Тамара Бондар, Тетяна Пахомова: Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) : підруч. для 9 класу загальноосвіт. навч. закладів /Т. І. Бондар, Т. Г. Пахомова, - К .: Методика Паблішинг, 2017.
- додаткові вправи для теми на стор. 10
Рut the words in the correct order:
I play every soccer Saturday used to
Рut the words in the correct order:
She used to was younger books when read a lot of she
Рut the words in the correct order:
We live in a small town before used to moving to the city.
Put the words in the correct order:
My brother was a child stamps when he used to collect
Put the words in the correct order:
They go camping used to every summer.
Put the words in the correct order:
I watch cartoons used to every morning.
Put the words in the correct order:
We visit our grandparents used to every weekend.
Match the parts of the sentence so that you get logical statements:
He used to play the piano
Match the parts of the sentence so that you get logical statements:
She used to drink coffee every day
Match the parts of the sentence so that you get logical statements:
I used to drive to work,
Put the words in the correct order:
My used to cakes sister bake every weekend.
Match the parts of the sentence so that you get logical statements:
We used to have a dog
Put the words in the correct order:
They holidays with their neighbors used to celebrate
Put the words in the correct order:
I ride my bike used to to school every day.
Match the parts of the sentence so that you get logical statements:
She used to paint landscapes,
Put the words in the correct order:
He play video used to games for hours.
Put the words in the correct order:
We in the morning go fishing used to early.
Match the parts of the sentence so that you get logical statements:
I used to have long hair
Put the words in the correct order:
My parents me to the zoo every used to take summer.
Match the parts of the sentence so that you get logical statements:
She used to visit the gym regularly,
Put the words in the correct order:
We used to go every weekend to the beach in the summer.
Match the parts of the sentence so that you get logical statements:
He used to work in a restaurant,
Match the parts of the sentence so that you get logical statements:
I used to write letters to my friends,
Match the parts of the sentence so that you get logical statements:
She used to dance in a ballet company
Put the words in the correct order:
We eat used to dinner together every night.
Рut the words in the correct order:
He read the newspaper used to every morning.
Put the words in the correct order:
I in the countryside used to visit every summer my cousin .
Put the words in the correct order:
They used to play chess after school.
Match the parts of the sentence so that you get logical statements:
She used to study French,
Match the parts of the sentence so that you get logical statements:
We used to travel by train,
Match the parts of the sentence so that you get logical statements:
He used to be afraid of heights,
Рut the words in the correct order:
I every weekend used tennis to play with my dad .
Рut the words in the correct order:
They live in a country used to different .
Рut the words in the correct order:
She write poetry when she used to was in college.
Рut the words in the correct order:
We used to walks in the go for long park every evening.
Match the parts of the sentence so that you get logical statements:
He used to teach at a university,
Match the parts of the sentence so that you get logical statements:
I used to listen to classical music,
Put the words in the correct order:
We used board to play every Friday games night.
Match the parts of the sentence so that you get logical statements:
She used to work as a nurse
Рut the words in the correct order:
I to visit on art used galleries weekends.
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