Контрольні роботи. Англійська мова. 1-4 класи.

Про матеріал
Даний посібник пропонує завдання для контролю знань з англійської мови учнів 1 – 4 класів. Посібник розроблений відповідно до вимог чинної програми та рекомендацій МОН України щодо оцінювання навчальних досягнень учнів. Завдання охоплюють передбачену програмою тематику та орієнтовані на підручники для 1 – 4 класів загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів «Англійська мова» О.Д. Карп’юк. Семестровий контроль подано за чотирма видами мовленнєвої діяльності у двох варіантах. Різнорівневі завдання нададуть можливість організувати ефективний та якісний контроль умінь і навичок учнів, що забезпечить успішне засвоєння іноземної мови у школі та привчить учнів до виконання різних видів контрольних робіт з англійської мови.
Перегляд файлу






Семестрові  контрольні роботи 

з англійської мови 

1 – 4 класи








Ліпінська Ю.Л. – вчитель англійської мови Полонської гімназії.






Посібник містить різнорівневі завдання для оцінювання навчальних досягнень з англійської мови учнів 1 – 4 класів. Завдання розроблені відповідно до вимог чинної програми та рекомендацій МОН України щодо оцінювання навчальних досягнень учнів.  



Посібник адресовано для учнів 1 – 4 класів загальноосвітніх шкіл  та вчителів англійської мови.   



















Педагогічний контроль є ефективним засобом визначення реального стану навчально-виховного процесу, який є одним з визначальним дієвих чинників  інноваційних процесів в освіті.  Даний посібник  пропонує завдання для  контролю знань з англійської мови учнів 1 – 4 класів. Посібник розроблений відповідно до вимог чинної програми та рекомендацій МОН України щодо оцінювання навчальних досягнень учнів. Завдання охоплюють передбачену програмою тематику та орієнтовані на підручники для 1 – 4 класів загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів «Англійська мова»  О.Д. Карп’юк.

Семестровий контроль подано за чотирма видами мовленнєвої діяльності у двох варіантах. Різнорівневі завдання нададуть можливість організувати ефективний та якісний контроль умінь і навичок учнів, що забезпечить успішне засвоєння іноземної мови у школі та привчить учнів до виконання  різних видів контрольних робіт з англійської мови.   















Form 1

Term II

Listening 1


1.       Послухай та обведи літери, які почуєш.


Aa,  Bb,  Cc,  Dd,  Ee,  Ff,  Gg,  Hh, Ii,  Jj,  Kk,  Ll,  Mm,  Nn, 

Oo, Pp,  Qq,  Rr,  Ss,  Tt,  Uu,  Vv,  Ww,   Xx,  Yy,  Zz


2.       Послухай та розмалюй кожну цифру вказаним кольором.

3.       Послухай та вкажи номери малюнків, назви яких почуєш.







1.       Послухай та обведи літери, які почуєш.


Aa, Dd,  Ee,  Kk,  Mm,  Rr,  Ss,  Vv,  Ww,   Zz


2.       Послухай та розмалюй кожну цифру вказаним кольором.


Number 1 is red.

Number 2 is orange.

Number 3 is violet.

Number 4 is black.

Number 5 is white.

Number 6 is brown.

Number 7 is blue.

Number 8 is green.

Number 9 is pink.

Number 10 is yellow.


3.       Послухай та вкажи номери малюнків, назви яких почуєш.


a cat,  a  dog,  a  fox,  a  horse,  an  owl







Form 1 Term II Listening 2


1.       Послухай та обведи літери, які почуєш.


Aa,  Bb,  Cc,  Dd,  Ee,  Ff,  Gg,  Hh, Ii,  Jj,  Kk,  Ll,  Mm,  Nn, 

Oo, Pp,  Qq,  Rr,  Ss,  Tt,  Uu,  Vv,  Ww,   Xx,  Yy,  Zz


2.       Послухай та розмалюй кожну цифру вказаним кольором.

3.       Послухай та вкажи номери малюнків, назви яких почуєш.






1.       Послухай та обведи літери, які почуєш.


Bb, Cc,  Ff,  Ii,  Ll,  Pp,  Tt,  Uu,  Xx,   Yy


2.       Послухай та розмалюй кожну цифру вказаним кольором.


Number 1 is blue.

Number 2 is yellow.

Number 3 is pink.

Number 4 is green.

Number 5 is brown.

Number 6 is white.

Number 7 is red.

Number 8 is black.

Number 9 is violet.

Number 10 is orange.


3.       Послухай та вкажи номери малюнків, назви яких почуєш.


a pig,  a  rabbit,  a  bear,  a  wolf,  a  goose









Form 1 Term II

Reading 1


1.               Знайди літеру, яка зустрічається у кожному слові в рядку.


1.                                                           pen,  ten,  hen,  men,  leg,  red

2.                                                           dog,  frog,  top,  doll,  mop,  pond

3.                                                           pin,  big,  fill, win,  milk, pink


2.               Знайди серед запропонованих слів назву тварини, яка зображена на малюнку.

1.                                                           –  horse,  cat,  dog,  pig

2.                                                           –   ant,  kitten,  lion,  wolf

3.                                                           –   fox, bear, cat, dog

3.               Прочитай речення та випиши номери речень, які є правильними.

1.     A dog can run.

2.     A dolphin can swim.

3.     A cat can fly.


Form 1 Term II

Reading 2


1.               Знайди літеру, яка зустрічається у кожному слові в рядку.


1.                                                         nut,  fun,  run,  jump,  cup,  sun

2.                                                         toy,  boy,  funny,  happy,  lorry, many

3.                                                         man,  lamp,  Dan,  Sam,  cat,  fat


2.               Знайди серед запропонованих слів назву тварини, яка зображена на малюнку.

1.                                                         –  goose,  rabbit,  bird,  cat

2.                                                         –   dog,  kitten,  wolf,  fox

3.                                                         –   monkey,  ant,  horse,  owl

3.               Прочитай речення та випиши номери речень, які є правильними.

1.     A cat can jump.

2.     A kitten can swim.

3.     A fox can run.



Form 1 Term II

Speaking 1



1.              Подивись на малюнок та назви всіх відомих тобі членів сім’ї, використовуючи структуру 


It is a …



2.              Розкажи про своє ім’я та свій вік.


