Unit 6 test English Plus 2 2nd edition

Додано: 18 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Тест виконано: 109 разів
25 запитань
Запитання 1

Choose the word that is different

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Запитання 2

Choose the word that is different

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Запитання 3

Choose the word that is different

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   water bottle    

swimming pool

first-aid kit

sleeping bag

Запитання 4

Choose the word that is different

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Запитання 5

Choose the word that is different

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Запитання 6

Choose the correct answer 

We’ll wear warm clothes if the weather ______ bad tomorrow.

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will be

Запитання 7

Choose the correct answer 

If you don’t work hard, you won’t ______ well in the exam.

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to do                                    


Запитання 8

Choose the correct answer 

Come on! ______ the bus if we don’t run!

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We miss          

We’ll miss

Запитання 9

Choose the correct answer 

If it ______ this afternoon, we’ll go to the park.

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doesn’t rain     

won’t rain

Запитання 10

Choose the correct answer 

______ to Eva’s party if she invites you?

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Do you go                            

Will you go

Запитання 11

Choose the correct word

We have school uniforms at my school. Students __________ wear their uniforms every day

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Запитання 12

Choose the correct word

This DVD is really brilliant. You _______ watch it!

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Запитання 13

Choose the correct word

We mustn’t _______ our mobile phones into the exam room.

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Запитання 14

Choose the correct word

Your sister should _______ that art gallery. It’s an interesting place.

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Запитання 15

Choose the correct word

You _______ eat in the classroom. It’s a school rule.

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Запитання 16

Read the phone conversation. Then choose the correct answers.

Hello? Mountain Rescue Service.

Hello. Can you help us? We’re lost in the mountains!

Where are you?

We’re about ten kilometres north of Varino, near a forest. I’m with a friend. We’re both very cold and tired. I think there’s a river about two kilometres away. Should we try to walk there?

No. Stay where you are. If you try to move, things will get worse. Have you got any food?

Yes, a little.

Right. You should try to eat something. If you do that, you’ll feel stronger. And have you got a lighter?

Yes, I have. Should I make a fire?

Yes. You must do that. We’ll send a helicopter in fifteen minutes. It’ll be dark then, but if you light a fire, we’ll see it from our helicopter.

Thank you! Please come quickly!

1 ________ people are lost in the mountains.

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Запитання 17

Read the phone conversation. Then choose the correct answers.

Hello? Mountain Rescue Service.

Hello. Can you help us? We’re lost in the mountains!

Where are you?

We’re about ten kilometres north of Varino, near a forest. I’m with a friend. We’re both very cold and tired. I think there’s a river about two kilometres away. Should we try to walk there?

No. Stay where you are. If you try to move, things will get worse. Have you got any food?

Yes, a little.

Right. You should try to eat something. If you do that, you’ll feel stronger. And have you got a lighter?

Yes, I have. Should I make a fire?

Yes. You must do that. We’ll send a helicopter in fifteen minutes. It’ll be dark then, but if you light a fire, we’ll see it from our helicopter.

Thank you! Please come quickly!

2  They are near a _______ .

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Запитання 18

Read the phone conversation. Then choose the correct answers.

Hello? Mountain Rescue Service.

Hello. Can you help us? We’re lost in the mountains!

Where are you?

We’re about ten kilometres north of Varino, near a forest. I’m with a friend. We’re both very cold and tired. I think there’s a river about two kilometres away. Should we try to walk there?

No. Stay where you are. If you try to move, things will get worse. Have you got any food?

Yes, a little.

Right. You should try to eat something. If you do that, you’ll feel stronger. And have you got a lighter?

Yes, I have. Should I make a fire?

Yes. You must do that. We’ll send a helicopter in fifteen minutes. It’ll be dark then, but if you light a fire, we’ll see it from our helicopter.

Thank you! Please come quickly!

3  They _______ warm enough. 

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Запитання 19

Read the phone conversation. Then choose the correct answers.

Hello? Mountain Rescue Service.

Hello. Can you help us? We’re lost in the mountains!

Where are you?

We’re about ten kilometres north of Varino, near a forest. I’m with a friend. We’re both very cold and tired. I think there’s a river about two kilometres away. Should we try to walk there?

No. Stay where you are. If you try to move, things will get worse. Have you got any food?

Yes, a little.

Right. You should try to eat something. If you do that, you’ll feel stronger. And have you got a lighter?

Yes, I have. Should I make a fire?

Yes. You must do that. We’ll send a helicopter in fifteen minutes. It’ll be dark then, but if you light a fire, we’ll see it from our helicopter.

Thank you! Please come quickly!

4  They _______ try to walk to the river.

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Запитання 20

Read the phone conversation. Then choose the correct answers.

