
Додано: 5 квітня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 309 разів
20 запитань
Запитання 1

1.The Ukrainian__________________ is blue and yellow

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Запитання 2

There are twenty-four_______________ in Ukraine.

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Запитання 3

The_______________________ of Ukraine is moderately continental. 

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Запитання 4

The___________________ of the country is about 42,4 million people. 

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Запитання 5

Ukraine occupies an________________ of 603.700 square kilometers

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Запитання 6

There are two____________________ on Ukrainian flag

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Запитання 7

Ukraine is_______________________in mineral resources

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Запитання 8

Kyiv is located on the__________________________ of the Dnieper River. 

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Запитання 9

Madam, Do you mind (to open) ___________________ up your luggage? 

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to open



Запитання 10

Do you mind If I (to close) ___________________ the back door?

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Запитання 11

Do you mind (to help) _____________________ me? 

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Запитання 12

Do you mind if I (to use) ____________________ your laptop?

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Запитання 13

Would you mind if I (to present) _____________________ my presentation next week? 

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to present

Запитання 14

Would you mind if I (to sit) ______________ down?

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to sit

Запитання 15

The climate of Ukraine as well as of any other country is determined by the peculiarities of its geographical position. As Ukraine is situated in the south-east of Central Europe rather far from the Atlantic Ocean and close to the large continent of Asia, we have moderately continental climate. The characteristic feature of this climate is four seasons: winter, spring, summer and autumn. We hardly ever have severe frosts in winter, but there are snowfalls everywhere except the south of the country. Spring is usually very late: we can admire the blossom and enjoy the warmth of the sun only since the end of April. Summer is often hot, with occasional showers and thunderstorms that break the heat and clear the air. The real autumn comes in October, bringing miserable cold weather with biting winds and constant rains. The Crimean coast, however, has a subtropical climate, with mild, wet winters and hot, dry summers. In Eastern Ukraine, air messes from the steppes of Central Asia often make summers warmer and winter colder. The average temperature in Kyiv is –6 °C in January and +20°C in July. Ukraine’s climate is generally favourable for agriculture and tourism, especially in the Crimea.

1. There are snowfalls everywhere except the north of the country.

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not stated

Запитання 16

The climate of Ukraine as well as of any other country is determined by the peculiarities of its geographical position. As Ukraine is situated in the south-east of Central Europe rather far from the Atlantic Ocean and close to the large continent of Asia, we have moderately continental climate. The characteristic feature of this climate is four seasons: winter, spring, summer and autumn. We hardly ever have severe frosts in winter, but there are snowfalls everywhere except the south of the country. Spring is usually very late: we can admire the blossom and enjoy the warmth of the sun only since the end of April. Summer is often hot, with occasional showers and thunderstorms that break the heat and clear the air. The real autumn comes in October, bringing miserable cold weather with biting winds and constant rains. The Crimean coast, however, has a subtropical climate, with mild, wet winters and hot, dry summers. In Eastern Ukraine, air messes from the steppes of Central Asia often make summers warmer and winter colder. The average temperature in Kyiv is –6 °C in January and +20°C in July. Ukraine’s climate is generally favourable for agriculture and tourism, especially in the Crimea.

2. The climate of Ukraine isn’t moderately continental.

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not stated

Запитання 17

The climate of Ukraine as well as of any other country is determined by the peculiarities of its geographical position. As Ukraine is situated in the south-east of Central Europe rather far from the Atlantic Ocean and close to the large continent of Asia, we have moderately continental climate. The characteristic feature of this climate is four seasons: winter, spring, summer and autumn. We hardly ever have severe frosts in winter, but there are snowfalls everywhere except the south of the country. Spring is usually very late: we can admire the blossom and enjoy the warmth of the sun only since the end of April. Summer is often hot, with occasional showers and thunderstorms that break the heat and clear the air. The real autumn comes in October, bringing miserable cold weather with biting winds and constant rains. The Crimean coast, however, has a subtropical climate, with mild, wet winters and hot, dry summers. In Eastern Ukraine, air messes from the steppes of Central Asia often make summers warmer and winter colder. The average temperature in Kyiv is –6 °C in January and +20°C in July. Ukraine’s climate is generally favourable for agriculture and tourism, especially in the Crimea.

3. The real autumn comes in September in our country

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not stated

Запитання 18

The climate of Ukraine as well as of any other country is determined by the peculiarities of its geographical position. As Ukraine is situated in the south-east of Central Europe rather far from the Atlantic Ocean and close to the large continent of Asia, we have moderately continental climate. The characteristic feature of this climate is four seasons: winter, spring, summer and autumn. We hardly ever have severe frosts in winter, but there are snowfalls everywhere except the south of the country. Spring is usually very late: we can admire the blossom and enjoy the warmth of the sun only since the end of April. Summer is often hot, with occasional showers and thunderstorms that break the heat and clear the air. The real autumn comes in October, bringing miserable cold weather with biting winds and constant rains. The Crimean coast, however, has a subtropical climate, with mild, wet winters and hot, dry summers. In Eastern Ukraine, air messes from the steppes of Central Asia often make summers warmer and winter colder. The average temperature in Kyiv is –6 °C in January and +20°C in July. Ukraine’s climate is generally favourable for agriculture and tourism, especially in the Crimea.

4. In the Crimea summers are hot and dry

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not stated

Запитання 19

The climate of Ukraine as well as of any other country is determined by the peculiarities of its geographical position. As Ukraine is situated in the south-east of Central Europe rather far from the Atlantic Ocean and close to the large continent of Asia, we have moderately continental climate. The characteristic feature of this climate is four seasons: winter, spring, summer and autumn. We hardly ever have severe frosts in winter, but there are snowfalls everywhere except the south of the country. Spring is usually very late: we can admire the blossom and enjoy the warmth of the sun only since the end of April. Summer is often hot, with occasional showers and thunderstorms that break the heat and clear the air. The real autumn comes in October, bringing miserable cold weather with biting winds and constant rains. The Crimean coast, however, has a subtropical climate, with mild, wet winters and hot, dry summers. In Eastern Ukraine, air messes from the steppes of Central Asia often make summers warmer and winter colder. The average temperature in Kyiv is –6 °C in January and +20°C in July. Ukraine’s climate is generally favourable for agriculture and tourism, especially in the Crimea.

5. It rains more often in autumn than in other seasons

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not stated

Запитання 20

The climate of Ukraine as well as of any other country is determined by the peculiarities of its geographical position. As Ukraine is situated in the south-east of Central Europe rather far from the Atlantic Ocean and close to the large continent of Asia, we have moderately continental climate. The characteristic feature of this climate is four seasons: winter, spring, summer and autumn. We hardly ever have severe frosts in winter, but there are snowfalls everywhere except the south of the country. Spring is usually very late: we can admire the blossom and enjoy the warmth of the sun only since the end of April. Summer is often hot, with occasional showers and thunderstorms that break the heat and clear the air. The real autumn comes in October, bringing miserable cold weather with biting winds and constant rains. The Crimean coast, however, has a subtropical climate, with mild, wet winters and hot, dry summers. In Eastern Ukraine, air messes from the steppes of Central Asia often make summers warmer and winter colder. The average temperature in Kyiv is –6 °C in January and +20°C in July. Ukraine’s climate is generally favourable for agriculture and tourism, especially in the Crimea.

6. The characteristic feature of this climate is three seasons.

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not stated

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