3.              Вкажи тварину, назва якої починається з наступних літер:

 e, l,  k,  g,  h,  b,  c,  d,  f,  p







Form 1 Term II Speaking 2



1.              Подивись на малюнок та назви всіх відомих тобі тварин, використовуючи структуру 


It is a …


2.              Розкажи про своє ім’я та свій вік.


3.              Вкажи тварину, назва якої починається з наступних літер:


z, f,  c,  r,  p,  o,  m,  e,  d,  g





Form 1 Term II Writing 1


1.             Випиши у зошит слова, які починаються з голосної літери.


boy,  apple,  pen,  teacher,  desk, one,  cat, yellow, 

street,  house,  Ann,  dog,  girl


2.             Запиши весь алфавіт, заповнюючи пропуски потрібними літерами.


Aa, Bb,  Cc,  …,  Ee,  Ff,  Gg,  Hh,  …,  Jj,  Kk,  Ll,  Mm, 

…,  Oo,  Pp,  Qq,  Rr,  …,  Tt,  Uu, Vv,  …,   Xx,  Yy,  …


3.             Запишіть    слова,    вставивши потрібну літеру з рамки.



e,  m,  k



      c a  …  e           … o  t  h  e  r            p  …  n


Form 1 Term II Writing 2


1.       Випиши у зошит слова, які починаються з приголосної літери.


kitten,  yard,  ocean,  table,  ant, blue,  tree,  apple, 

owl,  orange


2.       Запиши весь алфавіт, заповнюючи пропуски потрібними літерами.


Aa,  Bb,  …,  Dd,  Ee,  Ff,  Gg,  …, Ii,  Jj,  Kk,  Ll,  …, 

Nn,  Oo,  Pp,  Qq,  …,  Ss,  Tt,  Uu, …,  Ww,   Xx,  …,  Zz


3.       Запишіть слова,    вставивши    потрібну літеру з рамки.



i,  p,  l



       d o  …  l                    … i  g              p  e  n  c … l

Form 2 Term I Listening 1


1.  Прослухай слова та обведи малюнки, назви яких ти почув.



2.  Прослухай діалог, вибери потрібне із пари слів та запиши їх.










1. Прослухай слова та обведи малюнки, назви яких ти почув.


a doll, a pen, a pencil, a clown, a book, a tree, a dog, a kitten, a bell, Christmas Tree, a bag, a flower, a desk, a ruler, a mother , a grandfather, a computer, a pupil


2. Прослухай діалог, вибери потрібне із пари слів та запиши їх.


* Have you got a brother or a sister, Nick?

* I have got a sister.

* Is she 13?

* No, she is not. She is 9.

* What is her name?

* Her name is Vic.












Form 2 Term I Listening 2


1.  Прослухай слова та обведи малюнки, назви яких ти почув.





2.  Прослухай діалог, вибери потрібне із пари слів та запиши їх.










1. Прослухай слова та обведи малюнки, назви яких ти почув.


a tree, a bell, Christmas, Santa Claus, Christmas Tree, a desk, a pencil, a blackboard, snow, a flower, a bag, a teacher, a grandmother, a father, children, a pig, a car, a computer


2. Прослухай діалог, вибери потрібне із пари слів та запиши їх.


* Have you got a brother or a sister, Kate?

* I have got a brother.

* Is he 8?

* No, he is not. He is 11.

* What is his name?

* His name is Bill.










Form 2 Term I Reading 1

1.  Знайди потрібний звук та випиши слова з цим звуком.


a [ æ ]

bag, dad, name, plate, stand

i [ ɪ ]

six, mix, nine, fill, fine

ch [ tʃ ]

cheese, where, cherry, shelf, chop


2.  Прочитай слова та випиши потрібне слово.




brother, father, sister, grandfather



tree, flower, park, snow



shelf, bookcase, desk, CD




sister, grandmother, mother, family


3.  Прочитай речення та напиши, які подарунки отримали діти.


1.   This pink pig is for Tom.

2.   This funny bear is for Pam.

3.   This little rabbit is for Nick.


























Form 2 Term I Reading 2

1.  Знайди потрібний звук та випиши слова з цим звуком.

th [ ð ]

this, chair, the, that, hair

i [ ɑɪ ]

big, nice, fish, kite, five

sh [ ʃ ]

teacher, she, ship, children, sheep

2.  Прочитай слова та випиши потрібне слово.




brother, father, sister, grandmother



children, clown, park, snow





snowman, sister, mother, teacher




park, tree, present, bag



3.  Прочитай речення та напиши, які подарунки отримали діти.


1.    This red ball is for Jane.

2.    This little doll is for Ann. 

3.    This yellow car is for Dan.
























Form 2 Term I Speaking 1


Опишіть малюнок, використовуючи слова:


It is  a …,  pig,  little,  pink,  funny 



Form 2 Term I Speaking 2


Опишіть малюнок, використовуючи слова:


It  is  a …, bear, yellow,  big,  funny




Form 2 Term I Writing 1

1. Постав літери в правильному порядку та запиши слова.

1.                                                         w o s n 

3.             o b o k

2.                                                         l l e b


2. Порахуй та напиши.

four eight             six












3. Встав пропущені літери та запиши слова. e s    t    d

   d e … k

4.                                       m o … h e r

  f l o w … r

3.                                                g r a n … f a t h e r 


4.                                                Знайди потрібні слова та запиши утворені діалоги.


                                   under     in                       bag Christmas tree




*   Where are toys?

*   They are _______ the ________.




*   Where is the bear?

*   It is _______ the _______.


Form 2 Term I Writing 2


1.                                                          Постав літери в правильному порядку та запиши слова.


3.     d s a

2.                                                          e s d k 


2. Порахуй та напиши.


three seven             five









3. Встав пропущені літери та запиши слова. l w    e    d

                            1.                       s n o … m a n 3.                     g r a n … m o t h e r 

  t r … e   c  … o w n


4. Знайди потрібні слова та запиши утворені діалоги.


    on     in    


bag      desk




*   Where is the book?

*   It is _______ the ________.




