Unit 9-10 ( First conditional,Present perfect for/since)

Додано: 14 лютого 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 72 рази
6 запитань
Запитання 1

Match the verbs with the correct nouns/expressions:

1 charge

2 switch

3 select

4 shake

5 turn

6 plug

7 crash

варіанти відповідей

1.the battery.

2.the radio off

3.from the menu

4.with fear

5.the volume up

6.the hairdryer in

7.onto the shores

1.the battery.

2.the volume up

3.from the menu

4.with fear

5.the radio off

6.the hairdryer in

7.onto the shores

1.the battery in

2.the radio of

3.from the menu

4.with fear

5.the volume off

6.the hairdryer

7.onto the shores

Запитання 2

3 Match the beginnings 0-4 with the endings a-e of the sentences using the correct relative pronouns.

1.This is the restaurant ...

2 The police are looking for the woman ...

3 I'd like to have a dog .. .

4 Do you know the boy .. .

варіанти відповідей

d where my parents met there.

a who she stole my bag lastTuesday.

c that doesn't bark all the time.

d who is talking to Alice.

a who she stole my bag lastTuesday.

b who he's talking to Alice.

c doesn't bark all the time.

d where my parents met there.

d where my parents met.

a who stole my bag last Tuesday.

c that doesn't bark all the time.

d who is talking to Alice.

Запитання 3

Choose the correct word(s) to complete the sentences.

1.I didn't ... to eat fish when I was young.

2.I ... cheesecake yesterday.

3. What kind of music did you ... like when you were a teenager?

4.Summers ... be much hotter in this area.

варіанти відповідей


2.used to make


4. did use to


2.used to make


4.did used to



3.use to

4.used to

Запитання 4

1. I'll make lunch after the film ... .

2. I'm afraid you won't be able to go out if you ... the hoovering first.

3. I think she'll ... us before she leaves for the airport.

варіанти відповідей


2.don't do


1.will finish

2.don't do



2.won't do

3. call

Запитання 5

I 'm sorry I haven't written to you ... such a Iong time. Life has ... very busy here recently and I haven't got time for anything. It's hard to beIieve that when you were here we ... play football every Saturday. I haven 't had time to play ... September. I hope I 'll have more time when I ... my first year at university.

варіанти відповідей

from / was / use to / since / finish

for / been / used to / since / finish

since / been / use to / since / finishes

Запитання 6

Do you remember the girl ... went to Art classes with us? I met her last week and she 's planning to move to Spain. But before she ... England, she'll have to learn some Spanish. I 'm going to teach her. My Spanish is much better now than it used to be. You'll see for yourself when ... me talk! One more piece of news - we've got a new flat screen ... ! It's f'antastic!

Hope you're doing okay in your new school.

варіанти відповідей

who / leaves / hear / aTV

who / leave / 'll hear / aTV

who / leaves / hear / a radio

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