Це урок, мета якого є
- предметні малюнки;
- речі, які можна купити у магазині;
- роздатковий матеріал.
T e a c h e r: Good morning dear children.
P u p i l s: Good morning sun, good morning sky.
“Good morning” – say together.
We like this day the best of all
And start the English lesson.
T e a c h e r: Thank you! I am glad to see you. Let’s start our English lesson. Tell me please, who is on duty today?
P u p i l 1: I am on duty today.
T e a c h e r: Who is absent?
P u p i l 1: All are present today.
T e a c h e r: What day is it today?
P u p i l 2: Today is Monday.
T e a c h e r: What date is it today?
P u p i l 3: Today is the 18-th of April.
T e a c h e r: My dear friends, the theme of our lesson is Shopping. So today we are going to speak about different shops and different things we can buy there. So let’s start the lesson are you ready?
P u p i l s: yes we are.
Читання слів на картках, повторення звуків.
T e a c h e r: Can you tell me please, what is your home task for today?
P u p i l 1: Our hometask for today is exercise 5 at page 115.
T e a c h e r: So let’s check the hometask.
Учні читають вправу.
Вчитель вводить нові лексичні одиниці уроку, називаючи їх і показуючи учням малюнки, діти повторюють слова та закріплюють нову лексику.
a department store [dipa:tment stɔ:] – універмаг
a baker’s [`beikə:s] – хлібний магазин
a butcher’s [`buʧəz] – м’ясний відділ
a greengrocer’s [`gri:n gˏrɔ:səs] – овочевий магазин
a grocer’s бакалея
a dairy [`daiəri] – молочний магазин (відділ)
a toy store [ tɔі stɔ:]
a supermarket [`sju:pəˏma:kit] – супермаркет
A Shopping Day
Today is Saturday. This is the day when we do the shopping.
First we go to the baker's to get some bread. Then we buy some milk, butter, sour cream and cheese at the dairy. After that we go to the butcher's where we buy meat, sausages, ham or bacon. At the greengrocer’s we buy fruit and vegetables.
My favorite place to go is the toy store. It is very big and nice. There are many colorful toys there. I always ask my mum for a new toy or a puzzle.
The best place to do the shopping is the supermarket. But sometimes we go to the department store.
Післятекстове завдання
Розставте подані слова згідно того як вони використовувалися в тексті:
Виконання вправ 2 b на стр.117 (письмово), 3 і 4 на стр.117 (усно) .
Перекласти на англійську мову:
T e a c h e r: It seems to me that you are tired a little, are not you?
P u p i l s: Yes we are.
T e a c h e r: Let’s do some physical exercises. Stand up, please. Repeat after me, please.
Hands up! Clap! Clap!
Hands down! Shake! Shake!
Hands to the left! Clap! Clap!
Hands to the right! Clap! Clap!
Hands on hips, hands to the sides!
Bend left! Bend right!
Touch your shoulders!
Touch your nose!
Touch your ears!
Touch your toes!
Hands up!
Hands down!
Hands on hips!
And sit down!
Вчитель знайомить дітей з гостем на уроці, яким є іграшка на ім’я Mr.Shopper – власник невеликого магазину, Mr.Shopper запрошує дітей на розпродаж. Діти стають у чергу і замовляють товари використовуючи фрази, записані на дошці.
Give me please some …
I want to buy …
I’d like to have some …
Can you give me some … .
T e a c h e r: Thank you, children. I am glad, that you have worked well today. And now take your daybooks and write down your homework, please. You have to read the text at home and write down ex.5 on the page 117 and paint the picture of your favorite shop.
I liked your work very much today. Your marks are … .
So. Our lesson is over. Stand up, please. Good bye.