*   Where is the computer?

It is _______ the _______.






Form 2 Term II Listening 1



1. Розфарбуй малюнки кольором, яким почуєш.



2.       Послухай речення та вкажи номер відповідного малюнка.

1. 2.     3.


3.       Прослухай речення та вкажи номера малюнків, які подобаються дівчинці.

                               1. 2.    3.     

4.            5.       6.


4. Прослухай речення та вкажи номера малюнків, які хлопчик вміє робити.

2.    3.

4.                                                                  5. 6.


5.                                                                  Прослухай текст і обведи відповідну картинку.

1. 2.     3.



1.      Розфарбуй малюнки кольором, яким почуєш.

1.       My pencil is red.

2.       My ball is blue and yellow.

3.       My car is green.

4.       My bag is pink.

5.       My cat is orange.


2.      Послухай речення та вкажи номер відповідного малюнка.

              Hello! I am Bill. I am five.


3.      Прослухай речення та вкажи номера малюнків, які подобаються дівчинці.

       Hello! I am Ann. I like my school and my teacher. My favourite season is winter. I do not like spring. My favourite animals are parrots.

But I do not like crocodiles.


4.      Прослухай речення та вкажи номера малюнків, які хлопчик вміє робити.

       Hello! I am Bob. I am seven. I can dance and I can sing. But I can not fly and I can not swim. I can read and I can not make a snowman.


5.      Прослухай текст і обведи відповідну картинку.

      Hello! My name is Jane. I am a girl. I have got big eyes, a small nose and a small mouth. I have got blonde hair. My hair is long.



Form 2 Term II Listening 2


1.          Розфарбуй малюнки кольором, яким почуєш.



2.          Послухай речення та вкажи номер відповідного малюнка.

1. 2.     3.


3.          Прослухай речення та вкажи номера малюнків, які подобаються дівчинці.

1.   3.     

4.               5.      6.  


4. Прослухай речення та вкажи номера малюнків, які хлопчик вміє робити.

2.    3.

4.                                                                  5. 6.


5.                                                                  Прослухай текст і обведи відповідну картинку.

1. 2.     3.  



1.   Розфарбуй малюнки кольором, яким почуєш.

1.  My flower is pink.

2.  My doll is yellow. 3. My dog is brown.

4.  My cat is black.

5.  My crocodile is green.


2.   Послухай речення та вкажи номер відповідного малюнка.

Hello! I am Bill. I am a little boy. I am only four.


3.   Прослухай речення та вкажи номера малюнків, які подобаються дівчинці.

Hello! I am Pam. I like my school and my teacher. My favourite season is spring. I do not like winter. My favourite animals are cats.

But I do not like crocodiles.


4.   Прослухай речення та вкажи номера малюнків, які хлопчик вміє робити.

Hello! I am Kate. I am five. I can dance and I can sing. But I can not fly and I can not read. I can not swim and I can make a snowman.


5.   Прослухай текст і обведи відповідну картинку.

Hello! My name is Jack. I am a boy. I have got big eyes, a small nose and a small mouth. I have got blonde hair. My hair is short.



Reading 1


1.   Напиши переклад поданих слів та словосполучень.

1.       doll’s house

2.       an angry monster

3.       a funny clown

4.       blue eyes

5.       a small nose

6.       a clever dog

7.       my pet

8.       a big crocodile

9.       a little hamster

10.   a beautiful girl

2.   Прочитай речення та вкажи номера малюнків, які підходять.

1.       It is sunny. – 2. It is raining. – 

3.   It is windy. – 

4.   It is snowing. – 

          1.                                                  2.     3.




3.      З’єднай частинки речень та запиши утворені речення.  

  Сan you

It is

My sister has

My dog is

snowing. clever. swim? got a nice doll.


4.      Прочитай текст та дай короткі відповіді на запитання. 

Hello! I am Dima. I am seven. I live in Lviv. I have got a big

family: a mother, a father, a little brother and a sister. We have got a pet. It is a dog. My dog is clever.


1.  How old is Dima?

2.  Does he live in Odesa?

3.  Is his family small?

4.  Has he got a pet?

5.  Is it a parrot?

6.  Is his dog clever?









Reading 2


1.   Напиши переклад поданих слів та словосполучень.

1.       doll’s dress

2.       an old book

3.       a funny monkey

4.       blond hair

5.       a small mouth

6.       a clever pet

7.       my parrot

8.       a big fish

9.       a little girl

10.   a beautiful mother

2.   Прочитай речення та вкажи номера малюнків, які підходять.

1.       It is spring. – 2. It is summer. – 

3.   It is autumn. – 

4.   It is winter. – 

          1.                                                      2.     3.  




3.      З’єднай частинки речень та запиши утворені речення.  

  Сan you

It is

My brother has

My dog is

summer. black. fly? got a nice toy.


4.      Прочитай текст та дай короткі відповіді на запитання. 

Hello! I am Ann. I am six. I live in Poltava. I have got a big

family: a mother, a father and two brothers. We have got a pet. It is a dog. My dog is clever.

1.     How old is Ann?

2.     Does she live in Odesa?

3.     Is her family small?

4.     Has she got a pet?

5.     Is it a parrot?

6.     Is her dog clever?











Speaking 1


1.   Дайте відповіді на запитання.

1.  How are you?

2.  What is your name?

3.  How old are you?

4.  Where do you live?

5.  Where are you from?

2.   Опишіть дівчинку за малюнком (4 – 5 речень).



Look! This is Ann. She is ….

Form 2 Term II Speaking 2



1.        Дайте відповіді на запитання.

1.  How are you?

2.  What is your name?

3.  How old are you?

4.  Where do you live?

5.  Where are you from?

2.        Опишіть монстрика Тоббі за малюнком (4 – 5 речень).


Look! This is a monster. It is ….



Form 2 Term II Writing 1


1.       Постав літери в правильному порядку та запиши слова.

1.                                e s n o   3.          a n h d

2.                                y e e

                                                                                                                                4.                 e g l


2.       Доповни речення can або can not.


Alla _______ read and she ________ dance. She ________

swim, and she ________ fly.




3.       Постав слова в правильному порядку. Запиши речення.

