Unit 1 Focus 4 2nd Grammar/Reading

Додано: 19 вересня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 64 рази
5 запитань
Запитання 1

1. Translate into English with the appropriate expression and using correct form of collocation about past or present habits.

В офісі президента головний мозок/відповідальний щодо відновлення психічної свідомості населення - Олексій Арестович.

варіанти відповідей

Olexiy Arestovych is the brains of regaining people's mental consciousness.

The brains belong regaining people's mental consciousness is Olexiy Arestovych.

The brains behind regaining people's mental consciousness is Olexiy Arestovych.

Olexiy Arestovych is the brains under regaining people's mental consciousness.

Запитання 2

2. Translate into English with the appropriate expression and using correct form of collocation about past or present habits.

Наш правитель завжди мав на думці покращення освідченості суспільства та успішне оволодіння/придбання людьми суттєвих творчих навичок.

варіанти відповідей

Our master has improvement of the society's intelligence and people's successful acquiring of creative skills on his brains.

Our president has improving of the society's intelligence and people's successful acquiring of creative skills on his brains.

Our ruler has been improving of the society's intelligence and people's successful acquiring of creative skills on his brains.

Our ruler used to have improvement of the society's intelligence and people's successful acquiring of creative skills on his brains.

Запитання 3

3. Translate into English with the appropriate expression and using correct form of collocation about past or present habits or facts.

Батька одного вченого генія вдарило блискавкою, після чого він втратив свідомість і згодом впав в кому.

варіанти відповідей

One savant's father has been struck by lightning, so afterwords he lost consiousness and fell into a coma.

One savant's father had been struck by lightning, so afterwords he lost consiousness and fell into a coma.

One savant's father was struck by lightning, so afterwords he lost consiousness and fell into a coma.

One savant's father is struck by lightning, so afterwords he lost consiousness and fell into a coma.

Запитання 4

4. Translate into English with the appropriate expression and using correct form of collocation about past or present habits.

Дуже часто генії були не просто розумні, а й постійно придумували нові чудові ідеї й готові обговорити їх з усім світом, як визначні справи людства.

варіанти відповідей

Very often savants are not only brainy, but also they constantly have some new fascinating brainwaves and they ready to brainstorm them with the whole world as remarkable humanbeing's deals.

Savants very often used to be not only brainy, but also they constantly have some new fascinating brainwaves and they're ready to brainstorm them with the whole world as remarkable humanbeing's deals.

Very often savants would be not only brainy, but also they constantly have some new fascinating brainwaves and they ready to brainstorm them with the whole world as remarkable humanbeing's cases.

Very often savants are not only brainy, but also they constantly have some new fascinating brainwaves and they're ready to brainstorm them with the whole world as exceptional humanbeing's cases.

Запитання 5

5. Translate into English with the appropriate expression and using correct form of collocation about past or present habits.

Вчитель математики використовував час з користю і завжди давав рівняння з десятичними дробами, не зважаючи сам вирішував складні завдання в умі.

варіанти відповідей

The teacher of Maths used to put his time to good use and used to give sums with decimal places, despite to be able to perform any complex mental arithmetic.

The teacher of Maths will put his time to good use and used to give sums with decimal places, despite being able to perform any complex mental arithmetic.

The teacher of Maths would put his time to good use and used to give sums with decimal places, however being able to perform any complex mental arithmetic.

The teacher of Maths would put his time to good use and used to give sums with decimal places, despite being able to perform any complex mental arithmetic.

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