US mentality

Додано: 15 листопада 2023
16 запитань
Запитання 1

Unlike Ukrainian people Americans are characterized as

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self-sacrificing nation

self-relying  nation

self-denying nation

Запитання 2

What is self-reliance attributed to?

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the frontier period

the Puritans’ ideology

the Amerindians’ influence

Запитання 3

The proverb “God helps those who help themselves” demonstrates American…

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sense of humor       


Запитання 4

Rejection of an inborn right to high status, privilege, and power proves American

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Запитання 5

Use of the phrase folically challenged” instead of “bald” is an example of


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political correctness   

progress in medicine

Запитання 6

What does the term “consumerism” mean?

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economic services or commodities required by a community

the policy of imposing consumers some products

the situation in which too much attention is given to buying things

Запитання 7

Choose the right word to complete the statement about American consumerism:

In the US, there are more … than high schools.

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Запитання 8

Choose the right word to complete the statement about American consumerism:

Most households have more … than they do people.

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television sets

Запитання 9

Tick a proverb / proverbs that may prove American pragmatism:

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The proof is in the pudding.  

Life is a game and whoever ends with the most toys wins.

Love your friend, but look after yourself.

Запитання 10

Complete the sentence with a correct statement: American pragmatism led to

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predominance of philosophy of pragmatism in America

Americans’ inventing a lot of devices simplifying life

removal of Philosophy as an academic subject 

Запитання 11

The proverb “Don't beat around the bush” means

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don’t avoid important topics

don’t evade responsibility

don’t talk for effect

Запитання 12

“Don't be a stuffed shirt”, say Americans when they want a person not to 

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be tense 

be scrupulous and accurate    

be serious, formal and old-fashioned

Запитання 13

How is a family unit that includes grandmothers, grandfathers, auntsand uncles, etc. in addition to parents and children called?

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nuclear family  

extended family 

polygeneration family

Запитання 14

What does the term “cohabitation” stand for?

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life without marriage       

life of a family in a permanent place

having similar habits

Запитання 15

What does the term “prenuptial contract” stand for?

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a document stating the right of a parent to take care of a child in case of another parent’s death

a contractual penalty for a bride’s or groom’s refusal to marry

agreement controlling division of property in case of divorce 

Запитання 16

Why is America called “a melting pot”?

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because of its wide resources for making a fortune

because of the diversity of backgrounds, cultures, beliefs, values, and traditions

because its language is a result of different ethnic influences 

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