1.  have, I, a, big, got, doll.

2.  is, toy, It, favourite, my.

3.  you, Can, sing?

4.  cat, My, little, is, white, and.

4. Розглянь малюнок. Заповни пропуски в тексті виділеними словами.


winter, white, spring, cold, summer, snowing



It is not ________.

It is not ________.

It is ___________.

The trees are not green. They

are __________.

It is not hot. It is __________.

It is not raining. 

It is ___________.









Form 2 Term II Writing 2


1.       Постав літери в правильному порядку та запиши слова.

1.                                   a e r     3.          a e h d

2.                                   t e e f   4.       o m u h t


2.       Доповни речення can або can not.

read              make a snowman   dance               swim


Dima _______ read and he ________ make a snowman. He ________ swim, and he ________ dance.




3.       Постав слова в правильному порядку. Запиши речення.

1.  has, She, got, nice, a, toy.

2.  family, is, My, happy.

3.  can, I, swim.

4.  is, my, This, mother.


4. Розглянь малюнок. Заповни пропуски в тексті виділеними словами.


winter, yellow, spring, cold, autumn, raining


 It is not ________.

It is not ________.

It is ___________.

The trees are not green. They are __________.

It is not hot. It is __________.

It is not snowing. 

It is ___________.



Form 3 Term I

Listening 1


1.  Look and mark if the statements are true or false.




1. Bill lives in Italy.



2. Bill has a family of five.



3. He has a little sister.



4. Bill is a pupil.



5. Bill likes painting.



6. He doesn’t like Maths.



7. Bill’s favourite day of the week is Friday.




2.  What does Jane like doing?

1.         3.  


3.  Which of the photos shows Jack’s family?

1.       3.  




4.  What is his mother’s job?

1.      3.  


5.  What is Dan’s favourite lesson?

1.         2.        3.  


6.  What time is it?

1.     2.      3.  


7. What does Bill do in the evenings?

1.     2.       3.  




1.   Look and mark if the statements are true or false.

Bill is from England. He is eight. He has a big family. He has a mother, a father and a little brother. They live in a big flat in London. Bill is a pupil. He goes to school five days a week. He likes Friday because he has Art on that day. Bill likes painting. Art is his favourite lesson, but he doesn’t like English.


2.   What does Jane like doing?

-    Hello, Jane! Let’s make a snowman.

-    I don’t like making a snowman. I like singing.


3.   Which of the photos shows Jack’s family?

Jack has a big family. He has a mother, a father, a sister 

and a little brother.


4.   What is his mother’s job?

-    What is your mother’s job? Is she a doctor?

-    No, she is a teacher.


5.   What is Dan’s favourite lesson?

-    Dan, what is your favourite day?

-    I like Tuesday because we have English on that day. It is my favourite lesson.


6.   What time is it?

-    Ann, what time is it?

-    It is eight o’clock.


7.   What does Bill do in the evenings?

-    Bill, what do you do in the evenings?

-    I go to my football club. It is my favourite sport



Form 3 Term I

Listening 2


1.  Look and mark if the statements are true or false.




1. Oleh lives in Ukraine.



2. Oleh has a family of four.



3. He has a little sister.



4. Oleh is a pupil.



5. Oleh likes football



6. He doesn’t like Maths.



7. Bill’s favourite day of the week is Tuesday




2.  What does Ann like doing?

1.         2.            3.  


3.  Which of the photos shows Ron’s family?

1.      3.  


4.  What is his mother’s job?

1.      3.  


5.  What is Tom’s favourite lesson?

1.        2.        3.  


6.  What time is it?

1.     2.      3.  


7. What does Tim do on Sundays?

1.     2.       3.  





1.   Look and mark if the statements are true or false.

Oleh is from Ukraine. He is nine. He has a family. He has a mother and a father. They live in a big flat in Kyiv. Oleh is a pupil.

He goes to school five days a week. He likes Monday because he has Sport lessons on that day. Oleh likes table tennis. Sport is his favourite lesson, but he doesn’t like Maths.


2.   What does Ann like doing?

-    Hello, Ann! Let’s read a book.

-    I don’t like reading a book. I like making a snowman.


3.   Which of the photos shows Ron’s family?

Ron has a big family. He has a mother, a father and a little



4.   What is his mother’s job?

-    What is your mother’s job? Is she a waitress?

-    No, she is a doctor.


5.   What is Tom’s favourite lesson?

-    Tom, what is your favourite day?

-    I like Monday because we have Art on that day. It is my favourite lesson.


6.   What time is it?

-    Ann, what time is it?

-    It is two o’clock.


7.   What does Tim do on Sundays?

-    Tim, what do you do on Sundays?

-    I go to the swimming pool. Swimming is my favourite sport.



Form                                          3

TermReading 1                           I



1. Look, read and mark if the statements are true or false.

1.         2.        3.

         4.      5.        6.                     





1. It is four o’clock.



2. Ann is at the summer camp.



3. This is a doctor.



4. A small table is in front of the sofa.



5. This is a kitchen.



6. Jane’s hobby is painting.




2.   Read and complete.


England, summer, Bill, hobby, seven, painting, favourite, red



My name is ____. I am _____. I am from ____. My ____ is riding a bike and _____. My favourite sport is football. My favourite colour is 

____. My ____ season is ____. What about you? Write to me soon.


Your penfriend,



3.   Read, match and write down.

                             I am                               is reading books.

                             Hans is from                   10 o’clock.

                             It is                                painting.

                             We count and sums        nine.

                             My hobby                        Germany.

                             Ann is in                         at Maths lessons.

                             I like                               the village.














Form 3 Term I

Reading 2


2. Look, read and mark if the statements are true or false.

1.     2.        3.

          4.     5.       6.                     





4. It is eight o’clock.



5. Ann is at the summer camp.



3. This is a doctor.



4. A small table is in front of the sofa.



5. This is a kitchen.



6. Jane’s hobby is singing.




3. Read and complete.


Ukraine, winter, Taras, hobby, nine, playing football, favourite, green



My name is ____. I am _____. I am from ____. My ____ is riding a bike and _____. My favourite sport is football. My favourite colour is

 ____. My ____ season is ____. What about you? Write to me soon.


Your penfriend,



3. Read, match and write down.

I am

Nick is from

It is

We run and jump

My hobby

Peter is in

I like

is watching cartoons.

