Unlike Ukrainian people Americans are characterized as…
What is self-reliance attributed to?
The proverb “God helps those who help themselves” demonstrates American…
Rejection of an inborn right to high status, privilege, and power proves American
Use of the phrase “folically challenged” instead of “bald” is an example of …
What does the term “consumerism” mean?
Choose the right word to complete the statement about American consumerism:
In the US, there are more … than high schools.
Choose the right word to complete the statement about American consumerism:
Most households have more … than they do people.
Tick a proverb / proverbs that may prove American pragmatism:
Complete the sentence with a correct statement: American pragmatism led to…
The proverb “Don't beat around the bush” means…
“Don't be a stuffed shirt”, say Americans when they want a person not to…
How is a family unit that includes grandmothers, grandfathers, auntsand uncles, etc. in addition to parents and children called?
What does the term “cohabitation” stand for?
What does the term “prenuptial contract” stand for?
Why is America called “a melting pot”?
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