Unit 3 "School"

Додано: 13 квітня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 606 разів
21 запитання
Запитання 1


You will hear twice six differen tex tracts.

For each extract choose the answer (A-C)

which fits best according to what you hear

Text 1.

1 What problem with their revision do both speakers have?

варіанти відповідей

 Their notes are not very useful.

They have missed some classes.

They haven’t found the right books.

Запитання 2

Text 2.

2 What does the girl think of her evening language course?

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The coursebook is rather boring.

The lessons aren’t enjoyable enough.

They do not do enough grammar.

Запитання 3

Text 3.

3 The speech is given at

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the end of the school year.

the opening of a school year.

the school anniversary.

Запитання 4

Text 4.

4 What does the teacher tell the parent about her son?

варіанти відповідей

He has improved in all his subjects.

Some teachers have complained about his behaviour.

He still has problems with one subject.

Запитання 5

Text 5.

5 When he talks about his college education, the speaker regrets

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not going on to do a master’s degree.

not having a good social life.

not doing enough work for his exams.

Запитання 6

Text 6.

6 How does Dave feel after the exam?

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He’s disappointed.

He’s pleased.

He’s relaxed.

Запитання 7


 Read the following three texts which are all about focusing attention. For each question choose theanswer (A, B or C) which you think fits best accordingto the text.

Text 1.

It’s early afternoon on Saturday and I’m getting down to some serious revision before my anatomy exam next week. ‘No calls, no text messages now!’ I decide as I switch my mobile off. My notes are in a mess, so I have no choice but sort them out first. Twenty minutes later I’m beginning to read them. After a few moments, however, I realise my mind is on completely different things, so I force myself to focus and start reading again. Before I know it, I’m wondering where I’m going to go out tonight.

1 The writer fails to revise for his exam because

варіанти відповідей

his notes are not very useful.

he keeps thinking about other things

he can’t focus because of his mobile phone.

Запитання 8

Text 2.

Some people call our times the age of multitasking, mostly because of the influence of digital technology, which allows people to get involved in several activities at the same time. For others, however, it is an age of distraction. So thinks Dr Daniel Goleman, the author of a book on the skills of attention, Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence. For him, multitasking is a myth. He argues that when our brain switches quickly between tasks, it is hard for us to learn to concentrate on one task. This does not matter much when we do routine activities, but it has a negative influence on our ability to understand completely new ideas

2 According to Dr Goleman, people nowadays

варіанти відповідей

are not good at doing routine activities.

find it difficult to pay attention to one activity.

are good at understanding new ideas.

Запитання 9

Text 3.

Do you find it difficult to get your child to pay attention? Are you afraid that your son or daughter might have concentration problems? Don’t panic – following a few everyday tips may improve your child’s attention skills. Create an atmosphere of understanding. Parents who are too tolerant or too strict more often have children with attention problems. However, remember to set clear rules for behaviour and routine tasks, such as homework. Create a timetable for everyday tasks, and set a good example by keeping to it yourself.

However, if the problems continue for a period longer than six months, contact a specialist who will diagnose if your child has an attention deficit problem.

3 The author of the text mainly

варіанти відповідей

gives practical advice to parents.

describes causes of attention problems.

criticises parents for giving a bad 

Запитання 10

3 Complete the definitions with the correct words.

1 A _________ is the boss of the school.


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head master

head teacher

Запитання 11

3 Complete the definitions with the correct words.

2 _________ is the study of all living organisms.


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Запитання 12

3 Complete the definitions with the correct words.

A _________ school is for children aged 3–5.    

варіанти відповідей

nursery school

primary school

high school

Запитання 13

Choose the words that have a similar meaning to the words and expressions in bold.

 I’m deeply concerned about his poor performance recently.

варіанти відповідей

worried about

surprised by

Запитання 14

Choose the words that have a similar meaning to the words and expressions in bold.

I’m having private lessons in Spanish. My teacher is really good and his rates are reasonable.

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Запитання 15

Choose the words that have a similar meaning to the words and expressions in bold.


3He often does extra activities to engage the students.

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take part in

Запитання 16

Choose the words that have a similar meaning to the words and expressions in bold.

If you keep playing truant, you’ll get into serious trouble with the teachers.

варіанти відповідей

behaving rudely

missing classed

Запитання 17

In the sentences 1-5 choose the word which best fits both sentences. Circle A, B or C. 

This weekend I’m planning to prepare __ my history test next week.

Is there a good reason __ your poor grades this month.

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Запитання 18

In the sentences 1-5 choose the word which best fits both sentences. Circle A, B or C. 

He’s decided to __ up Italian – he’s doing an online course.

The exam will __ place on 27th May.

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Запитання 19

In the sentences 1-5 choose the word which best fits both sentences. Circle A, B or C. 

All right, let’s __ the date of our next test. How about 20th March?

I’ll divide you into groups of four and I’ll __ a different task for each group.

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Запитання 20

In the sentences 1-5 choose the word which best fits both sentences. Circle A, B or C. 

There is a medical __ in this text which I can’t understand.

We’re going to take a test at the end of the winter __.

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Запитання 21

In the sentences 1-5 choose the word which best fits both sentences. Circle A, B or C. 

How do you __ about your new school?

I always __ disappointed when I get a low grade.

A feel B think C find

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