8 o’clock. playing games. ten. France.

at Sport lessons. the camp.













Form 3 Term I

Speaking 1


1.  Look at the form and speak about Nick.

    Look! This is Nick. He is…











father – driver mother – dancer sister – pupil 

Favourite lesson



riding a bike


2.  Tell about your English lesson and what you can do at this lesson.






Form 3 Term I

Speaking 2


1.  Look at the form and speak about Roman.

    Look! This is Roman. He is…











father – doctor mother – teacher sister – student

Favourite lesson



playing chess 


2.  Tell about your house (flat) and your room.






Form 3 Term I

Writing 1


1.  Match      the   words      and write        down       seven word combinations.

play      cartoons fly      a kite do   pool

clean     chess watch     a book read      teeth swimming     sums


2.  Complete the sentences with am, is, are, have and has.

1.    Children … many toys.

2.    I … a good pupil.

3.    It … a red pen.

4.    My father … a nice red car.

5.    My father and mother … doctors.


3.  Answer the question.

1.    How old are you?

2.    Where do you live?

3.    What is your favourite lesson?

4.    What is your hobby?




Form 3 Term I

Writing 2


1.  Match      the   words      and write        down       seven word combinations.

                                      ride                               up

help      a bike get lesson party      music

                                       favourite                        the bed

play      mother under   hall


2.  Complete the sentences with am, is, are, have and has.

1.    They … happy.

2.    I … a big boy.

3.    It … a black little kitten.

4.    She … a nice doll.

5.    The pupils … a lot of pens and pencils.


3.  Answer the question.

1.    What is your name?

2.    Where are you from?

3.    Have you got a brother or a sister?

4.    What do you like doing?




Form 3 Term II Listening 1


Listen and choose the vegetables that mum puts in the vegetable salad.



2.  What is the weather like?

                           1. 2.  


3.  What holiday is this?

1.         2.       3.




4.  Where was Sam last summer?

1.         2. 3.


5.  What is Jane’s favourite fruit?


1.         2. 3.


6.  What is Sam’s favourite season?


1.       2.             3.  











1. Listen and choose the vegetables that mum puts in the vegetable salad.

*   What are you doing, mum?

*   I’m making a vegetable salad, Tim.

*   What vegetables are there in the salad?

*   Two cucumbers, three small tomatoes, an onion…  Onion? I don’t like onion. Don’t put it in the salad!

*   O’k! Do you like cabbage?

*   Yes, I do.

*   I’ll put some cabbage in the salad, too.


2.   What is the weather like?

*  What is the weather like today?

*  It is cold today.

*  Is it raining?

*  No, it isn’t. It is windy.


3.   What holiday is this?

It is usually on Sunday. People go to church and give thanks

to Christ. In Ukraine people make cakes called “paskhas” and paint eggs.


4.   Where was Sam last summer?

*   Was Sam in town last summer?

*   No, he was not. He was in the village.


5.   What is Jane’s favourite fruit?

*   What is your favourite fruit, Jane?

*   I like oranges, but my favourite fruit is an apple.


6.   What is Sam’s favourite season?

*  What is your favourite season, Sam?

*  I like making snowmen in winter, but my favourite season

is spring.




















Form 3 Term II Listening 2


1. Listen and choose the fruit that mum puts in the fruit salad.



2.  What is the weather like?

                           1.        2.  


3.  What holiday is this?

1.         2.       3.



4.  Where was Pam last summer?

1.         2. 3.


5.  What is Liz’s favourite vegetable?


1.         2.        3.  



6.  What is Dan’s favourite season?

1.        2.           3.  















1. Listen and choose the vegetables that mum puts in the vegetable salad.

*   What are you doing, mum?

*   I’m making a fruit salad, Ann.

*   What fruit are there in the salad?

*   Two oranges, three small bananas, a lemon…  Lemon? I don’t like lemons. Don’t put it in the salad!

*   O’k! Do you like apples?

*   Yes, I do.

*   I’ll put some apples in the salad, too.


2.   What is the weather like?

*  What is the weather like today?

*  It is hot today.

*  Is it sunny?

*  Yes, it is. It is sunny today.


3.   What holiday is this?

It is winter holiday. People decorate a special tree and

celebrate the birth of Christ. In Ukraine people have vertep shows and sing koliadkas this day.


4.   Where was Pam last summer?

*   Was Pam in the village last summer?

*   No, she was not. She was at the seaside.


5.   What is Liz’s favourite vegetable?

*   What is your favourite vegetable, Liz?

*   I like tomatoes, but my favourite vegetable is a cucumber.


6.   What is Dan’s favourite season?

*  What is your favourite season, Dam?

*  I like hot and sunny days and my favourite season is summer.























Form 3 Term II Reading 1


1.  Read and choose the correct answer.


I am 9. On Sundays I don’t go to school. My parents stay at home too. They don’t like big breakfast. 

On Sunday morning I help my mother. For toasts we take three big slices of bread (for mother, father and me), some butter and some apple jam. 

And for coffee we take one spoon of coffee and some hot water. I like sweet coffee with milk so I put three spoons of sugar.


1. Do I go to school on Sunday?

a)   Yes, I do.

b)   No, I do not.

c)    Sometimes.

2.  What do I usually do on Sunday morning?

a)   Watch cartoons.

b)   Help my mum.

c)    I do my homework.

3.  What do I need to cook toasts?

a)   Bread, some butter and some apple jam.

b)   Bread, some cheese and some apple jam.

c)    Bread, some butter and some orange jam.

4.  How do I like my coffee?

a)   Sweet coffee with ice-cream.

b)   Sweet coffee with milk.

c)    Black coffee with sugar.

2. Read choose and write. There are five choices you don’t need to use.


cartoon, Easter,  church, cucumber, winter, tomato,

summer, lunch, breakfast


1.   It is a hot and sunny season of the 1. __________ year.         

2.   Children like to watch them on TV.         2. __________

3.   This is the first meal of the day.     3. __________

4.   It is a round red vegetable.      4.___________













Reading 2


3.  Read and choose the correct answer.


I am 10. I usually get up at 7 o’clock in the morning. I often help my mum to cook breakfast. We make tea and cheese sandwiches. Sometimes we cook porridge or eggs for breakfast too.

