Книжка про Пінокіо з завданнями

Про матеріал
Ця книжка є корисним додатковим та цікавим матеріалом для учнів 4 класу. Це захоплююча історія про Пінокіо, а в кінці є завдання які також будуть цікавими для дітей.
Перегляд файлу




English reader






                                                         О. Б. Добровольська, вчитель англійської мови в початкових класах І категорії Хмельницької  середньої загальноосвітньої
                              школи № 22 І-ІІІ ступенів ім. О. Ольжича  











                                              м. Хмельницький  2021








English reader






















Укладач. О.Б. Добровольська, вчитель англійської мови в початкових класах І категорії Хмельницької  середньої загальноосвітньої  школи № 22 І-ІІІ ступенів ім. О. Ольжича 


Рецензент: Г. Л. Костовський, вчитель англійської мови вищої категорії

Схвалено науково – методичною радою школи
Протокол № _____ від ___________




















Добровольська О.Б. English Reader The Ugly Duckling: [Методичний посібник] / О. Б. Добровольська – Хмельницький: Хмельницької  середньої загальноосвітньої
школи № 22 І-ІІІ ступенів ім. О. Ольжича , 2021. – 17с.




  Тут є вправи цікавого характеру, складені в ігровій формі, кросворди та словник до казки.

  Ця казка тобі ще знайома з дитинства. А у казках, як відомо, завжди перемагає добро, вони зазвичай навчають правил поведінки в різних життєвих ситуаціях. Виховують бути чемним, добрим.

  Наприкінці книги є словник усіх слів, які трапляються в текстах.





















    Перед тобою казка для читання англійською мовою в школі і в дома. Це всім вам відома казка, яка називається «Пінокіо».

   А також є цікавого характеру, складеній в ігровій формі,кросворди.

Ця казка знайома тобі ще з дитинства. А у казках, як відомо, завжди переважає добро, вони зазвичай навчають правил поведінки в різних життєвих ситуаціях.                                 Виховують бути чемним, добрим.

   Наприкінці книги є словничок слів, які трапляються у тексті.

   Поспілкуйся з друзями про прочитане, розкажи цю казку своїм молодшим братикам і сестричкам.

   Автор бажає тобі, цікавої та успішної дороги у вивченні англійської мови.  










One day Geppetto, the woodcarver, finished making a cuckoo clock. He held it up proudly.

“Pinocchio ! Jiminy! Come see this beautiful clock! I made it for Mrs. Romano.”

“It looks okay,” said Pinocchio.

“My poor boy, you are so bored while. I work,” said Geppetto. “But now I have some work for you.”

“Take this clock to Mrs. Romano. Then come home as fast as you can. Promise? 

“I promise!” said Pinocchio.

He took clock and skipped away.

Pinocchio did not see. Cat Basilio Fox Alice. But they saw him-and the clock. “That is one beautiful clock,” said Cat.” It must be worth a lot of money,” said Fox. How can we get our hands on it?”


(мал. 1)












Pinocchio stopped to read a circus poster. “I wish I could see the circus,” he said aloud.” My, my, said Fox softly. “Look what we have here.” He picked up two old circus tickets from the street. “Let’s see if Pinocchio will fall for a little trick!”

