Вхідний тест для учнів 9 класу.

Додано: 20 серпня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 300 разів
24 запитання
Запитання 1

Read the texts. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

Have you ever been on holiday without your parents?

Would you like to? Read this before you decide …


I come from a strange family. My parents have always believed that we should learn to look after ourselves from an early age. That included holidays. I remember my poor brother went on a canoeing trip on the River Thames with a cousin when they were both just twelve years old. They had a miserable time and have never really recovered from the experience. When I was fifteen, they decided I was old enough to go on holiday with just my best friend. ‘You’re going to hitch-hike to the Lake District with a tent and a backpack; you’re going to camp, up in the mountains, for a week; and then – if you’re still alive – you’re going to hitch-hike back again. ‘So we hitch-hiked for hundreds of kilometres, we camped, we got cold and wet and scared, and couldn’t afford to buy enough food. But, against the odds, we survived.


I’ve been on a number of holidays without my parents, but the first holiday was two years ago, when I was sixteen. Six of us decided to go backpacking in Wales during the school holidays. I booked cheap hotels before we left. The first two days were fine. But at the end of the second day, we lost our way. It was pouring with rain and it was getting dark. We eventually came to a farmhouse and knocked on the door. We were so dirty and wet that they didn’t let us into the house. We had to wait in the garage! But they let us phone the hotel. Anyway, the hotel manager kindly sent a car for us. But the next day it was still raining so we decided to take the train home. I’ve learned why no one goes backpacking in Britain in March – it rains non-stop and the fields are covered in deep mud. I’ve never had such a miserable time! My holidays since then have been in warm places with dry weather!

Question 1.Sam’s parents chose his holiday.

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Запитання 2


I come from a strange family. My parents have always believed that we should learn to look after ourselves from an early age. That included holidays. I remember my poor brother went on a canoeing trip on the River Thames with a cousin when they were both just twelve years old. They had a miserable time and have never really recovered from the experience. When I was fifteen, they decided I was old enough to go on holiday with just my best friend. ‘You’re going to hitch-hike to the Lake District with a tent and a backpack; you’re going to camp, up in the mountains, for a week; and then – if you’re still alive – you’re going to hitch-hike back again. ‘So we hitch-hiked for hundreds of kilometres, we camped, we got cold and wet and scared, and couldn’t afford to buy enough food. But, against the odds, we survived.


I’ve been on a number of holidays without my parents, but the first holiday was two years ago, when I was sixteen. Six of us decided to go backpacking in Wales during the school holidays. I booked cheap hotels before we left. The first two days were fine. But at the end of the second day, we lost our way. It was pouring with rain and it was getting dark. We eventually came to a farmhouse and knocked on the door. We were so dirty and wet that they didn’t let us into the house. We had to wait in the garage! But they let us phone the hotel. Anyway, the hotel manager kindly sent a car for us. But the next day it was still raining so we decided to take the train home. I’ve learned why no one goes backpacking in Britain in March – it rains non-stop and the fields are covered in deep mud. I’ve never had such a miserable time! My holidays since then have been in warm places with dry weather!

Question 2.Sam had a frightening experience.

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Запитання 3


I come from a strange family. My parents have always believed that we should learn to look after ourselves from an early age. That included holidays. I remember my poor brother went on a canoeing trip on the River Thames with a cousin when they were both just twelve years old. They had a miserable time and have never really recovered from the experience. When I was fifteen, they decided I was old enough to go on holiday with just my best friend. ‘You’re going to hitch-hike to the Lake District with a tent and a backpack; you’re going to camp, up in the mountains, for a week; and then – if you’re still alive – you’re going to hitch-hike back again. ‘So we hitch-hiked for hundreds of kilometres, we camped, we got cold and wet and scared, and couldn’t afford to buy enough food. But, against the odds, we survived.


I’ve been on a number of holidays without my parents, but the first holiday was two years ago, when I was sixteen. Six of us decided to go backpacking in Wales during the school holidays. I booked cheap hotels before we left. The first two days were fine. But at the end of the second day, we lost our way. It was pouring with rain and it was getting dark. We eventually came to a farmhouse and knocked on the door. We were so dirty and wet that they didn’t let us into the house. We had to wait in the garage! But they let us phone the hotel. Anyway, the hotel manager kindly sent a car for us. But the next day it was still raining so we decided to take the train home. I’ve learned why no one goes backpacking in Britain in March – it rains non-stop and the fields are covered in deep mud. I’ve never had such a miserable time! My holidays since then have been in warm places with dry weather!