For sandwiches we take big slices of bread, some butter and some cheese. We like green tea with sugar.

Sometimes we drink tea with some cakes or sweets.


1.   When do I usually get up?

d)   At six o’clock.

e)   At seven o’clock.

f)    At eight o’clock.

2.   What do I help my mum to do in the morning?

d)   To cook breakfast.

e)   To clean the kitchen.

f)    To water the flowers.

3.   What do I need to cook sandwiches?

d)   Bread, some butter and some apple jam.

e)   Bread, some cheese and some butter.

f)    Bread, some butter and some orange jam.

4.  How do I like my tea?

d)   Green tea with lemon.

e)   Sweet tea with milk.

f)    Green tea with sugar.

4. Read choose and write. There are five choices you don’t need to use.


supper,  Easter,  egg, cucumber, winter, tomato, 

summer, lunch, breakfast


1.   It is a long green vegetable.

2.   It is cold and snowy season of the year.

3.   It is the last meal of the day.

4.   We paint them at Easter in Ukraine.

1.  __________

2.  __________

3.  __________

















Speaking 1


Answer the questions.


1). What is your favourite season?

2). Why do you like it?


2.  Make a story about supper traditions in your family. Use the plan.

1). what you usually have for supper;

2). who cooks supper;

3). who cleans the table and do the washing up after supper;

4). what time you have it.


3.  Look at the pictures and say what you usually do at Easter.


   to go to church                to colour eggs


     to cook paskhas                  to eat big dinner 

Speaking 2


Answer the questions.


1). What is the weather like today?

2). Do you like it?


2.  Make a story about breakfast traditions in your family.

Use the plan.

1). what you usually have for breakfast;

2). who cooks breakfast;

3). who cleans the table and do the washing up after breakfast;

4). what time you have it.


3.  Look at the pictures and say what you usually do at Christmas.


   to go to church                  to sing koliadkas


   to have a vertep show             to eat big dinner   

Writing 1


Continue the sentences.


1). I like to eat ___________________ for lunch.

2). My favourite food is ______________, but I don’t like _____________.

3). My mum likes to drink _____________ in the morning.


2.              Fill in some or a (an).


____ milk

____ cake

____ apple

____ bread

____ tea ____jam

____ lemon

____ soup


3.              Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box.


was,   watched,   cooks,   were,   is helping


1). My mum always _______ porridge for breakfast.

2). I ______ at home yesterday. My parents _______ at home too.

3). Jane __________ her mum now.

4). Children __________ cartoons yesterday.


Writing 2


Continue the sentences.


1). My little sister likes to drink ___________________ for breakfast.

2). My favourite fruit is ______________, but I don’t like _____________.

3). My mum likes to cook _____________ on Sunday.


2.              Fill in some or a (an).


____ coffee

____ butter

____ banana

____ onion

____ salad


____ sugar

____ carrot


3.              Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box.


was,   played,   drinks,   were,   is watching


1). My mum always _______ black coffee for breakfast.

2). I ______ at school yesterday. My friends _______ at school too.

3). Bill __________ TV now.

4). Boys __________ football yesterday.

Form 4 Term I

Listening 1


Jim  and  Betty

1. Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1)    What is the boy’s name?                 

a)         Dan;

b)         Jim;

c)         Ben;

2)    How old is Jim?                               

a)         Nine;

b)         Ten;

c)         Eleven;

3)    Where does he live?

a)         London;

b)         Oxford;

c)         Eastbourne;

4)    What does he like?

a)         Reading and playing football;

b)         Riding a bike and swimming;

c)         Drawing and playing tennis;    5) What are his favourite toys?

a)   A computer and a toy truck;

b)   A spaceship and a kite;

c)   Robots and a plane;

 6)  Where does Jim keep his toys?

a)   On the shelf;

b)   Under the desk;

c)   In the big box;



2.  Find the mistakes and write down the correct sentences.

1.  Jim lives in New York.

2.  Boy’s favourite toys are a plane and puzzles.

3.  He likes watching cartoons.

4.  After school he likes playing football.


3. Answer the questions.

1.    How old is Jim?

2.    What does he like to do?

3.    What is his favourite toy?

4.    What is his hobby?

















Jim and  Betty


Hello! My name is Jim. I live in London. I am nine. I

like reading and playing football. I have got very nice toys. My favourite toys are robots and a plane. I keep them in the big box. I also like watching videos. After school I like playing computer games.

This is my sister, Betty. She is seven. Betty likes

computer games and listening to music, too. She likes playing with her dolls. She has got two dolls. She calls them Milly and Lilly. She also has got two toy rabbits. She keeps the dolls and the rabbits on her bed.












Form 4 Term I

Listening 2


Jim  and  Betty

1. Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1)    What is the girl’s name? 

a)  Vicky;

b)  Betty;

c)   Kate;

2)    How old is Betty?

a)  Eight;

b)  Nine;

c)   Seven;

3)    What does Betty like?

a)  Computer games and listening to music;

b)  Reading and drawing;

c)   Helping at home and singing; 4) How many dolls does she have?

a)   Three;

b)   Two;

c)   Four;

5)    What else does she have got? 

a)   Balls;

b)   Puzzles;

c)   Rabbits;

6)    Where does Betty keep her toys?

a)   In the cupboard;

b)   On her bed;

c)   In the toy box;



3. Find the mistakes and write down the correct sentences.

1.  Betty is eight.

2.  She is Jim’s cousin.

3.  Betty has got three dolls.

4.  She keeps her toys in the box.


4. Answer the questions.

1.    How old is Betty?

2.    What does she like to do?

3.    What toys has she got?

4.    Where does she keep her toys?







Jim and  Betty


Hello! My name is Jim. I live in London. I am nine. I

like reading and playing football. I have got very nice toys. My favourite toys are robots and a plane. I keep them in the big box. I also like watching videos. After school I like playing computer games.