 “Pinocchio, dear boy!” said Fox. “I have two tickets For the circus. But I cannot go. Would you like to go instead?” “Oh yes, thank you!” said Pinocchio. “Pinocchio!” called Jiminy. “What about your promise to Geppetto?” Pinocchio sighed. “Sorry, I cannot go,” he said. “I have to take this clock to Mrs. Romano.” “I will do that,” said Fox grandly.” Here are the tickets. Enjoy the circus!” With that, Fox grabbed the clock. And Cat pulled Pinocchio off to the circus. When Pinocchio got to the circus, he did not see Cat leave him and hide. Pinocchio handed his ticket to the ticket man. “Why, this is an old ticket! You think you can fool me?” asked the angry ticket man. In shame, Pinocchio ran through the circus. He just wanted to get away from the ticket man. Pinocchio ran and ran. Very soon he was lost. And now Jiminy Cricket was nowhere to be found. Pinocchio stopped to catch his breath. Suddenly he was covered with water! Two huge elephants wanted to play. Pinocchio ran away, dripping wet. Next he ran into three happy clowns. “Let’s have some fun!” shouted the clowns. They picked up Pinocchio. They threw him up high. “Help!” shouted Pinocchio. Just then, a clown threw him way up. Pinocchio flew through the air. “Ooof,” said Pinocchio. He had landed on the back of a beautiful white horse. “Stay and ride with me,” said the girl on the horse’s back. “No, thank you,” said Pinocchio. “I must find Jiminy Cricket.” He jumped off the horse and landed with a thump on the ground.


(мал. 2)























Then along came the circus strong man. “What have we got here?” he laughed. “Please put me down!” cried Pinocchio. “OK,” said the strong man with a hearty laugh. Then he dropped Pinocchio into a pile of hay. Pinocchio wondered where to go now. He just had to find Jiminy. Suddenly a lion tamer came running out of a nearby tent. Pinocchio heard screams coming from inside. Pinocchio crept up to the tent. “What is going on in here?” he wondered. Pinocchio crawled all the way into the tent. Suddenly he heard the roar of a crowd around him. He was in the middle of a circus ring. The bright lights made Pinocchio blink. He did not see the lion, ready to spring. The lion jumped. He caught Pinocchio in his huge paw. He opened his mouth. Pinocchio saw the lion’s big white teeth. The lion sniffed at Pinocchio. “Hmm,” he thought. “It looks like a little bay. But it smells like wood. Why, it smells just like the old wooden ball I used to play with.”












The lion began to purr. He rolled over on his back. He held Pinocchio in the air. Then he turned over on his stomach and fell asleep. The people could not believe their eyes. Very, very carefully, the ringmaster  crept up to the lion. Very, very carefully, he put a color around the lion’s neck. The he pulled gently on the collar. The lion got up. He followed the ringmaster like a big kitten. Pinocchio stood up and brushed himself off. The crowd cheered. Pinocchio did not know what to do next. He jumped out of the ring and ran away. Jiminy Cricket ran after him. “Pinocchio, where have you been? I have been looking for you everywhere. “Just then Pinocchio ran right into the ringmaster. “How did you get in that tent?” the ringmaster asked. “You could have been hurt. What if the lion had bitten you?”














 Pinocchio felt ashamed. He knew that he was just a bad boy. He had gotten into the circus without a ticket. And he was not even supposed to be at the circus! Pinocchio tuned and ran far away. Jiminy Cricket ran after him. “Pinocchio!” he called. “Wait for me! Don’t keep running away. Remember your promise to Geppetto.” “Oh, the clock gasped Pinocchio. “Yes, we must get the clock back from Fox before something terrible happens to it,” cried Jiminy. Pinocchio and Jiminy hurried back to town. Smack! Pinocchio ran right into a policeman. “What is your hurry, young man?” asked the policeman. Pinocchio told the policeman about Fox and the clock. “I’ll bet that rascal Fox is trying to sell it,” the policeman. “Let’s get him!” The policeman blew his whistle. He waved his stick. Pinocchio and Jiminy Cricket followed close behind him. “There he is!” shouted the policeman. Fox was just about to sell the clock. Then he saw the policeman and Pinocchio running toward him. He threw the clock up in the air and ran. The policeman chased him. He was still shouting and waving his stick. Pinocchio jumped and reached for the clock. He caught it just in time. “Phew, that was close,” he sighed. “Let’s take the clock to Mrs. Romano right now!” Mrs. Romano was very happy to see Pinocchio and her new clock. And Pinocchio was very happy to give it to her, at last.




