Vocabulary practice Focus 4, Unit 3

Додано: 19 січня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 92 рази
6 запитань
Запитання 1

Choose the correct translation to the sentence:

Обмеження в розвитку місцевості стосується лише брущатих дивакуватих вуличок та пагорбів, що оточують середньовічне місто.

варіанти відповідей

The limit of urban development relates to some cobbled quaint backstreets and rolling hills surrounded the medieval city only.

The limit of urban development relates to some cobbled quaint backstreets and rolling hills which are surrounded the medieval city only.

The limit of urban development relates to some quaint cobbled backstreets and rolling hills surrounded the medieval city only.

The limit urban development which is related to some quaint cobbled backstreets and rolling hills are surrounded by the medieval city only.

Запитання 2

Choose the correct translation of the sentence:

Рідне місто Марії раніше розташовувалося в межах пішої доступності від мальовничих захоплюючих подих каналів історичного центру Іспанії.

варіанти відповідей

Maria's home town located on within walking distance of picturesque breathtaken canals of historic center of Spain.

Maria's home town used to locate within walking distance of picturesque breathtaking canals of historic center of Spain.

In the past Maria's home town locate within walking distance of picturesque breathtaken canals of historic center of Spain.

Maria's home town used to locate on within walking distance of picturesque breathtaking canals of Spain historic center.

Запитання 3

Choose the correct translation of the sentence:

Наземні парковки позбуваються занедбаних жилих масивів та трущоб, щоб зберегти місця для пішохідних зон та велосипедних доріжок на околицях міста.

варіанти відповідей

On-street parkings gets rid of the housing estates and slums in decline so that to preserve some space for pedestrian zones and cycle lanes on the city outskirts.

Undeground car parks got rid of some housing estates and slums in decline so that to preserve some space for pedestrian zones and cycle lanes on the city outskirts.

On-street parkings get rid of some shabby housing estates and slums in order to preserve some space for pedestrian zones and cycle lanes on the city outskirts.

On-street parkings get rid of some housing estates and slums in decline in order to to preserve some space for pedestrian zones and cycle lanes on the city outskirts.

Запитання 4

Choose the correct translation of the sentence:

Занедбана стародавня ринкова площа дуже жваво працювала на кордоні з Європою.

варіанти відповідей

The shabby ancient market square worked with bustling strength on the border of Europe.

The shabby ancient market square had the bustling work on the border of Europe.

The ancient market square in decline had the bustling work on the boarder of Europe.

The shabby ancient market square had the vibrant work on the border of Europe.

Запитання 5

Coose the correct translation to the sentence:

Лізина дорога до роботи з її яскраво насиченою атмосферою мала свої переваги серед інших надійних шляхів до передмістя Мілану.

варіанти відповідей

Liza's daily commute with its vibrant atmosphere had some benefits among other reliable networks to the suburbs of Milan.

Liza's daily commute with it's vibrant atmosphere had some benefits of other reliable networks to the suburbs of Milan.

Liza's daily commute with its vibrant atmosphere had some advantages among other reliable networks to the suburbs of Milan.

Liza's daily commute with its vibrant atmosphere had some benefits between other reliable networks to the suburbs of the Milan.

Запитання 6

Choose the correct translation of the sentence:

Відома історична пам'ятка розташовувалася на узбережжі швидкоплинної річки з рестораном на іншому березі.

варіанти відповідей

The famous historic monument located on the coast of the fast-flowing river with a waterfront restaurant on its opposite bank.

The famous historical monument located on the coast of the fast-flowing river with a waterfront restaurant on its opposite bank.

The famous historic monument is located on the coast of the fast-flowing river with a waterfront restaurant on its opposite bank.

Famous historic monument located on the coast of the fast-flowing river with a waterfront restaurant on it's opposite bank.

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