
Додано: 13 березня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Тест виконано: 315 разів
27 запитань
Запитання 1

Travelling by... .

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Запитання 2

Travelling by... .

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Запитання 3

When you travel from one place to another.

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Запитання 4

Kate likes planes. That's why she always travels...

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by ship.

by air

Запитання 5

Michael likes walking. So, he ofen travels... .

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by bike.

on foot.

Запитання 6

These passengers didn't like the trip

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Цим пасажирам поїздка не сподобалася

Цим пасажирам поїздка не подобається

Запитання 7

Ми збираємося побачити багато визначних пам'яток

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We're going to see a lot of sightseens

We're going to visit a lot of sightseens

We're going to look for a lot of sightseens

Запитання 8

Я не пам'ятаю свою першу поїздку кораблем

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I don't remember my first trip by ship

I don't recall my first trip by ship

I don't remind my first trip by ship

Запитання 9

Вона регулярно приїжджає до рідних на машині

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She regularly come to her relatives by car

She regularly comes to her relatives by car

Запитання 10

Чому люди подорожують?

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Why do pupils travel?

Why do people travel?

Запитання 11

Travelling was very pleasant and interesting.

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Подорож була дуже приємною та цікавою.

Подорожувати дуже приємно і цікаво.

Запитання 12

Люди можуть дістатися з одного місця в інше на літаку

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People can get from one place to another by plane

People can travel from one place to another by plane

Запитання 13

Match the pictures to the definitions given below . 

An official document with a photograph and some personal information which a child must have while travelling.

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Запитання 14

Match the pictures to the definitions given below . 

A document which gives you the right to travel on a public bus.

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Запитання 15

Match the pictures to the definitions given below . 

A small piece of paper or a card given to a passenger to show that they have paid for one journey.

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Запитання 16

Match the pictures to the definitions given below . 

A thing that you need to travel by underground.

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Запитання 17

Match the pictures to the definitions given below . 

In the UK , a ticket for travel to a place and then back again.

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Запитання 18

Match the pictures to the definitions given below . 

An official document with a photograph and some personal information for a citizen of any country travelling abroad.

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Запитання 19

People pack their _______ into their suitcases or bags.

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by car 

large ships

Запитання 20

A thing that you need to travel by underground is _____.

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a bus pass

a token

a single ticket

Запитання 21

While travelling by underground in Kyiv , you should buy _____ . It costs two hryvnias.

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a bus pass

a token

a single ticket

Запитання 22

 People can get from one place to another _______ plane.

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Запитання 23

If you are in a crowded city you ___ be careful with your money.

*crowded - багатолюдне

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Запитання 24

Railway stations and airports are summer.

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busy places

eazy places

funny places

Запитання 25

I always pack mu luggage in my yellow...

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Запитання 26

... trains carry passengers from one place to another.

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Запитання 27

It ... me 10 minutes to get to the bus station.

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