Use Of English (ZNO) + Сrime and punishment Unit 11

Додано: 29 березня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Копія з тесту: Use Of English (ZNO)
Тест виконано: 45 разів
30 запитань
Запитання 1

On your bike!

If you are getting fed up wasting time looking for parking space,

my __(1) to you is to consider the bicycle as an alternative _(2) of transport. Cycling is probably the cheapest and healthiest way of getting _(3) in our congested city centers. _(4) it is convenient and environmentally desirable, it can be an unattractive (5) on a cold wintry morning. It is much easier to __(6) onto a nice warm bus or jump into your car, __(7) the sight of cyclists as they weave their way in and out of the traffic may fill you with __(8) as you sit waiting in yet __(9) traffic jam. In spite of the __(10) that worsening

pollution is getting many people __(11) , causing more and more health problems, and __(12) it is fashionable to express one’s __(13) of the environmentally safe bicycle, it is hard to __(14) the danger cyclists face in sharing the road with cars. __(15) cycling is not as risky as it looks at first sight, there are more and more accidents involving cyclists.

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Запитання 2

On your bike!

If you are getting fed up wasting time looking for parking space,

my __(1) to you is to consider the bicycle as an alternative _(2) of transport. Cycling is probably the cheapest and healthiest way of getting _(3) in our congested city centers. _(4) it is convenient and environmentally desirable, it can be an unattractive (5) on a cold wintry morning. It is much easier to __(6) onto a nice warm bus or jump into your car, __(7) the sight of cyclists as they weave their way in and out of the traffic may fill you with __(8) as you sit waiting in yet __(9) traffic jam. In spite of the __(10) that worsening

pollution is getting many people __(11) , causing more and more health problems, and __(12) it is fashionable to express one’s __(13) of the environmentally safe bicycle, it is hard to __(14) the danger cyclists face in sharing the road with cars. __(15) cycling is not as risky as it looks at first sight, there are more and more accidents involving cyclists.

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Запитання 3

If you are getting fed up wasting time looking for parking space,

my __(1) to you is to consider the bicycle as an alternative _(2) of transport. Cycling is probably the cheapest and healthiest way of getting _(3) in our congested city centers. _(4) it is convenient and environmentally desirable, it can be an unattractive (5) on a cold wintry morning. It is much easier to __(6) onto a nice warm bus or jump into your car, __(7) the sight of cyclists as they weave their way in and out of the traffic may fill you with __(8) as you sit waiting in yet __(9) traffic jam. In spite of the __(10) that worsening

pollution is getting many people __(11) , causing more and more health problems, and __(12) it is fashionable to express one’s __(13) of the environmentally safe bicycle, it is hard to __(14) the danger cyclists face in sharing the road with cars. __(15) cycling is not as risky as it looks at first sight, there are more and more accidents involving cyclists.

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Запитання 4

If you are getting fed up wasting time looking for parking space,

my __(1) to you is to consider the bicycle as an alternative _(2) of transport. Cycling is probably the cheapest and healthiest way of getting _(3) in our congested city centers. _(4) it is convenient and environmentally desirable, it can be an unattractive (5) on a cold wintry morning. It is much easier to __(6) onto a nice warm bus or jump into your car, __(7) the sight of cyclists as they weave their way in and out of the traffic may fill you with __(8) as you sit waiting in yet __(9) traffic jam. In spite of the __(10) that worsening

pollution is getting many people __(11) , causing more and more health problems, and __(12) it is fashionable to express one’s __(13) of the environmentally safe bicycle, it is hard to __(14) the danger cyclists face in sharing the road with cars. __(15) cycling is not as risky as it looks at first sight, there are more and more accidents involving cyclists.

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In spite


Even as

Запитання 5

If you are getting fed up wasting time looking for parking space,

my __(1) to you is to consider the bicycle as an alternative _(2) of transport. Cycling is probably the cheapest and healthiest way of getting _(3) in our congested city centers. _(4) it is convenient and environmentally desirable, it can be an unattractive (5) on a cold wintry morning. It is much easier to __(6) onto a nice warm bus or jump into your car, __(7) the sight of cyclists as they weave their way in and out of the traffic may fill you with __(8) as you sit waiting in yet __(9) traffic jam. In spite of the __(10) that worsening

pollution is getting many people __(11) , causing more and more health problems, and __(12) it is fashionable to express one’s __(13) of the environmentally safe bicycle, it is hard to __(14) the danger cyclists face in sharing the road with cars. __(15) cycling is not as risky as it looks at first sight, there are more and more accidents involving cyclists.

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Запитання 6

On your bike!

