Vocabulary (Let's chat) Full Blast 4

Додано: 15 вересня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 113 разів
13 запитань
Запитання 1

I’ve _____ a few photos and a video of me on my holiday to this e-mail.

варіанти відповідей

a. scrolled

b. attached

c. deleted

d. clicked

Запитання 2

I couldn’t call you because there was a problem with the_____.

варіанти відповідей

a. signal

b. browser

c. ringtone

d. feature

Запитання 3

 I find SN sites a great way to keep in _____ with old school friends.

варіанти відповідей

a. line

b. reply

c. touch

d. call

Запитання 4

This is a new website where you can _____ some interesting programs from. 

варіанти відповідей

a. advertise

b. crash

c. download

d. press

Запитання 5

This steak is cold and these chips are disgusting. I think I’m going to _____ to the waiter.

варіанти відповідей

a. gossip

b. refuse

c. argue

d. complain

Запитання 6

Complete with the Present Simple or the Present Progressive of the verbs in brackets.

Hi Julie, Guess what! I’ve got a new laptop! I (1) _____ (not write) this e-mail on my new laptop, because I still (2) _____ (need) to fix a few things. My dad (3) _____ (work) on it at the moment. He (4) _____ (install) an antivirus program that he downloaded a minute ago. I can’t wait to get rid of my old computer. It (5) _____ (take) up so much room on my desk. Also, my laptop is much faster. My mum (6) _____ (think) I’m going to play computer games all day, but I’m going to do all my homework on it, too. (7) _____ you _____ (do) anything later? My dad will finish with my laptop soon. (8) _____ you (want) _____to come round? Send me a text to let me know

варіанти відповідей

'm not writting

not write

don't write

Запитання 7

Complete with the Present Simple or the Present Progressive of the verbs in brackets.

Hi Julie, Guess what! I’ve got a new laptop! I (1) _____ (not write) this e-mail on my new laptop, because I still (2) _____ (need) to fix a few things. My dad (3) _____ (work) on it at the moment. He (4) _____ (install) an antivirus program that he downloaded a minute ago. I can’t wait to get rid of my old computer. It (5) _____ (take) up so much room on my desk. Also, my laptop is much faster. My mum (6) _____ (think) I’m going to play computer games all day, but I’m going to do all my homework on it, too. (7) _____ you _____ (do) anything later? My dad will finish with my laptop soon. (8) _____ you (want) _____to come round? Send me a text to let me know

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 8

Complete with the Present Simple or the Present Progressive of the verbs in brackets.

Hi Julie, Guess what! I’ve got a new laptop! I (1) _____ (not write) this e-mail on my new laptop, because I still (2) _____ (need) to fix a few things. My dad (3) _____ (work) on it at the moment. He (4) _____ (install) an antivirus program that he downloaded a minute ago. I can’t wait to get rid of my old computer. It (5) _____ (take) up so much room on my desk. Also, my laptop is much faster. My mum (6) _____ (think) I’m going to play computer games all day, but I’m going to do all my homework on it, too. (7) _____ you _____ (do) anything later? My dad will finish with my laptop soon. (8) _____ you (want) _____to come round? Send me a text to let me know

варіанти відповідей

is working



Запитання 9

Complete with the Present Simple or the Present Progressive of the verbs in brackets.

Hi Julie, Guess what! I’ve got a new laptop! I (1) _____ (not write) this e-mail on my new laptop, because I still (2) _____ (need) to fix a few things. My dad (3) _____ (work) on it at the moment. He (4) _____ (install) an antivirus program that he downloaded a minute ago. I can’t wait to get rid of my old computer. It (5) _____ (take) up so much room on my desk. Also, my laptop is much faster. My mum (6) _____ (think) I’m going to play computer games all day, but I’m going to do all my homework on it, too. (7) _____ you _____ (do) anything later? My dad will finish with my laptop soon. (8) _____ you (want) _____to come round? Send me a text to let me know

варіанти відповідей


are installing

is installing


Запитання 10

Complete with the Present Simple or the Present Progressive of the verbs in brackets.

Hi Julie, Guess what! I’ve got a new laptop! I (1) _____ (not write) this e-mail on my new laptop, because I still (2) _____ (need) to fix a few things. My dad (3) _____ (work) on it at the moment. He (4) _____ (install) an antivirus program that he downloaded a minute ago. I can’t wait to get rid of my old computer. It (5) _____ (take) up so much room on my desk. Also, my laptop is much faster. My mum (6) _____ (think) I’m going to play computer games all day, but I’m going to do all my homework on it, too. (7) _____ you _____ (do) anything later? My dad will finish with my laptop soon. (8) _____ you (want) _____to come round? Send me a text to let me know

варіанти відповідей

is taking



are taking

Запитання 11

Complete with the Present Simple or the Present Progressive of the verbs in brackets.

Hi Julie, Guess what! I’ve got a new laptop! I (1) _____ (not write) this e-mail on my new laptop, because I still (2) _____ (need) to fix a few things. My dad (3) _____ (work) on it at the moment. He (4) _____ (install) an antivirus program that he downloaded a minute ago. I can’t wait to get rid of my old computer. It (5) _____ (take) up so much room on my desk. Also, my laptop is much faster. My mum (6) _____ (think) I’m going to play computer games all day, but I’m going to do all my homework on it, too. (7) _____ you _____ (do) anything later? My dad will finish with my laptop soon. (8) _____ you (want) _____to come round? Send me a text to let me know

варіанти відповідей


is thinking


Запитання 12

Complete with the Present Simple or the Present Progressive of the verbs in brackets.

Hi Julie, Guess what! I’ve got a new laptop! I (1) _____ (not write) this e-mail on my new laptop, because I still (2) _____ (need) to fix a few things. My dad (3) _____ (work) on it at the moment. He (4) _____ (install) an antivirus program that he downloaded a minute ago. I can’t wait to get rid of my old computer. It (5) _____ (take) up so much room on my desk. Also, my laptop is much faster. My mum (6) _____ (think) I’m going to play computer games all day, but I’m going to do all my homework on it, too. (7) _____ you _____ (do) anything later? My dad will finish with my laptop soon. (8) _____ you (want) _____to come round? Send me a text to let me know

варіанти відповідей

Are ..... doing

Is ..... doing

Do ..... do

Запитання 13

Complete with the Present Simple or the Present Progressive of the verbs in brackets.

Hi Julie, Guess what! I’ve got a new laptop! I (1) _____ (not write) this e-mail on my new laptop, because I still (2) _____ (need) to fix a few things. My dad (3) _____ (work) on it at the moment. He (4) _____ (install) an antivirus program that he downloaded a minute ago. I can’t wait to get rid of my old computer. It (5) _____ (take) up so much room on my desk. Also, my laptop is much faster. My mum (6) _____ (think) I’m going to play computer games all day, but I’m going to do all my homework on it, too. (7) _____ you _____ (do) anything later? My dad will finish with my laptop soon. (8) _____ you (want) _____to come round? Send me a text to let me know

варіанти відповідей

Do ..... want

Does ..... want

Is ..... wanting

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