Travelling. Несвіт

Додано: 2 лютого 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Копія з тесту: Travelling. Несвіт
Тест виконано: 174 рази
17 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text and choose the correct picture.

I don't like cars and planes. I think they are too dangerous. My mother prefers travelling by train and I agree with her. This is a good way to see the country and meet new friends. And you don't have to hurry!

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Запитання 2

Read the text and choose the correct picture.

I can't understand why people use different means of transport for travelling. As for me, a nice walk in the mountains is more interesting and is better for health. You can enjoy nature and have a lot of fun with your friends.

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Запитання 3

What is this?

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Запитання 4

Translate the word combinations.

Подорожувати літаком

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to travel by train

to travel by plane

to travel by ship

to travel by bus

Запитання 5

Я люблю подорожувати літаком.

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I like travelling on plane

Travelling by bus is the best!

I like travelling by plane

Запитання 6

You can get to most places in London very quickly ....

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by underground (Tube)

on foot

by double-decker

by plane

Запитання 7

Where can you buy a ticket?

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a noticeboard

a token machine

a ticket machine

on the map

Запитання 8

How do you get from your home to your school?

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by train

by bus

by plane

by ship

Запитання 9

How do you travel to nearest foreign country?

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on foot

by car

by spaceship

Запитання 10

Travelling by train is ..... than by plane.

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more expensive


Запитання 11

Travelling by plane is .... than by car.

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more expensive


more difficult


Запитання 12

People pack their luggage into their ....

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Запитання 13

Complete the sentences with “should” or “shouldn`t”.

2) You ... walk alone in a new city. It`s dangerous for your safety.


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Запитання 14

Complete the sentences with “should” or “shouldn`t”.

3) When you go to Spain, you ... visit interesting sightseeings. 

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Запитання 15

Complete the sentence with totoo or two.

You can get ... school by school bus.




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Запитання 16

Complete the sentence with totoo or two.

The train arrives at ... o`clock.


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Запитання 17

Complete the sentence with totoo or two.

I like to travel by car and by plane, ... .



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