This is my sister, Betty. She is seven. Betty likes

computer games and listening to music, too. She likes playing with her dolls. She has got two dolls. She calls them Milly and Lilly. She also has got two toy rabbits. She keeps the dolls and the rabbits on her bed.












Form 4 Term I

Reading 1


1. Read and complete the text.

present , “Happy birthday!”, forest , friends, grey

 Donkey’s  birthday

Little Rabbit lives in the forest. He is (1)... . He likes to run and jump. He goes to school. He can read well. He can write and paint well. He has got a lot of (2).... They play with him in the (3)... 

It is Donkey’s birthday today. Winnie comes to Rabbit with a balloon. It is a present for their friend. They write on the balloon: (4)... Winnie and Rabbit give a (5)... to Donkey. They dance, sing and have tea.


2.   Read the text of ex. 1 and mark if the statements are true or false.


1). Little Rabbit is white.

2). He is a pupil.

3). Little Rabbit can read, swim and paint.

4). Winnie and Rabbit give a present to Donkey.

5). A balloon is Donkey’s present.


3.   Read and write the correct numbers.


1.       You often make it in winter.

2.       You always eat it in the morning.

3.       You never do it on Sunday.

4.       You often do it in the evening.

5.       You always do it in the morning.















a)   Go to school.

b)   A snowman.

c)    Wash your face and hands.

d)   Read books.

e)   Breakfast

Form 4 Term I

Reading 2


2. Read and complete the text.

favourite , presents, holidays, tree, family

 My favourite holiday

There are a lot of (1) … : New Year, Christmas, Birthday, Mother’s Day, Easter and others. But my (2) … holiday is Christmas. Christmas is a family holiday and I always celebrate Christmas at home with my (3) …. Every year we decorate our house and a big Christmas (4) …. My mother cooks many tasty dishes and we have a special supper on Christmas Eve. We sing carols and give (5) … to each other. I like Christmas very much.


3. Read the text of ex. 1 and mark if the statements are true or false.


1). My favourite holiday is New Year.

2). New Year is family holiday.

3). We always decorate our house.

4). We have a tasty dinner on Christmas Eve.

5). We give presents to each other.



3. Read and write the correct numbers.


1. You always do it in Maths.

2. You always eat it in the evening.

3. You never do it in summer.

4. You often do it in the evening.

5. You always do it in the morning.

















a)        Watch TV.

b)        Do sums.

c)        Get up.

d)       Make a snowman.

e)        Supper.

Form 4 Term I

Speaking 1


1.  Answer the questions about you.


1.   What is your name and where are you from?

2.   When is your birthday?

3.   What is your favourite holiday?

4.   What is your favourite lesson?

5.   How many pupils are there in your class?

6.   What are you good at?


2.  Imagine that it is your birthday party. Answer the question.


1.   What holiday do you celebrate?

2.   How many children are there?

3.   What presents did you get?

4.   What present is the best for you?

5.   What are you going to eat?


Form 4 Term I

Speaking 2


1.  Answer the questions about your friend.


1.   What is your friend’s name and where is he/she from?

2.   When is his/her birthday?

3.   What is his/her favourite holiday?

4.   What is his/her favourite lesson?

5.   How many pupils are there in his/her class?

6.   What is he/she good at?


2.  Imagine that you are in this room. Answer the question.




1.   What holiday do you celebrate?

2.   How many children are there?

3.   What presents did you get?

4.   What are you doing?

5.   Do you like this holiday?



Form 4 Term I

Writing 1


1.  Continue the sentences.


1.   We need ______, ______ and ______ for Maths.

2.   I go to bed at _______.

3.   I always ________ in the evening.


2.  Answer the question.


1.   What is your favourite lesson?

2.   What is your hobby?

3.   When is your birthday?

4.   What is your favourite holiday?


3.  Complete the sentences.


likes, shall go, were, is helping, decorated, was


1.   She _______ her mum about the house now.

2.   I _______ to the zoo next Sunday.

3.   I _______ at school yesterday. My friends ________ at school too.

4.   He ________ English. It is his favourite lesson.

5.   We _______ our Christmas tree yesterday.




Form 4 Term I

Writing 2


1.  Continue the sentences.


1.  We need ______, ______ and ______ for English.

2.  I get up at _______.

3.  I always _______ on Sunday.


2.  Answer the question.


1.  What do you do on Sundays? 2. What do you need for school?

3.  When is your birthday?

4.  When do we celebrate New Year?


3. Complete the sentences.


likes, will go, were, is playing, celebrated, was


1.   He _______ with his new car now.

2.   They _______ to the shop tomorrow.

3.   I _______ at home yesterday. My friends ________ at home too.

4.   We _______ my birthday yesterday.

5.   Ann ________ apples. She eats them every day.




Form 4 Term II Listening 1


Anna  and  her  Pets

1. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Anna is ….

a). two;

b). one;

2. She likes to …

c). five.

a). play computer games;

b). watch cartoons;

3. Her parrot is ….

c). cook.

a). red;

c). green and yellow.

b). green, blue and


4. Rover can say …

a). “Hi!”,  “Hello!” and “I’m a parrot!”;

b). “Hi!”,  “Hello!” and “Good bye!;

c). “Hi!” and “Hello!”.

2. Find the mistakes and write down the correct sentences.

1.    Anna’s dog is Rex.

2.    Anna has a canary.

3.    Rover is a little and nice parrot.

4.    A parrot hides on the table.

3. Answer the questions.

1.    How many pets does Anna have?

2.    What colour is the parrot?

3.    What can Rover say?

4.    What can Rover play?

Anna  and  her  Pets


Anna is a little girl. She does not go to school. She is only 5. Anna likes to paint and to watch cartoons. And she likes her pets. 

Anna’s got two pets: a cat called Tom and a dog – Spike. Now she’s got another pet – it’s a bird, a parrot. His name is Rover. He’s green, blue and yellow. He’s a big, funny, nice bird. Anna teaches him to talk. Now Rover can say: “Hi!”, “Hello!” and “I’m a parrot!”

Anna likes to play with her parrot. He can play hideand-seek. He hides under the table. She says, “Rover, where are you?” And he says, “Hi!” or “I am a parrot!”  What fun it is to play with Rover! 




