План коспект уроку на тему "Пори року і погода"

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План конспект уроку для 4 класу на тему "Пори року і погода" Мета: • навчальна: практикувати всі види мовленнєвої діяльності, ознайомити з новими лексичними одиницями, повторити раніше вивчені лексичні одиниці; закріпити вивчену лексику й активізувати її, навчити діяти в нестандартних ситуаціях.
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Тема: Seasons and Weather


• навчальна: практикувати всі види мовленнєвої діяльності, ознайомити з новими лексичними одиницями, повторити раніше вивчені лексичні одиниці; закріпити вивчену лексику й активізувати її, навчити діяти в нестандартних ситуаціях.

• розвиваюча: удосконалювати фонетику та артикуляцію звуків, розвивати усні комунікативні уміння з опорою на наочність, підвищувати рівень особистої мотивації у вивченні англійської мови; розвивати пам’ять учнів, уяву, слухову і зорову  пам’ять.

• виховна: зацікавити учнів темою уроку,  допомогти їм бути розкутими у спілкуванні; прищеплювати любов до природи,  виховувати в учнів мовну культуру, інтерес до іноземної мови, навички  роботи в парах.

Обладнання: роздатковий матеріал, малюнки, картки, пов'язані з порами року,презентація

 І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.


T: Good morning children. I am glad to see you. Let's start our lesson with the greeting song.

Good morning song

2.Warming up.

T: I hope that the next video will help you to guess the topic of our lesson.

The weather song


T: I am sure you have guessed the topic of our lesson. What is it? Yes, it is “Seasons and weather”. (Slide 1) Today we are going to speak about  weather, seasons, months, people’s activities and your favourite season. Let's see what you know about seasons and weather.

ІІ Основна частина уроку

1. Practising and revising active vocabulary.

T: Look at the slides and revise the weather words. Slides 2-28

T: Find the words which are connected with our topic.


 T: How many seasons are there in the year?

    What are they?

    What is your favourite season?

    Can you put one extra word away and guess the season.

 Rain, foggy, yellow leaves, snow, cloudy;               Slide  29 Autumn

 Warm, green leaves, May, New Year;                     Slide 30 Spring

 Snow, frosty, flowers, cold, hockey;                        Slide 31 Winter

 Sunny, July, snowman, hot, flowers                        Slide 32 Summer


T: Great job. You know the seasons well and what about the months.

Divide the months according to the season.  You have two minutes. (робота з картками в парах)

Slide 33

Новый рисунок (2)

T: Look at the slides and check. Slides 34-37

2. True / False Game

T: Now it”s time to play the game. You will hear 10 statements. Clap your hands if you agree.

-There are four seasons in a year. (T)

-There are 9 months in a year. (F)

-Winter comes after summer. (F)

 -It often snows in winter. (T)

-Autumn is the coldest season in a year. (F)

- Leaves are yellow in spring. (F)

- Summer is warmer than spring. (T)

- Autumn come after summer. (T)

-February has 30 days. (F)

-There are a lot of flowers in winter. (F)

3.Physical Activity

T: I can see that you are tired. Let’s have a rest.

Fun action “What can you do song?”


 4. Reading. 

T: Read the texts and guess what season is it. You will read the texts in groups. You have two minutes.

Прочитай і скажи яка це пора року.

(Клас ділиться на 4 групи ,кожна група читає свою частину тексту,по закінченні роботи визначають про яку пору йдеться)

  1. It’s hot. The trees and grass are green. The birds sing songs. Children swim in rivers, play volleyball and football on the green grass.
  2. It often rains. It’s cool. School begins in this season. Children begin to go to school. There are a lot of fruit and vegetables.
  3. It is warm but not hot. There is a lot of water in the streets but it doesn’t snow. The trees and flowers in blossom. Grass is fresh and green.
  4. It is cold. There is a lot of snow in the trees, on the house, in the streets. Some animals sleep. Children like skiing, skating and playing snowballs this season.


5 . Practising and revising active vocabulary.

T: The seasons are different and the weather is different of course. And we can do different activities in different  seasons.

 What is the weather like in summer/autumn/spring/winter?

 What can we do in summer/autumn/spring/winter?

 Slides 39-46

6. Writing

T: The next task for you is to remember everything you know and to complete the sentences. Write them down into your copybooks. Slide 47

Today the weather is ...

When it rains, you can ...

In winter, it is ...

In autumn, you eat...

When it is snowy, you can ...

In summer, you can ...


T: Let’s check. Slides 48-49

(Write the sentences on the board and finish them with the pictures. Pupils read the beginnings and name the pictures.)

7.Game “ Picasso dictation”


Т: I have many pencils.

Red and green and blue.

I shall draw a picture

And give it to you.

T: I know that you like Art lessons very much. Let’s draw.

Ви всі дуже любите малювати. Так ось. Ми художники. Зараз я вам роздам малюнки. Вони всі були різнокольорові. Але пройшов сильний дощ – і фарба зникла. Ваше завдання – намалювати малюнки, але згідно моїх інструкцій.


The clouds are blue.

It is sunny. The sun is yellow.

It is not rainy.

The bird is black.

The grass is green.

The flower is red.

The tree is green.

The butterfly is bright.


T: So, let’s check.

(Діти порівнюють свої малюнки і малюнок вчителя)


8.  Розгадування загадок

T: As your know, there are four seasons in a year. I will read the riddles and you have to guess what season is it.

  •     This is the season when the sun is bright,

           And we have holidays each day and night. (Summer)

  •     This is the season with snow so white.

We ski and skate with all our might. (Winter)

  •     This is the season when days are cool,

When we put on our raincoats and go to school. (Autumn)

  •     This is the season when snowdrops bloom,

When nobody likes to study in the room. (Spring)


9. Групова робота «Сонечко»

( Кожна група отримує сонечко, на промінчиках якого вона повинна написати слова, що асоціюються з погодою та порами року).








III.  Заключна частина уроку.


1. Homework


T: Children, take your daybooks and write down your hometask. Your hometask will be…..


2. Summarisig


T: Dear children! Our lesson is coming to an end. It’s time to say good-bye. We’ ve done much at the lesson. We read, listened to the texts, did exercises, painted, played, spoke. You were great! You all get good and excellent marks. So good-bye. Have a nice day. You may be free. Thank you for your work.

3. Good bye song.

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