What’s the ___ limit in town?
How ___ is that desk?
The new school is only a mile ___ my home.
My car doesn’t go faster than 90km ___ hour.
It doesn’t ___ long to get to town.
The Earth is in _________ around the Sun.
A(n) _________________ sends TV and phone signals around the world.
If I ___________________________ (fall) over,
I ___________________________ (twist) my ankle.
(Third Conditional)
We didn’t visit you because we didn’t have time. (Parafrase)
If the sky is clear, ___ .
I’d ask him to help you ... .
A: What would you do if you ___ (win) a lot of money?
B: I ____________________ (not/change) my life at all.
He would also love to travel in a plane that breaks the sound ____ .
-Is that your new camera? That’s so ___.
Can I have a ____ with it?
There are some things you’re not ___ to do.
Hey! ____ out for those people. You nearly knocked them over. Stop videoing for a moment.
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