(мал. 5)




























When Pinocchio got back, he founds Geppetto waiting in their little house. “Pinocchio! Where have you been? I was going to take you and Jiminy to the circus today. Now it is too late,” said Geppetto. “We stopped to learn a lesson along the way,” said Jiminy Cricket. “Next time, we will stick to our promises, won’t we, Pinocchio?” Pinocchio nodded his head. “Next time, I’ll keep my promise-I promise!”            


(мал. 6)




















1.Встав пропущені голосні літери та напиши переклад.

         f_n_sh                c_rc_s       

          h_lp                    _r__nd    

          str__t                  b_h_nd

2.Склади з поданих літер слова і впиши їх у клітинки.












































3.Напиши українською мовою, що означають ці слова.

          Beautiful                           Happy

          Read                                   Jumped

          Lesson                               Ground

          Wanted                             Look
   4.Знайди синоніми ( близькі за значенням слова) у першому та другому рядках.
   Little       happy       go          big           nice   
   Beautiful             come            glad           small             large                                   

5.Переклади  речення на англійську мову.

  1.Він взяв годинник і пострибав.

  2.Пінокіо зупинився і читає циркове  оголошення.

 3.Він підняв два старі квитки на вулиці.

 4.Пінокіо біг і біг.

 5.Потім він біг і зустрів трьох щасливих клоунів.

 6.Потім коло цирку проходив сильний чоловік.

 7.«Будь ласка, опустіть мене!» закричав Пінокіо.

 8.Пінокіо побачив великі білі зуби лева.

 9.Він не знав, що робити дальше.

 10.Пінокіо і Джиміні повернулись у    місто.

 11.Він розповів міліцейському про годинник.

 12.Місіс Романо була щаслива побачивши Пінокіо і її новий годинник. 

6.Постав речення в правильному порядку так, щоб був короткий переказ.

1.When Pinocchio got back he found Geppetto waiting in their little house.

2. Mrs. Romano was very happy to see Pinocchio and her new clock.

3. Pinocchio jumped and reached for the clock.

4. Then he saw the policeman and Pinocchio running toward him.

5.”There he is!” shouted the policeman.

6. Pinocchio told the policeman about Fox and the clock.

7. The Pinocchio blew his whistle.

8. Ponocchio and Jiminy hurried back to town.

9. Pinocchio did not know what to do next.

10. Gust then Pinocchio ran right into the ringmaster.

11. The lion began to purr. He rolled over on his back.

12. Pinocchio saw the lion’s big white teeth.

13. He did not see the lion, ready to spring.

14. He opened his mouth.

15. Then along came the circus strong man.

16. He jumped off the horse and landed with a thump on the ground.

17. Next he ran into three happy clowns.

18. He just wanted to get away from the ticket man.

19. When Pinocchio got to the circus, he did not see Cat leave him and hide.

21. Pinocchio stopped to read a circus poster

22. “I wish I could see the circus,” he said aloud.

23. Pinocchio did not see Cat and Fox.

24. On day Geppetto, the woodcarver, finished making a cuckoo clock.

7.Постав питання до казки використовуючи питальні слова.

    What?, Why?, When?, How?         



A                                B

angry-сердитий                                     breath - дихати
                                                               blink - моргати

                C                                 F

Carefully -обережно                     fast - міцно

            H                                   K

hurry - поспішати                               keep – тримати 

happen - статись                                             

hurt – відбутись

hide - ховатись

          L                                 N

Laugh - сміх                                         near by - поруч                     

By,(on) land - сушею                                        

             P                                                   R

Pull - тягнути                                      reach- досягати

Proud - гордий                                                 

              S                                    T

Suppose - припускати                        today - сьогодні 

Stomach - шлунок                               ticket - квиток

Smell - нюхати                                   terrible - жахливий

Shout - кричати                                 through – крізь, через

Shame - сором                                     turn - повертати

Sigh - зітхання                                  

Soft – м’який                                              

Skip - стрибати


way up – дорогою

wonder – подив, здивування

worth – вартий; той, що заслуговує


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