The world of Painting

Додано: 4 квітня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 34 рази
9 запитань
Запитання 1

A trend

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 2

У виставковому залі багато картин на будь-який смак

варіанти відповідей

Many paintings are in the exhibition hall for every taste

There are many paintings in the exhibition hall for every taste

In the exhibition hall many paintingshall for every taste

There is many paintings in the exhibition hall for every taste

Запитання 3

Medieval art 

варіанти відповідей

Медійне мистецтво

Міжгалузеве мистецтво

Середньовічне мистецтво

Військове мистецтво

Запитання 4

The National Gallery 

        The National Gallery in London houses the national collection of Western European painting, comprising more than 2000 pictures dating from late 13th to the early 20th century. The pictures belong to the public and access to them is free, as it has been since the Gallery was founded in 1824. All European art schools are represented in the Gallery. All great artists are represented by masterpieces and the collection shows the international nature of European painting at all period since the Renaissance. The collection is housed in the building designed by William Wilkins in 1838.

         The Gallery is situated in the center of London, in the famous Trafalgar Square. The collection includes canvases by Italian, Spanish, French and English painters. Pictures of Hogarth, Turner, Constable, Gainsborough and Reynolds are exhibited there. Thousands of tourists and Londoners visit the National Gallery and enjoy the beauty of its collection.  


1.     When was the National Gallery founded?

варіанти відповідей

in 1955

in 1824

 in 1833

in the 13th century

Запитання 5

The National Gallery

        The National Gallery in London houses the national collection of Western European painting, comprising more than 2000 pictures dating from late 13th to the early 20th century. The pictures belong to the public and access to them is free, as it has been since the Gallery was founded in 1824. All European art schools are represented in the Gallery. All great artists are represented by masterpieces and the collection shows the international nature of European painting at all period since the Renaissance. The collection is housed in the building designed by William Wilkins in 1838.

         The Gallery is situated in the center of London, in the famous Trafalgar Square. The collection includes canvases by Italian, Spanish, French and English painters. Pictures of Hogarth, Turner, Constable, Gainsborough and Reynolds are exhibited there. Thousands of tourists and Londoners visit the National Gallery and enjoy the beauty of its collection.  

2.     Where is it situated?


варіанти відповідей


in France

in  Italy

in the center of London

Запитання 6

The National Gallery 

        The National Gallery in London houses the national collection of Western European painting, comprising more than 2000 pictures dating from late 13th to the early 20th century. The pictures belong to the public and access to them is free, as it has been since the Gallery was founded in 1824. All European art schools are represented in the Gallery. All great artists are represented by masterpieces and the collection shows the international nature of European painting at all period since the Renaissance. The collection is housed in the building designed by William Wilkins in 1838.

         The Gallery is situated in the center of London, in the famous Trafalgar Square. The collection includes canvases by Italian, Spanish, French and English painters. Pictures of Hogarth, Turner, Constable, Gainsborough and Reynolds are exhibited there. Thousands of tourists and Londoners visit the National Gallery and enjoy the beauty of its collection.  

3.     Whom do the pictures in the Gallery belong to?

варіанти відповідей

Japanese painting

Ukrainian painting

 European painting 

Chinese painting

Запитання 7

Seascape, Paint brush, Still life picture  , Outstanding, to devote, to depict

варіанти відповідей

Морський пейзаж, Пензлик, Повсякденне життя, Видатний, присвятити, зобразити

Морський пейзаж, Пензлик, Повсякденне життя, Видатний, Віддати, зобразити

Морський пейзаж, Пензлик, Натюрморт, Видатний, присвятити, зобразити

Морський пейзаж, Пензлик, Натюрморт, Видатний, присвятити, Малювати аквареллю

Запитання 8

Таке хобі як малювання розвиває творчі навички та творче мислення людини.

варіанти відповідей

So hobby as painting develops creative skills and creative brain. 

Such hobby as painting develops creative skills and creative mind. 

Such hobby is painting develops creative skills and creative mind. 

 So hobby as painting develops creative skills and creative mind. 

Запитання 9

Salvador Dali was born in Spain in 1904. When he was a child, he

showed _____ and often interrupted his class in school. As he got older,

he started to paint pictures that came from his dreams.

His dreams and _______were scary and unreal. Dali

went to art school in Madrid, Spain. He got ________,

and never finished. He even spent time ______. However, he continued to paint,

and his art style became known as Surrealism. Salvador Dali drew everyday items,

but changed them ________. For example, one of his paintings is of melting clocks. Before he died

at the age of 85 in 1989, Dali had created works in film, ballet, opera, fashion,

jewelry, and advertising illustrations.

варіанти відповідей

in jail, in odd ways, strange behavior, his paintings, kicked out,

strange behavior, his paintings, kicked out, in jail, in odd ways

kicked out, strange behavior, in odd ways, his paintings, in jail

his paintings, strange behavior, kicked out, in odd ways, in jail

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