Vocabulary (Personality: un-, in-, im-, ir-, dis-, and question with like)

Додано: 21 грудня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 269 разів
5 запитань
Запитання 1

1 Gabby is very unsociable/ loud/stressed. She stays at home and doesn't like going out with friends.

2 Chris is serious/boring/quiet. He never has

anything interesting to say because he spends all his time playing computer games.

3 Meghan is always interesting/funny/relaxed. She never gets stressed about anything.

4 Joe never laughs or has any fun. He's a very serious/sociable/relaxed young man.

5 Marcus always makes me laugh. He's really quiet/funny/loud.

варіанти відповідей





















Запитання 2

1. Add negative prefixes to adjectives a-g. Complete sentences 1-4 with some of the adjectives in their negative or positive form.


a) _sensitive

b) _honest

c) _polite

d) _responsible

e) _adventurous

f) _wise

g) _dependent

2. Try to be generous. Nobody likes mean people. They are nearly always unpopular.

1 Mum trusts my older brother Peter to look after our little sister. He's extremely _. He never does anything dangerous or silly.

2 Katie never lies. She is a very _ person. Katies also _ - she knows a lot of things.

3 David doesn't say 'please' or 'thank you'. He's _. He's extremely _ too and likes doing everything without any help.

4 I was unhappy because I didn't pass my driving test. I told, Tom and he laughed! Is he always so _?

варіанти відповідей

a) in, b) dis, c) im, d) in, e) un, f) un, g) in

1 responsible

2 honest, wise

3 impolite, independent

4 insensitive

a) im, b) dis, c) in, d) in, e) in, f) un, g) in

1 responsible

2 honest, unwise

3 polite, independent

4 insensitive

a) un, b) dis, c) in, d) im, e) in, f) un, g) un

1 inresponsible

2 dishonest, unwise

3 polite, dependent

4 sensitive

Запитання 3

Put the words in the correct order.

1 has / very / parents / Pauline / serious

2 last was hairdresser cheerful / Zoe’s

3 two / I / dishonest / had / friends

4 new / Jamie’s / loud / friend / extremely / is

варіанти відповідей

1 Pauline has serious parents very

2 Zoe’s was last hairdresser cheerful

3 I two dishonest friends had

4 Jamie’s new friend is extremely loud

1 Pauline has very serious parents

2 Zoe’s hairdresser was last cheerful

3 I had two dishonest friends

4 Jamie’s loud friend is extremely new

1 Pauline has very serious parents

2 Zoe’s last hairdresser was cheerful

3 I had two dishonest friends

4 Jamie’s new friend is extremely loud

Запитання 4

Anna is making a list called 'My Perfect Fiancé'. Complete her list with pairs of opposites from the box.

cheerful, generous, hard-working, lazy, mean, miserable, outgoing, sensible, shy, silly

My Perfect Fiancé is...


1 s_

2 c_

3 o_

4 h_

5 g_

X negative

not s_

not m_

not s_

not m_

not l_

варіанти відповідей

1 silly, not sensible

2 cheerful, not miserable

3 outgoing, not shy

4 hard-working, not lazy

5 generous, not mean

1 sensible, not silly

2 cheerful, not mean

3 outgoing, not shy

4 hard-working, not miserable

5 generous, not lazy

1 shy, not silly

2 cheerful, not mean

3 outgoing, not sensible

4 hard-working, not miserable

5 generous, not lazy

1 sensible, not silly

2 cheerful, not miserable

3 outgoing, not shy

4 hard-working, not mean

5 generous, not lazy

Запитання 5

Complete the sentences with adjectives. The first letters are given.

1 Please don't be s_. Share the chocolate with me.

2 My older sister doesn't talk to people she doesn't know well. She's extremely s_!

3 Mia is very i_ and doesn't like asking for help or advice from anybody.

4 Amy is w_. She knows the answer to every question I ask her.

5 Lucy is extremely un_. She never wants

to try new things. Fortunately, her younger sister is quite the opposite!

варіанти відповідей

1 Selfish

2 Shy

3 Independent

4 Wise

5 Unadventurous

1 Shy

2 Sensitive

3 Inresponsible

4 Wise

5 Unadventurous

1 Sensitive

2 Shy

3 Independence

4 Wise

5 Unavailable

1 Selfie’s

2 Should

3 Independent

4 Wishes

5 Unadventurous

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