Діагностувальна контрольна робота з англійської мови з читання за І семестр
учня 4 - ___ класу _____________________________________ Дата __________
Вибери один із варіантів і виконай завдання.
Variant I
PB p.92-93 - read two stories and do the tasks.
The Race
I Answer the questions in short.
1. Who is the slowest animal in the world?_______________________________
2. Was the tortoise clever?___________________________________________
3. How did the tortoise walk?_________________________________________
4. Who fell asleep?_________________________________________________
II Write the correct word.
1. The rabbit hopped ___________.
2. The tortoise was than the rabbit.
3. 'Ha! Ha!' __________ all the animals.
The wind and the sun
III Answer the questions with full sentences.
1. What is this story about?____________________________________________
2. Who was in the park?_______________________________________________
3. Was the wind warm ?_______________________________________________
4. Who is the winner?_________________________________________________
IV Correct the sentences according to the text. Write the correct sentences.
1. The sun ran behind a cloud.__________________________________________
2. The wind and the sun wore the man.___________________________________
3. Then the man take off his hat and his coat.______________________________
Діагностувальна контрольна робота з англійської мови з читання за І семестр
учня 4 - ___ класу _____________________________________ Дата ___________
Вибери один із варіантів і виконай завдання.
Variant II
PB p.92-93 - read two stories and do the tasks.
The Race
I Answer the questions in short.
1. Who is the fastest animal in the forest?_________________________________
2. What did the rabbit eat and drink?________________________________________
3. Was the rabbit sleepy?______________________________________________
4. Who is the winner?_________________________________________________
II Write the correct word.
1. The tortoise walked ___________.
2. The rabbit __________ sandwiches.
3. He ___________ a cup of tea.
The wind and the sun
III Answer the questions with full sentences.
1. What was the weather like?__________________________________________
2. Who did the wind and the sun see?____________________________________
3. What did the man wear?_____________________________________________
4. Was the sun very cold?_____________________________________________
IV Correct the sentences according to the text. Write the correct sentences.
1. The sun shone happily.______________________________________________
2. " Now, it's my turn", sad the sun._______________________________________
3. The man's coat, hat and scarf stay on.__________________________________