Form 4 Term II Listening 2

Little apples and big apples

1. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1.   What is the girl’s name?

                                a). Ann;                                             c). Vicky.

b). Kate;

2.   The girl’s mother gives her apples ...

                                a). every day;                                    c). every week.

b). every morning;

3.   Why can’t Kate’s mother give her an apple?

a). she does not have an apple;

b). she does not want to give it;

c). Kate wants an orange.

4.   “You must go and sleep too”, says ...

                                a). Kate;                                            c). father.

b). mother;

2.   Find the mistakes and write down the correct sentences.

5.   Little Kate likes lemons.

6.   Her mother gives her apples every Sunday.

7.   “Give me a bad apple, please”, says Kate.

8.   “Only little apples work, big apples do not work”, says Kate.

3.   Answer the questions.

1.   What does Kate like?

2.   What does Kate like to do with them?

3.   Does Kate’s mother have an apple?




Little apples and big apples


Little Kate likes apples. She likes to look at them, she likes to play with them and she likes to eat them. Her mother gives her apples every day. But today the little girl’s mother has no apples. She cannot give Kate an apple. Kate goes up to her mother.

Kate: Mummy, I want an apple. Give me a small apple, please.

Mother: It is evening now, my girl. Apples sleep in the evening. You must go and sleep too.

Kate: Oh, no mummy. Only little apples sleep, big apples do not sleep. Give me a big apple, please mummy. 








Form 4 Term II Reading 1

Mrs. Nelson goes shopping

It is two o’clock in the afternoon. Mrs. Nelson is going to the shop. She wants to buy some food for a party.

Mrs. Nelson wants to buy some vegetables to make a salad. There is some meat, fish and sausages in the shop. Mrs. Nelson wants to buy some meat, but she does not want to buy any fish or sausages. Look! Mrs. Nelson is buying a cake and some lemons for tea. 

Mrs. Nelson likes this shop and she always goes shopping there.



1.   Read the text and mark if the statements are true or false.


1.   It is four o’clock now.

2.   Mrs. Nelson is going to buy some fish.

3.   A woman does not want to buy any sausages.

4.   Look! Mrs. Nelson is buying a cake and some tea.


2.   Choose the correct word and write down the sentences.


1.   Mrs. Nelson is going to the cinema/shop now.

2.   Mrs. Nelson is buying fish/cake now.

3.   Mrs. Nelson does not want to buy any fish/meat.

4.   She wants to make salad/cake.


3.   Complete the sentences with the words from the box.


sausages,  o’clock, shopping, some


1.   It is two … in the afternoon.

2.   She wants to buy … vegetables.

3.   A woman does not want to buy any fish or …

4.   Mrs. Nelson always goes … to this shop.





Form 4 Term II Reading 2

A Visit to the Uncle

Bill Brown goes to visit his uncle’s family in summer. Bill’s uncle lives in a town. The town is not very big, but green. Its streets are straight. A small square in the centre is very beautiful.

Bill looks at the address on a piece of paper, crosses the street and stops near a new building. It is his uncle’s house.When the door on the second floor opens, Bill sees his uncle. “Oh, we are so glad to see you1 How do you know the way to our house?” asks uncle Sam.

“Well, it isn’t difficult. L like to travel and my parents and I know how to find a road or a street or an interesting building in a town”, answers Bill.


1.   Read the text and mark if the statements are true or false.


1.   Bill travels in summer.

2.   Bill’s uncle lives in a village.

3.   The boy knows how to find the way to the uncle’s house.

4.   Bill and his parents like to travel.


2.   Choose the correct word and write down the sentences.


1.   In the centre of the town there is a big/small square.

2.   Bill’s uncle lives in a new/old building.

3.   The uncle is glad/sad when he sees Bill.

4.   The boy’s uncle is Bill/Sam.


3.   Complete the sentences with the words from the box.


second,  road, difficult, green


1.   The town where the uncle lives is______.

2.   His uncle’s flat is on the ______ floor.

3.   It is not ______ for the boy to find the uncle’s house.

4.   Bill knows how to find a ______ in a town.


Form 4 Term II Speaking 1


1.  Answer the questions about you.


1.   What can you do in summer?

2.   What is the weather like today?

3.   What is the capital of Great Britain?

4.   Do you like to go sightseeing?

5.   Do you like to go to the museums and art galleries?


2.  Look at the picture and answer the questions.


1.   What season is it?

2.   How many children are there?

3.   What is the weather like?

4.   What are the children doing?

5.   What do you usually do in winter?



Form 4 Term II Speaking 2


1.  Answer the questions about you.


1.   What can you do in winter?

2.   What was the weather like yesterday?

3.   What is the capital of our country?

4.   Do you like to travel?

5.   What do you like to do in free time?


2.  Look at the picture and answer the questions.



1.   What season is it?

2.   How many children are there?

3.   What is the weather like?

4.   What are the children doing?

5.   What do you usually do in spring?

Form 4 Term II Writing 1


1. Complete with on, in, by.


____ summer

____ train


____ May


2. Fill in the correct words.


____ car

____ foot

____ Wednesday

____ spring

        cold                       …

… more interesting good     better clean       ….

        beautiful               more beautiful

the coldest the most interesting

the cleanest


3. Complete the sentences.


am drinking, will clean, played, are singing, has

read, likes


1.   He _______ this book.

2.   They _______ the room tomorrow.

3.   I _______ my tea now.

4.   Look! The children ________.

5.   We _______ snowballs yesterday.

6.   She _______ sunny weather.

Form 4 Term II Writing 2


1.  Complete with on, in, by.


                ____ Tuesday                                    ____ autumn

                ____ foot                                           ____ bus

                ____ April                                          ____ Friday

                ____ plane                                         ____ winter


2.  Fill in the correct words.



clever difficult

more dangerous better ….

more difficult

the nicest the most dangerous the best the cleverest


3.  Complete the sentences.


is singing, shall travel, watch, went, have cleaned,

are cooking


1.   I always ______ TV in the evening.

2.   I ______ to London next summer.

3.   We ______ our breakfast now.

4.   Look! The girl _______.

5.   They ______ to the art gallery yesterday.

6.   They ______ the room.

26 серпня 2019
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