Unit 12 p. 69

Додано: 6 березня
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
14 запитань
Запитання 1

Complete the sentences

This smartphone is than that one.

варіанти відповідей



as bad as

Запитання 2

Complete the sentences

Smart TVs are than digital TVs because you can watch your favourite programme or movie whenever you like.

варіанти відповідей



as good as

Запитання 3

Complete the sentences

Sometimes wireless printers can be than wired printers.

варіанти відповідей



as slow as

Запитання 4

Complete the sentences

Which is the games console in the world?

варіанти відповідей



as large as

Запитання 5

Complete the sentences

My laptop is than my sister's laptop.

варіанти відповідей

as powerful as

most powerful

more powerful

Запитання 6

Complete the sentences

Our new TV set is than the old one.

варіанти відповідей

as expensive as

most expensive

more expensive

Запитання 7

Complete the sentences

She downloaded the software for her tablet.

варіанти відповідей

as new as



Запитання 8

Complete the sentences

This is the browser available today.

варіанти відповідей

easyer and faster

easyest and fastest

easiest and fastest

Запитання 9

Complete the sentences

Which is the fitness tracker?

варіанти відповідей

most good



Запитання 10

Complete the sentences

Virtual reality (VR) is one of (1)… and (2)… technologies around today. With the help of virtual reality, you can go to without leaving your house. Visiting museums in VR can be than playing computer games. You can point your phone at a painting and bring it to life. You can travel to objects in our universe or go back in time and see historical events with your own eyes. Just imagine walking through the streets of ancient Rome - it could be experience of your life! Learning difficult things with the help of VR is than reading about them in a book. Many people think that VR is step forward in education.

варіанти відповідей

1) the greatest

1) greater

1) more greater

2) newer

2) more new

2) newest

Запитання 11

Complete the sentences

Virtual reality (VR) is one of and technologies around today. With the help of virtual reality, you can go to (3)… without leaving your house. Visiting museums in VR can be (4)… than playing computer games. You can point your phone at a painting and bring it to life. You can travel to objects in our universe or go back in time and see historical events with your own eyes. Just imagine walking through the streets of ancient Rome - it could be experience of your life! Learning difficult things with the help of VR is than reading about them in a book. Many people think that VR is step forward in education.

варіанти відповідей

3) the most amazing

3) more amazing

3) as amazing as

4) the most interesting

4) more interesting

4) as interesting as

Запитання 12

Complete the sentences

Virtual reality (VR) is one of and technologies around today. With the help of virtual reality, you can go to without leaving your house. Visiting museums in VR can be than playing computer games. You can point your phone at a painting and bring it to life. You can travel to (5)… objects in our universe or go back in time and see (6)… historical events with your own eyes. Just imagine walking through the streets of ancient Rome - it could be experience of your life! Learning difficult things with the help of VR is than reading about them in a book. Many people think that VR is step forward in education.

варіанти відповідей

5) farthest

5) farther

5) the farthest

6) the most important

6) as important as

6) more important

Запитання 13

Complete the sentences

Virtual reality (VR) is one of and technologies around today. With the help of virtual reality, you can go to without leaving your house. Visiting museums in VR can be than playing computer games. You can point your phone at a painting and bring it to life. You can travel to objects in our universe or go back in time and see historical events with your own eyes. Just imagine walking through the streets of ancient Rome - it could be (7)… experience of your life! Learning difficult things with the help of VR is (8)… than reading about them in a book. Many people think that VR is step forward in education.

варіанти відповідей

7) more exciting

7) the most exciting

7) as exciting as

8) the easiest

8) more easy

8) easier

Запитання 14

Complete the sentences

Virtual reality (VR) is one of and technologies around today. With the help of virtual reality, you can go to without leaving your house. Visiting museums in VR can be than playing computer games. You can point your phone at a painting and bring it to life. You can travel to objects in our universe or go back in time and see historical events with your own eyes. Just imagine walking through the streets of ancient Rome - it could be experience of your life! Learning difficult things with the help of VR is than reading about them in a book. Many people think that VR is (9)… step forward in education.

варіанти відповідей

9) more bigger

9) the biggest

9) as big as

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