Unit 2 "Teen Generation" Test. 9 клас

Final test.

Додано: 23 жовтня
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Копія з тесту: Unit 2 "Teen Generation" Test
25 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text about hip hop fashion and choose the best word for space in bold.

Hip Hop Fashion

In the early 1970s, hip hop music became popular in New York, USA. The people who were interested in this music started (1) __________ certain kinds of clothes. DJs were the first people to wear hip hop fashion. They wore clothes that were like disco fashions (2) __________ were popular then. By the 1980s, hip hop singers were an important part of the music world, and hip hop fashion began to change. In the early 1980s, (3) ___________ hip hop singers dressed in comfortable clothes such as trousers that were (4) __________ big for them and colourful T-shirts. During the 1990s, hats and sports clothes became popular. Hip Hop singers also began to wear a lot of heavy gold. Many people think that hip hop is (5) __________ of the biggest fashions that has (6) _______ come from the USA. 

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Запитання 2

Read the text about hip hop fashion and choose the best word for space in bold.

Hip Hop Fashion

In the early 1970s, hip hop music became popular in New York, USA. The people who were interested in this music started (1) __________ certain kinds of clothes. DJs were the first people to wear hip hop fashion. They wore clothes that were like disco fashions (2) __________ were popular then. By the 1980s, hip hop singers were an important part of the music world, and hip hop fashion began to change. In the early 1980s, (3) ___________ hip hop singers dressed in comfortable clothes such as trousers that were (4) __________ big for them and colourful T-shirts. During the 1990s, hats and sports clothes became popular. Hip Hop singers also began to wear a lot of heavy gold. Many people think that hip hop is (5) __________ of the biggest fashions that has (6) _______ come from the USA. 

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Запитання 3

Read the text about hip hop fashion and choose the best word for space in bold.

Hip Hop Fashion

In the early 1970s, hip hop music became popular in New York, USA. The people who were interested in this music started (1) __________ certain kinds of clothes. DJs were the first people to wear hip hop fashion. They wore clothes that were like disco fashions (2) __________ were popular then. By the 1980s, hip hop singers were an important part of the music world, and hip hop fashion began to change. In the early 1980s, (3) ___________ hip hop singers dressed in comfortable clothes such as trousers that were (4) __________ big for them and colourful T-shirts. During the 1990s, hats and sports clothes became popular. Hip Hop singers also began to wear a lot of heavy gold. Many people think that hip hop is (5) __________ of the biggest fashions that has (6) _______ come from the USA. 

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Запитання 4

Read the text about hip hop fashion and choose the best word for space in bold.

Hip Hop Fashion

In the early 1970s, hip hop music became popular in New York, USA. The people who were interested in this music started (1) __________ certain kinds of clothes. DJs were the first people to wear hip hop fashion. They wore clothes that were like disco fashions (2) __________ were popular then. By the 1980s, hip hop singers were an important part of the music world, and hip hop fashion began to change. In the early 1980s, (3) ___________ hip hop singers dressed in comfortable clothes such as trousers that were (4) __________ big for them and colourful T-shirts. During the 1990s, hats and sports clothes became popular. Hip Hop singers also began to wear a lot of heavy gold. Many people think that hip hop is (5) __________ of the biggest fashions that has (6) _______ come from the USA. 

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Запитання 5

Read the text about hip hop fashion and choose the best word for space in bold.

Hip Hop Fashion

In the early 1970s, hip hop music became popular in New York, USA. The people who were interested in this music started (1) __________ certain kinds of clothes. DJs were the first people to wear hip hop fashion. They wore clothes that were like disco fashions (2) __________ were popular then. By the 1980s, hip hop singers were an important part of the music world, and hip hop fashion began to change. In the early 1980s, (3) ___________ hip hop singers dressed in comfortable clothes such as trousers that were (4) __________ big for them and colourful T-shirts. During the 1990s, hats and sports clothes became popular. Hip Hop singers also began to wear a lot of heavy gold. Many people think that hip hop is (5) _________ of the biggest fashions that has (6) _______ come from the USA. 

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Запитання 6

Read the text about hip hop fashion and choose the best word for space in bold.

Hip Hop Fashion

In the early 1970s, hip hop music became popular in New York, USA. The people who were interested in this music started (1) __________ certain kinds of clothes. DJs were the first people to wear hip hop fashion. They wore clothes that were like disco fashions (2) __________ were popular then. By the 1980s, hip hop singers were an important part of the music world, and hip hop fashion began to change. In the early 1980s, (3) ___________ hip hop singers dressed in comfortable clothes such as trousers that were (4) __________ big for them and colourful T-shirts. During the 1990s, hats and sports clothes became popular. Hip Hop singers also began to wear a lot of heavy gold. Many people think that hip hop is (5) _________ of the biggest fashions that has (6) _______ come from the USA. 

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Запитання 7

Read the description and choose the correct teenage group.

Someone who doesn’t have problems with school or teachers.

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computer geeks




Запитання 8

Read the description and choose the correct teenage group.

Someone who talks about the latest software or new gadgets.

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hip hoppers

computer geeks


Запитання 9

Read the description and choose the correct teenage group.

Someone who is fascinated by African American urban culture.

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heavy metal fan

hip hoppers


Запитання 10

Read the description and choose the correct teenage group.

Someone who has a clear idea about their future career. 

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computer geeks


Запитання 11

Read the description and choose the correct teenage group.

Someone who wears a lot of strange accessories like chains, safety pins, and of course spiky hair.

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heavy metal fan

hip hoppers

punk rockers


Запитання 12

Read the description and choose the correct teenage group.

Someone who who wears baggy clothes and baseball caps and whose favourite music is rap and hip hop.

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hip hoppers

punk rockers


Запитання 13

Read the description and choose the correct teenage group.

Someone who is very ambitious and competitive, but also hard-working. 

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Запитання 14

Read the description and choose the correct teenage group.

Someone who never forgets to do their homework. That’s why other students sometimes call them nerds.

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computer geeks



Запитання 15

Read the description and choose the correct teenage group.

Their favourite hang-outs are computer labs, cyber cafes or any other place with a computer nearby.

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computer geeks

punk rockers

Запитання 16

Read the description and choose the correct adjective.

Someone who cares a lot about what clothes to wear.

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Запитання 17

Read the description and choose the correct adjective.

Someone who is very clever.

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fashion- conscious

Запитання 18

Read the description and choose the correct adjective.

Someone who is hard to please.

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Запитання 19

Read the description and choose the correct adjective.

Someone who likes success and competition.

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Запитання 20

Choose the correct preposition

They are afraid ______ losing the match.

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Запитання 21

Choose the correct preposition.

I'm not interested ______ hearing your excuses.

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Запитання 22

Choose the correct preposition.

We insist ______ cooking the dinner ourselves.

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Запитання 23

Choose the correct form.

Would you mind ________ back later.

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to come



Запитання 24

Choose the correct form.

She is good _________ .

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at dance

at dancing

in dancing

in dance

Запитання 25

Choose the correct form.

I look forward ________ from you.

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to hearing

to hear



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