If you are getting fed up wasting time looking for parking space,

my __(1) to you is to consider the bicycle as an alternative _(2) of transport. Cycling is probably the cheapest and healthiest way of getting _(3) in our congested city centers. _(4) it is convenient and environmentally desirable, it can be an unattractive (5) on a cold wintry morning. It is much easier to __(6) onto a nice warm bus or jump into your car, __(7) the sight of cyclists as they weave their way in and out of the traffic may fill you with __(8) as you sit waiting in yet __(9) traffic jam. In spite of the __(10) that worsening

pollution is getting many people __(11) , causing more and more health problems, and __(12) it is fashionable to express one’s __(13) of the environmentally safe bicycle, it is hard to __(14) the danger cyclists face in sharing the road with cars. __(15) cycling is not as risky as it looks at first sight, there are more and more accidents involving cyclists.

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Запитання 7

On your bike!

If you are getting fed up wasting time looking for parking space,

my __(1) to you is to consider the bicycle as an alternative _(2) of transport. Cycling is probably the cheapest and healthiest way of getting _(3) in our congested city centers. _(4) it is convenient and environmentally desirable, it can be an unattractive (5) on a cold wintry morning. It is much easier to __(6) onto a nice warm bus or jump into your car, __(7) the sight of cyclists as they weave their way in and out of the traffic may fill you with __(8) as you sit waiting in yet __(9) traffic jam. In spite of the __(10) that worsening

pollution is getting many people __(11) , causing more and more health problems, and __(12) it is fashionable to express one’s __(13) of the environmentally safe bicycle, it is hard to __(14) the danger cyclists face in sharing the road with cars. __(15) cycling is not as risky as it looks at first sight, there are more and more accidents involving cyclists.

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Запитання 8

On your bike!

If you are getting fed up wasting time looking for parking space,

my __(1) to you is to consider the bicycle as an alternative _(2) of transport. Cycling is probably the cheapest and healthiest way of getting _(3) in our congested city centers. _(4) it is convenient and environmentally desirable, it can be an unattractive (5) on a cold wintry morning. It is much easier to __(6) onto a nice warm bus or jump into your car, __(7) the sight of cyclists as they weave their way in and out of the traffic may fill you with __(8) as you sit waiting in yet __(9) traffic jam. In spite of the __(10) that worsening

pollution is getting many people __(11) , causing more and more health problems, and __(12) it is fashionable to express one’s __(13) of the environmentally safe bicycle, it is hard to __(14) the danger cyclists face in sharing the road with cars. __(15) cycling is not as risky as it looks at first sight, there are more and more accidents involving cyclists.

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Запитання 9

On your bike!

If you are getting fed up wasting time looking for parking space,

my __(1) to you is to consider the bicycle as an alternative _(2) of transport. Cycling is probably the cheapest and healthiest way of getting _(3) in our congested city centers. _(4) it is convenient and environmentally desirable, it can be an unattractive (5) on a cold wintry morning. It is much easier to __(6) onto a nice warm bus or jump into your car, __(7) the sight of cyclists as they weave their way in and out of the traffic may fill you with __(8) as you sit waiting in yet __(9) traffic jam. In spite of the __(10) that worsening

pollution is getting many people __(11) , causing more and more health problems, and __(12) it is fashionable to express one’s __(13) of the environmentally safe bicycle, it is hard to __(14) the danger cyclists face in sharing the road with cars. __(15) cycling is not as risky as it looks at first sight, there are more and more accidents involving cyclists.

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Запитання 10

On your bike!

If you are getting fed up wasting time looking for parking space,

my __(1) to you is to consider the bicycle as an alternative _(2) of transport. Cycling is probably the cheapest and healthiest way of getting _(3) in our congested city centers. _(4) it is convenient and environmentally desirable, it can be an unattractive (5) on a cold wintry morning. It is much easier to __(6) onto a nice warm bus or jump into your car, __(7) the sight of cyclists as they weave their way in and out of the traffic may fill you with __(8) as you sit waiting in yet __(9) traffic jam. In spite of the __(10) that worsening

pollution is getting many people __(11) , causing more and more health problems, and __(12) it is fashionable to express one’s __(13) of the environmentally safe bicycle, it is hard to __(14) the danger cyclists face in sharing the road with cars. __(15) cycling is not as risky as it looks at first sight, there are more and more accidents involving cyclists.

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Запитання 11

On your bike!

If you are getting fed up wasting time looking for parking space,

my __(1) to you is to consider the bicycle as an alternative _(2) of transport. Cycling is probably the cheapest and healthiest way of getting _(3) in our congested city centers. _(4) it is convenient and environmentally desirable, it can be an unattractive (5) on a cold wintry morning. It is much easier to __(6) onto a nice warm bus or jump into your car, __(7) the sight of cyclists as they weave their way in and out of the traffic may fill you with __(8) as you sit waiting in yet __(9) traffic jam. In spite of the __(10) that worsening

pollution is getting many people __(11) , causing more and more health problems, and __(12) it is fashionable to express one’s __(13) of the environmentally safe bicycle, it is hard to __(14) the danger cyclists face in sharing the road with cars. __(15) cycling is not as risky as it looks at first sight, there are more and more accidents involving cyclists.

