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Where did the concept of youth culture appear?
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When did the punk rock appear?
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Where were rap and hip-hop born?
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Punks often had....
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The term "culture" can be defined as... (more than 1 answer)
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Punks were not peace loving, but full of love.
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New groups of young people dressed in Italian-style and leather clothes appeared. They were called Hippies.
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Hippies were against the Vietnam War and showed their peaceful feelings in their rock songs.
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What influences the views of teens?
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These young people usually had long hair and wore second-hand clothes.
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‘Fanzines’ are ...
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Mods …
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... wear huge gold necklaces and drive costly cars.
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Young people who were against the materialistic wealth and stressed on spiritual values.
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... make teenagers believe that money is the most important thing in the world.
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Rap and hip-hop were born in the ghettoes of New York over 20 years ago.
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Youth cultures give young people the opportunity to be something different before they agree and accept society's values.
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Justin Timberlake and Eminem use it in their songs.
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