Question 3.The weather was good during Harriet’s holiday.

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Запитання 4


I come from a strange family. My parents have always believed that we should learn to look after ourselves from an early age. That included holidays. I remember my poor brother went on a canoeing trip on the River Thames with a cousin when they were both just twelve years old. They had a miserable time and have never really recovered from the experience. When I was fifteen, they decided I was old enough to go on holiday with just my best friend. ‘You’re going to hitch-hike to the Lake District with a tent and a backpack; you’re going to camp, up in the mountains, for a week; and then – if you’re still alive – you’re going to hitch-hike back again. ‘So we hitch-hiked for hundreds of kilometres, we camped, we got cold and wet and scared, and couldn’t afford to buy enough food. But, against the odds, we survived.


I’ve been on a number of holidays without my parents, but the first holiday was two years ago, when I was sixteen. Six of us decided to go backpacking in Wales during the school holidays. I booked cheap hotels before we left. The first two days were fine. But at the end of the second day, we lost our way. It was pouring with rain and it was getting dark. We eventually came to a farmhouse and knocked on the door. We were so dirty and wet that they didn’t let us into the house. We had to wait in the garage! But they let us phone the hotel. Anyway, the hotel manager kindly sent a car for us. But the next day it was still raining so we decided to take the train home. I’ve learned why no one goes backpacking in Britain in March – it rains non-stop and the fields are covered in deep mud. I’ve never had such a miserable time! My holidays since then have been in warm places with dry weather!

Question 4.Harriet’s holiday was shorter than she expected.

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Запитання 5

For questions 5-8, choose the correct option (a-d).

Question 5.When Sam’s brother was twelve, he and his cousin

a   did not enjoy their trip together.

b   had a terrible holiday, but got over it quickly.

c   went camping near the River Thames.

d   went canoeing with his parents.

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Запитання 6

Question 6.

On Sam’s first holiday without his parents, he

a   walked all the way to the Lake District.

b   had to hitch-hike across some mountains.

c   kept warm, but couldn’t keep dry.

d   ate less food than he wanted to eat.

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Запитання 7

Question 7.


a   went on holiday with six friends.

  has been on one holiday without her mum and dad.

c   arranged accommodation before the holiday.

  had a miserable time from the start of the holiday.

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Запитання 8

Question 8

The holiday taught Harriet

a   that it’s best to take a map with you when you go backpacking.

  never to go backpacking in Britain.

c   why backpacking in Britain in March isn’t popular.

  to check the weather forecast before a holiday.

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Запитання 9

Listen to the text and answer the questions.The text is here:http://surl.li/ctdzh

How old is Lisa?

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Запитання 10

Where is she from?

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the UK

the US

New Zeland

Запитання 11

Where does she work on weekdays?

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in nightclubs

in the grocery

in the book store

Запитання 12

What's her another job?

варіанти відповідей

a dancer

an actress

a singer

Запитання 13

Where are the nightclubs she sings in situated?

варіанти відповідей

in all parts of the city

in the cenre of the city

on the outskirts of the city

Запитання 14

Where does she eat on Sundays?

варіанти відповідей

at home

in the nightclub

in a restaurant

Запитання 15

Why doesn't she cook on Sundays?

варіанти відповідей

She hates cooking

She is too busy

She is too tired

Запитання 16

Grammar tasks

I _____ anything about the night of the accident.

a.don't remember

b.'m not remembering

c.wasn't remembering

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Запитання 17

After we broke up, she sold the ring that I _____ her for her birthday.


b.was giving

c.had given

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Запитання 18

We took off our clothes and _____ into the river.

a.were jumping

b.had jumped


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Запитання 19

A: You look fitter! B: Yes, I _____ at the gym for the last few months.

a.'m working out

b.'ve been working out

c.work out

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Запитання 20

You_____ so fast!Please,slow down!

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are driving

have driven

Запитання 21

We ________  in this house since we got married.

a)have lived

b)are living



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Запитання 22

When I met John, he _______difficult times

a)was going through

b)go through

c)went through


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Запитання 23

It was cold, but I didn't have my coat because I________it to my nephew

a) had given

b)have given



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Запитання 24

_______watch the game tonight?

a)Will you

b)Do you

c)Are you going to

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