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Запитання 12

On your bike!

If you are getting fed up wasting time looking for parking space,

my __(1) to you is to consider the bicycle as an alternative _(2) of transport. Cycling is probably the cheapest and healthiest way of getting _(3) in our congested city centers. _(4) it is convenient and environmentally desirable, it can be an unattractive (5) on a cold wintry morning. It is much easier to __(6) onto a nice warm bus or jump into your car, __(7) the sight of cyclists as they weave their way in and out of the traffic may fill you with __(8) as you sit waiting in yet __(9) traffic jam. In spite of the __(10) that worsening

pollution is getting many people __(11) , causing more and more health problems, and __(12) it is fashionable to express one’s __(13) of the environmentally safe bicycle, it is hard to __(14) the danger cyclists face in sharing the road with cars. __(15) cycling is not as risky as it looks at first sight, there are more and more accidents involving cyclists.

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in spite of

Запитання 13

If you are getting fed up wasting time looking for parking space,

my __(1) to you is to consider the bicycle as an alternative _(2) of transport. Cycling is probably the cheapest and healthiest way of getting _(3) in our congested city centers. _(4) it is convenient and environmentally desirable, it can be an unattractive (5) on a cold wintry morning. It is much easier to __(6) onto a nice warm bus or jump into your car, __(7) the sight of cyclists as they weave their way in and out of the traffic may fill you with __(8) as you sit waiting in yet __(9) traffic jam. In spite of the __(10) that worsening

pollution is getting many people __(11) , causing more and more health problems, and __(12) it is fashionable to express one’s __(13) of the environmentally safe bicycle, it is hard to __(14) the danger cyclists face in sharing the road with cars. __(15) cycling is not as risky as it looks at first sight, there are more and more accidents involving cyclists.

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Запитання 14

On your bike!

If you are getting fed up wasting time looking for parking space,

my __(1) to you is to consider the bicycle as an alternative _(2) of transport. Cycling is probably the cheapest and healthiest way of getting _(3) in our congested city centers. _(4) it is convenient and environmentally desirable, it can be an unattractive (5) on a cold wintry morning. It is much easier to __(6) onto a nice warm bus or jump into your car, __(7) the sight of cyclists as they weave their way in and out of the traffic may fill you with __(8) as you sit waiting in yet __(9) traffic jam. In spite of the __(10) that worsening

pollution is getting many people __(11) , causing more and more health problems, and __(12) it is fashionable to express one’s __(13) of the environmentally safe bicycle, it is hard to __(14) the danger cyclists face in sharing the road with cars. __(15) cycling is not as risky as it looks at first sight, there are more and more accidents involving cyclists.

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Запитання 15

On your bike!

If you are getting fed up wasting time looking for parking space,

my __(1) to you is to consider the bicycle as an alternative _(2) of transport. Cycling is probably the cheapest and healthiest way of getting _(3) in our congested city centers. _(4) it is convenient and environmentally desirable, it can be an unattractive (5) on a cold wintry morning. It is much easier to __(6) onto a nice warm bus or jump into your car, __(7) the sight of cyclists as they weave their way in and out of the traffic may fill you with __(8) as you sit waiting in yet __(9) traffic jam. In spite of the __(10) that worsening

pollution is getting many people __(11) , causing more and more health problems, and __(12) it is fashionable to express one’s __(13) of the environmentally safe bicycle, it is hard to __(14) the danger cyclists face in sharing the road with cars. __(15) cycling is not as risky as it looks at first sight, there are more and more accidents involving cyclists.

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Even though




Запитання 16

The students visited the haunted house under the ___

of their teacher.

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Запитання 17

The Johnson brothers were found ___ of the theft of a

police car.

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Запитання 18

I’m going to make a ____ about my noisy neighbours.

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Запитання 19

When Ronald realised there was so much evidence

against him he decided to ___ guilty.

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Запитання 20

Being given a warning from the judge, Martha

promised to ___ and never do anything wrong again

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break the law

plead innocent

mend her ways

Запитання 21

The ____ was very serious when he sentenced the

murderer to twenty-five years in jail.

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Запитання 22

The government hopes to ___ crime more effectively by

employing more police officers.

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Запитання 23

Our parents found out that we were responsible

___ the graffiti.

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Запитання 24

Thank goodness! The paintings ____ from the

museum were found yesterday.

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Запитання 25

The post office in Midtown, ___ was robbed yesterday,

is opposite my school.

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Запитання 26

The staff ___ in the bank acted bravely during

the robbery

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was working

Запитання 27

She’s the girl ___ the teacher saw doing graffiti

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Запитання 28

The woman ___ bag had been stolen was

extremely upset.

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Запитання 29

___ in his jail cell, he spent his time trying to find ways

to escape.

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He locked

Запитання 30

After ___ the evidence, the detective solved

the crime.

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he studied

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