Hello? Mountain Rescue Service.

Hello. Can you help us? We’re lost in the mountains!

Where are you?

We’re about ten kilometres north of Varino, near a forest. I’m with a friend. We’re both very cold and tired. I think there’s a river about two kilometres away. Should we try to walk there?

No. Stay where you are. If you try to move, things will get worse. Have you got any food?

Yes, a little.

Right. You should try to eat something. If you do that, you’ll feel stronger. And have you got a lighter?

Yes, I have. Should I make a fire?

Yes. You must do that. We’ll send a helicopter in fifteen minutes. It’ll be dark then, but if you light a fire, we’ll see it from our helicopter.

Thank you! Please come quickly!

5  The best thing for them is to ______ . 

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stay where they are

try to move

Запитання 21

Read the phone conversation. Then choose the correct answers.

Hello? Mountain Rescue Service.

Hello. Can you help us? We’re lost in the mountains!

Where are you?

We’re about ten kilometres north of Varino, near a forest. I’m with a friend. We’re both very cold and tired. I think there’s a river about two kilometres away. Should we try to walk there?

No. Stay where you are. If you try to move, things will get worse. Have you got any food?

Yes, a little.

Right. You should try to eat something. If you do that, you’ll feel stronger. And have you got a lighter?

Yes, I have. Should I make a fire?

Yes. You must do that. We’ll send a helicopter in fifteen minutes. It’ll be dark then, but if you light a fire, we’ll see it from our helicopter.

Thank you! Please come quickly!

6  They _______ try to eat something.

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Запитання 22

Read the phone conversation. Then choose the correct answers.

Hello? Mountain Rescue Service.

Hello. Can you help us? We’re lost in the mountains!

Where are you?

We’re about ten kilometres north of Varino, near a forest. I’m with a friend. We’re both very cold and tired. I think there’s a river about two kilometres away. Should we try to walk there?

No. Stay where you are. If you try to move, things will get worse. Have you got any food?

Yes, a little.

Right. You should try to eat something. If you do that, you’ll feel stronger. And have you got a lighter?

Yes, I have. Should I make a fire?

Yes. You must do that. We’ll send a helicopter in fifteen minutes. It’ll be dark then, but if you light a fire, we’ll see it from our helicopter.

Thank you! Please come quickly!

7 They ______ make a fire.

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Запитання 23

Read the phone conversation. Then choose the correct answers.

Hello? Mountain Rescue Service.

Hello. Can you help us? We’re lost in the mountains!

Where are you?

We’re about ten kilometres north of Varino, near a forest. I’m with a friend. We’re both very cold and tired. I think there’s a river about two kilometres away. Should we try to walk there?

No. Stay where you are. If you try to move, things will get worse. Have you got any food?

Yes, a little.

Right. You should try to eat something. If you do that, you’ll feel stronger. And have you got a lighter?

Yes, I have. Should I make a fire?

Yes. You must do that. We’ll send a helicopter in fifteen minutes. It’ll be dark then, but if you light a fire, we’ll see it from our helicopter.

Thank you! Please come quickly!

8 The rescuers will arrive in ________ .

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15 minutes

an hour

Запитання 24

Read the phone conversation. Then choose the correct answers.

Hello? Mountain Rescue Service.

Hello. Can you help us? We’re lost in the mountains!

Where are you?

We’re about ten kilometres north of Varino, near a forest. I’m with a friend. We’re both very cold and tired. I think there’s a river about two kilometres away. Should we try to walk there?

No. Stay where you are. If you try to move, things will get worse. Have you got any food?

Yes, a little.

Right. You should try to eat something. If you do that, you’ll feel stronger. And have you got a lighter?

Yes, I have. Should I make a fire?

Yes. You must do that. We’ll send a helicopter in fifteen minutes. It’ll be dark then, but if you light a fire, we’ll see it from our helicopter.

Thank you! Please come quickly!

9 The rescuers will _______ to the mountains to find them.

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Запитання 25

Read the phone conversation. Then choose the correct answers.

Hello? Mountain Rescue Service.

Hello. Can you help us? We’re lost in the mountains!

Where are you?

We’re about ten kilometres north of Varino, near a forest. I’m with a friend. We’re both very cold and tired. I think there’s a river about two kilometres away. Should we try to walk there?

No. Stay where you are. If you try to move, things will get worse. Have you got any food?

Yes, a little.

Right. You should try to eat something. If you do that, you’ll feel stronger. And have you got a lighter?

Yes, I have. Should I make a fire?

Yes. You must do that. We’ll send a helicopter in fifteen minutes. It’ll be dark then, but if you light a fire, we’ll see it from our helicopter.

Thank you! Please come quickly!

10       The rescuers will see a _______ .

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