The Junina festival is special for Bruno because ...
The costumes are different now in the following way ....
In one funny race ....
The music celebrates .....
Bruno's favourite food at the festival is ... .
Complete the sentences using the right noun
We have a ... party every Saturday when I see my grandparents, uncles and aunts.
Complete the sentences using the right noun.
We need to help Gina choose a .... dress for her 18th birthday party.
Complete the sentences using the right noun.
I like .... music. I like the sound of bajors and guitars.
Complete the sentences using the right noun
You can do a square ... to this music.
Complete the sentences using the right noun
The carnival .... always makes me want to dance.
Complete the sentences using the right noun
Wear a .... hat because it will keep your head cool and go with your yellow clothes.
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