______(to ride)on the London Eye. 

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Запитання 7

Open the brackets and use the verbs in Past Simple.

My friend and I_(1)____(to have) a great holiday in London. We (2)______(to arrive) at the airport late on Sunday evening, and we (3) _____(to  decide) to take a taxi, even though it(4)_____(to be) very expensive. The taxi(5)_____(to take) us to our hotel, which was very nice, although the rooms (6)_____(to be) quite small. The next day we (7)_____( to wake )up early and (8) ____________(to have) an enormous breakfast. After breakfast we (9)_____(to go) to the art gallery. We (10)_____(to see)a lot of famous paintings there and  my friend and I really(11)______(to enjoy) it. In the afternoon we (12)______(to ride)on the London Eye. 

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Запитання 8

Open the brackets and use the verbs in Past Simple.

My friend and I_(1)____(to have) a great holiday in London. We (2)______(to arrive) at the airport late on Sunday evening, and we (3) _____(to  decide) to take a taxi, even though it(4)_____(to be) very expensive. The taxi(5)_____(to take) us to our hotel, which was very nice, although the rooms (6)_____(to be) quite small. The next day we (7)_____( to wake )up early and (8) ____________(to have) an enormous breakfast. After breakfast we (9)_____(to go) to the art gallery. We (10)_____(to see)a lot of famous paintings there and  my friend and I really(11)______(to enjoy) it. In the afternoon we (12)______(to ride)on the London Eye. 

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Запитання 9

Open the brackets and use the verbs in Past Simple.

My friend and I_(1)____(to have) a great holiday in London. We (2)______(to arrive) at the airport late on Sunday evening, and we (3) _____(to  decide) to take a taxi, even though it(4)_____(to be) very expensive. The taxi(5)_____(to take) us to our hotel, which was very nice, although the rooms (6)_____(to be) quite small. The next day we (7)_____( to wake )up early and (8) ____________(to have) an enormous breakfast. After breakfast we (9)_____(to go) to the art gallery. We (10)_____(to see)a lot of famous paintings there and  my friend and I really(11)______(to enjoy) it. In the afternoon we (12)______(to ride)on the London Eye. 

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Запитання 10

Open the brackets and use the verbs in Past Simple.

My friend and I_(1)____(to have) a great holiday in London. We (2)______(to arrive) at the airport late on Sunday evening, and we (3) _____(to  decide) to take a taxi, even though it(4)_____(to be) very expensive. The taxi(5)_____(to take) us to our hotel, which was very nice, although the rooms (6)_____(to be) quite small. The next day we (7)_____( to wake )up early and (8) ____________(to have) an enormous breakfast. After breakfast we (9)_____(to go) to the art gallery. We (10)_____(to see)a lot of famous paintings there and  my friend and I really(11)______(to enjoy) it. In the afternoon we (12)______(to ride)on the London Eye. 

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Запитання 11

Open the brackets and use the verbs in Past Simple.

My friend and I_(1)____(to have) a great holiday in London. We (2)______(to arrive) at the airport late on Sunday evening, and we (3) _____(to  decide) to take a taxi, even though it(4)_____(to be) very expensive. The taxi(5)_____(to take) us to our hotel, which was very nice, although the rooms (6)_____(to be) quite small. The next day we (7)_____( to wake )up early and (8) ____________(to have) an enormous breakfast. After breakfast we (9)_____(to go) to the art gallery. We (10)_____(to see)a lot of famous paintings there and  my friend and I really(11)______(to enjoy) it. In the afternoon we (12)______(to ride)on the London Eye. 

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Запитання 12

Open the brackets and use the verbs in Past Simple.

My friend and I_(1)____(to have) a great holiday in London. We (2)______(to arrive) at the airport late on Sunday evening, and we (3) _____(to  decide) to take a taxi, even though it(4)_____(to be) very expensive. The taxi(5)_____(to take) us to our hotel, which was very nice, although the rooms (6)_____(to be) quite small. The next day we (7)_____( to wake )up early and (8) ____________(to have) an enormous breakfast. After breakfast we (9)_____(to go) to the art gallery. We (10)_____(to see)a lot of famous paintings there and  my friend and I really(11)______(to enjoy) it. In the afternoon we (12)______(to ride)on the London Eye. 

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Запитання 13

Open the brackets and use the verbs in Past Simple.

My friend and I_(1)____(to have) a great holiday in London. We (2)______(to arrive) at the airport late on Sunday evening, and we (3) _____(to  decide) to take a taxi, even though it(4)_____(to be) very expensive. The taxi(5)_____(to take) us to our hotel, which was very nice, although the rooms (6)_____(to be) quite small. The next day we (7)_____( to wake )up early and (8) ____________(to have) an enormous breakfast. After breakfast we (9)_____(to go) to the art gallery. We (10)_____(to see)a lot of famous paintings there and  my friend and I really(11)______(to enjoy) it. In the afternoon we (12)______(to ride)on the London Eye. 

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Запитання 14

Open the brackets and use the verbs in Past Simple.

My friend and I_(1)____(to have) a great holiday in London. We (2)______(to arrive) at the airport late on Sunday evening, and we (3) _____(to  decide) to take a taxi, even though it(4)_____(to be) very expensive. The taxi(5)_____(to take) us to our hotel, which was very nice, although the rooms (6)_____(to be) quite small. The next day we (7)_____( to wake )up early and (8) ____________(to have) an enormous breakfast. After breakfast we (9)_____(to go) to the art gallery. We (10)_____(to see)a lot of famous paintings there and  my friend and I really(11)______(to enjoy) it. In the afternoon we (12)______(to ride)on the London Eye. 

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Запитання 15

Open the brackets and use the verbs in Past Simple.

My friend and I_(1)____(to have) a great holiday in London. We (2)______(to arrive) at the airport late on Sunday evening, and we (3) _____(to  decide) to take a taxi, even though it(4)_____(to be) very expensive. The taxi(5)_____(to take) us to our hotel, which was very nice, although the rooms (6)_____(to be) quite small. The next day we (7)_____( to wake )up early and (8) ____________(to have) an enormous breakfast. After breakfast we (9)_____(to go) to the art gallery. We (10)_____(to see)a lot of famous paintings there and  my friend and I really(11)______(to enjoy) it. In the afternoon we (12)______(to ride)on the London Eye. 

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Запитання 16

Open the brackets and use the verbs in Past Simple.

My friend and I_(1)____(to have) a great holiday in London. We (2)______(to arrive) at the airport late on Sunday evening, and we (3) _____(to  decide) to take a taxi, even though it(4)_____(to be) very expensive. The taxi(5)_____(to take) us to our hotel, which was very nice, although the rooms (6)_____(to be) quite small. The next day we (7)_____( to wake )up early and (8) ____________(to have) an enormous breakfast. After breakfast we (9)_____(to go) to the art gallery. We (10)_____(to see)a lot of famous paintings there and  my friend and I really(11)______(to enjoy) it. In the afternoon we (12)______(to ride) on the London Eye. 

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Запитання 17

Choose the Queen of England

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Запитання 18

Choose the flag of Great Britain

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Запитання 19

Name this landmark

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Big Ben

 London Eye

Nelson's Column

Запитання 20

Name this landmark

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Big Ben

London Eye

 Tower Bridge

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