Reading for beginners

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Тексти з доповненням, які допомагають розвивати навички читання та розуміння прочитаного.
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Фоны для презентаций powerpoint (81 фото)My Family


Choose the correct words.

My name is Liz. I (1)_________sixteen years old. I don’t (2)___________a large family. I live with my parents and (3)__________ brother. I also have a puppy dog. (4) _________name is Lion. My mom is a teacher. She (5)_____________ at a primary school. She teaches English. My dad is an engineer. He works for a big company. He can drive or (6)______________ his bike to work. I have a brother. (7) __________name is Ron. He is ten years old. He (8) __________to elementary school. He (9)______________basketball and tennis. (10)______love my family!


1.         is                  are                 am                     do

2.         have            work              has                    live 

3.         her               my                 I                        he

4.         It’s               It                    His                   He

5.         work           works              go                     is

6.         jump           read                 run                   ride

7.         her              they                 his                    he

8.        lives             speaks             buys                 goes

9.        works           drinks              eats                  play

10.       me                my                  I                       your



study – вчитись

puppy – цуценя

primary – початковий

company – компанія

elementary – елементарний, початковий






Фоны для презентаций powerpoint (81 фото)My School

Choose the correct words.

Hi! I’m Jack. I am 11 years old. I ___________at the Preparatory school. It is a very big school. I love my school and (2) _____________teachers. They are very nice. I (3)____________many good friends. I (4)____________ playing basketball with my classmates after school. I like all my lessons, but Math is my favourite (5)___________________________this year. I sit in the front row of class. I (6)______________________getting up early and I am sometimes late. I have a sister. (7)________________name is Linda. She (8)___________only nine. She (9)_______________ painting a lot. She (10)_______________ to be an art teacher.


1.         study            goes                 ride                     do

2.         my                 I                      you                      am 

3.         has                have                am                       is

4.         likes              live                 like                      go

5.         drink            work               colour                  subject 

6.         jump            play                 doesn’t like         don’t like

7.         Her              They                 His                     He

8.         is                 am                    are                       goes

9.        works           like                  eats                      likes

10.      wish             wants              want                    wishing



study – вчитись

classmate – однокласник

only – лише

subject – предмет

want – хотіти

paint – малювати, фарбувати






Фоны для презентаций powerpoint (81 фото) 



Фоны для презентаций powerpoint (81 фото) 


Choose the correct words

My name is Hans. I (1) _______ a mechanic. I (2)______________ in London, I (3)__________ a brother and a sister. My sister is a university student. She (4)________ medicine. She is going to be a doctor. My brother doesn't want (5)_____________to university. (6)_________________he wants to be a mechanic like me. He comes and (7)__________________ me in my shop on Sundays. He hasn't finished his education yet. (8)_______________ his education, he is thinking of (9)_________________with me. We will (10)________________ the business together.


1.         is                  are                 am                     do

2.         believe        think              arrive                 live 

3.         owns           learn              have                  study

4.         teach           learn             studies               uses

5.         go               goes              went                  to go

6.         Because     Although      Behind               During

7.        works          helps            is angry with      shouts at

8.        For             Because        After                  So

9.        works         worked         to work              working

10.       run            depart            put                     wear



study – вчитись

because –  тому що

although –  хоча

behind –  позаду

during –  протягом

depart – від’їзд

shouts at – кричати на

for – для

so - так




Фоны для презентаций powerpoint (81 фото) 



My family

  1. am, 2. have, 3. my, 4. His, 5. works, 6. ride, 7. his, 8. goes, 9. plays, 10. I


My school

  1. study, 2. my, 3. have, 4. like, 5. subject, 6. don’t like, 7. Her, 8. is, 9. likes, 10. wants.



1. am, 2. live, 3. have, 4. studies, 5. to go, 6. Because, 7. helps, 8. After, 9. working, 10. run























Середня оцінка розробки
Оригінальність викладу
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    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
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Англійська мова (підручник для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів) 4 клас (Павліченко О.М., Доценко І.В., Євчук О.В.)
27 листопада 2021
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5.0 (1 відгук)
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